Forum › Tropical Ririon discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm glad they didn't go for a The Village ending, at least.

joined Dec 14, 2014

I liked the unusual setting. Made for a nice change.

joined Oct 16, 2013

"Whatever we want." Yesss that was a great way to end.

joined Sep 4, 2014

Hate how their "journey" was to make babies like wtf

joined Oct 13, 2014

Sigh and yet another one shot I wish had a sequel. (Happy sequel of course)

joined Jan 30, 2013

Flee to civilisation, where we approve yuri!

Really depends on the civilisation.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Flee to civilisation, where we approve yuri!

Really depends on the civilisation.

If it doesn't approve of yuri, it's not really civilization.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Odd setting...
The elder looks like some kind of alien, lol.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Flee to civilisation, where we approve yuri!

Really depends on the civilisation.

If it doesn't approve of yuri, it's not really civilization.

Good point.

Odd setting...
The elder looks like some kind of alien, lol.

I like to think of aliens as friendly and hot.

Also, what's up with the recent Yuri Hime covers? Guns, guns, guns... I mean, the art is pretty but YH isn't really Shounen, is it?

last edited at Feb 2, 2015 1:46PM

joined Dec 16, 2013

this reminds me of one piece ....
is there a lesbian island somewhere...

joined Aug 24, 2014

is there a lesbian island somewhere...

Where ever it is, I call dibs on being the Prime Minister.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

is there a lesbian island somewhere...

Where ever it is, I call dibs on being the Prime Minister.

I'll be Minister Of the Interior!

And oh, the interiors I'll minister to...

joined Jul 8, 2013

Um....I think this was a happy ending...but I mean if you really think about it...the whole point of the trip was to go into the forest to get impregnated...which means theres random men wandering around just raping every female they encounter...and these two now have to live in the forest so....yeah, its really not all that happy when you think about it....

joined Jul 8, 2013

is there a lesbian island somewhere...

Where ever it is, I call dibs on being the Prime Minister.

I'll be Minister Of the Interior!

And oh, the interiors I'll minister to...

There's a place called Lesbos, which is where the word lesbian originated from and is home to one of history's most famous lesbian erotica writer. CLOSE ENOUGH. LET'S ALL GO NOW.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Well, that was something different. Kinda saw where it was going early on, though

joined Sep 24, 2013

Though predictable, I thought the possible back-story was pretty interesting - I take it that this society is supposed to make you think of Amazons? There have been people who think the Amazons might have been lesbians, but since they didn't die out all that quickly men must have been involved somehow, so this story makes a pretty good point that they probably wouldn't have wanted their members to be lesbians so as to avoid later problems with procreative activities. That's kind of depressing though...

Also, what's up with the recent Yuri Hime covers? Guns, guns, guns... I mean, the art is pretty but YH isn't really Shounen, is it?

It's because during 2011 or so, Yuri Hime was doing a short story? series called "Justice for Girls" - basically girl-with-gun yuri - with each entry accompanied by an illustration which would become the cover of that volume. I believe it's been collected into a book recently.
I personally think the illustrations are really pretty...

joined Jul 20, 2011

...which means there are random men wandering around just raping every female they encounter...

Perhaps they were meant to go looking for another tribe (maybe even outside the forest) and borrow some of their men for a few hours.

joined Feb 5, 2013

Phew* I got scared since there was the "aaaangst" tag there but glad it's a happy ending at least. Man, what a society, sucks to live in that kind of world ;p lol

joined Oct 21, 2013

Perhaps they were meant to go looking for another tribe (maybe even outside the forest) and borrow some of their men for a few hours.

Probably visit a men-only tribe somewhere out there and make a baby.
One thing I keep wondering about:

They'd also get male babies, so what happens to them?
Maybe they pass them to the presumably existing men-only tribe.
But if that kind of tribe doesn't exist, maybe...

They sell them....

Or put them on a spit...

Since they have pretty crazy rules, my money is on 'Roasted Suckling Boy' as a delicacy.

And... the 'sex manual' depicts a human skeleton. Do you even need to know about bones to actually have sexual intercourse?

Does this imply that their rite of passage involves a ritual of removing most of the flesh and organs from a prospective male, leaving the naughty bits, and then only getting it on?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

...which means there are random men wandering around just raping every female they encounter...

Perhaps they were meant to go looking for another tribe (maybe even outside the forest) and borrow some of their men for a few hours.

That was actually one of the ancient legends (almost certainly untrue) about the original Amazons in Greece, that they'd kidnap boys from ordinary villages in order to breed and as slave labour. Same applied to male prisoners of war.

The weirder bit is how Amazons (the Greek legend) got transplanted to the jungle, presumably because the Amazon River in South America having the same name as the Greek river the warrior women were named after.

joined Oct 21, 2013

There have been people who think the Amazons might have been lesbians, but since they didn't die out all that quickly men must have been involved somehow,

If you're referring to those folks in the Amazon rainforest still maintaining their way of life, their society is actually just matriarchal - the men actually live amongst them in the same village.

random men wandering around just raping every female they encounter...and these two now have to live in the forest so....yeah, its really not all that happy when you think about it....

More like random men wandering around who get raped by a horde of armed and dangerous young women.

Men should be very afraid and avoid the forest like the plague. The wildlife is probably far more dangerous.

Doesn't matter anyway, since Zoe seems to be a rather dangerous warrior girl.

presumably because the Amazon River in South America having the same name as the Greek river the warrior women were named after.

It's the other way around I think. The Amazon rainforest/basin/river/people etc got their name because the Spaniards had a confrontation with warrior women who fought together with the men there and named them after the Greek legend presumably.

Reading this oneshot made me think of

...I so want to see a crossover where they both end up in Smoke Mountain Village now...
Maybe they'd send a raiding party to kill that nasty old crone and liberate all the poor yuri girls trapped there (if any)...

joined Jun 6, 2014

Reminds me of that one lifeline in Spirit Circle. Those of you who know what I'm talking about will know what I'm taking about.

And for those of you who haven't read it, go read it.

is there a lesbian island somewhere...

Where ever it is, I call dibs on being the Prime Minister.

I'll be Minister Of the Interior!

And oh, the interiors I'll minister to...

I'll take care of the Secretary of Defense's duties.

joined Dec 24, 2014

Wow, powerful. Lililicious never disappoints in their taste. Though, shouldn't this have a fake history or something? Even despite the setting is more pre-historical...anyways, I could disscus the ideas presented here in hours, and mc's give a strong Antigone vibe, glad it didn't end in a tragedy turn but, um...I believe, in primal times to be out of the community habitat kinda equaled inevitable death, so who knows how the two are going to survive now.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Wow, powerful. Lililicious never disappoints in their taste. Though, shouldn't this have a fake history or something? Even despite the setting is more pre-historical...anyways, I could disscus the ideas presented here in hours, and mc's give a strong Antigone vibe, glad it didn't end in a tragedy turn but, um...I believe, in primal times to be out of the community habitat kinda equaled inevitable death, so who knows how the two are going to survive now.

Yeah, Lililicious is pretty great.
I think Fake history refers to stuff that is based on something more specific, i.e. WW2.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Sooooo, not going further or anything?
Couldn't really follow it...

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