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joined Jul 31, 2013

Whoaoa! Genuinely surprised. That was great.

joined Jun 12, 2017

oh my god

joined Jul 19, 2018

This chapter made me smile despite a migraine. I've been waiting since the beginning of the series for a moment like this. Kasume kissed her! Kasume, who never shows interest in any sort of physical romantic intimacy, kissed Sakurako of her own volition! We've never seen anything even close to that before. That was awesome and adorable.


Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

You all know there are going to be people who come in here yelling that the first part of chapter 53 "PROVES THAT THEY"RE JUST FRIENDS TEHY"VE NEVER THOUGHT OF BEING ANYTHING ELSE GET RID OF THE YURI TAG IT"S ALL FRIENDSHIP !!!!!11!1!11!!1ONE"

joined Apr 15, 2013

You all know there are going to be people who come in here yelling that the first part of chapter 53 "PROVES THAT THEY"RE JUST FRIENDS TEHY"VE NEVER THOUGHT OF BEING ANYTHING ELSE GET RID OF THE YURI TAG IT"S ALL FRIENDSHIP !!!!!11!1!11!!1ONE"

Super friends, perhaps? Is that meme still fresh? Eh, who cares. I love this manga.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Great chapter :)

And while it would be nice for them to realise they are a couple and confirm it- or at least confirm they always want to stay together - at this point I kinda agree its not needed. Their comfortable semi romantic / already married couple / best friend thing works for them both even IF they dont name it.

But I was still very happy to see Kasumi kiss her :) I said before she needed to be a little less laid back in the manga for us to see any development from her.

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 10:24PM

joined Feb 3, 2013

Chapter 53 was glorious.

Also, R.I.P. Sakurako's recordings.

Just a goddess with her guardian
joined May 9, 2017

The gaynesd is killing me. AHHHHHHHHHGGGG

joined Feb 3, 2013

When you're eating ice cream with your "best friend"

And then she starts talking to an old acquaintance you never head about before.

joined Oct 3, 2016

What are Y'all talking about? They just explained their relationship and in 53. Like seriously Sakurako spelled out the exact nature of their relationship and the reason the don't label it before having a lie-down on Kasumi. And already resolved to be together forever. It's a frequent event, actually. All bases are covered at this point. All of them. They're in love, They're going to be together forever, they're accepted by each other's family as in-laws, they cuddle often, they kiss often enough tfor it to be casual.They flirt all the time,hold hands, sleep
in the same bed in lingerie. What more do you need?

last edited at Apr 4, 2019 11:08PM

joined Mar 18, 2018

What's this? A somewhat serious chapter!?
Can't say i saw that coming

joined May 1, 2015

It sure is Zarbon in here, and I love it.

joined Dec 25, 2018

You all know there are going to be people who come in here yelling that the first part of chapter 53 "PROVES THAT THEY"RE JUST FRIENDS TEHY"VE NEVER THOUGHT OF BEING ANYTHING ELSE GET RID OF THE YURI TAG IT"S ALL FRIENDSHIP !!!!!11!1!11!!1One

The only people reading this manga, especially on this particular website are only here for the gay fluff, nobody is going to be denying their relationship

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

When you're eating ice cream with your "best friend"

And then she starts talking to an old acquaintance you never head about before.

I completely missed this, thanks for pointing it out.

joined Nov 14, 2016

My heart wasn't ready for that "I'm home" kiss. Kasumi can be so sweet when she wants.

joined Jan 18, 2016

What are Y'all talking about? They just explained their relationship and in 53. Like seriously Sakurako spelled out the exact nature of their relationship and the reason the don't label it before having a lie-down on Kasumi. And already resolved to be together forever. It's a frequent event, actually. All bases are covered at this point. All of them. They're in love, They're going to be together forever, they're accepted by each other's family as in-laws, they cuddle often, they kiss often enough tfor it to be casual.They flirt all the time,hold hands, sleep
in the same bed in lingerie. What more do you need?

^I absolutely agree with everything you said here, but to answer that last question:

I do think the label holds some significance. It'd make me happy to see "partner who's something like my girlfriend" becomes just plain "girlfriend" (along with the other stuff still intact) before the manga's end. This is not to downplay the love for each other they've demonstrated all throughout the series, but just as kissing is a symbol of romance, so is stating or at least thinking concretely that the person you love is your girlfriend, at least to me.

joined Nov 14, 2013

Chapter 53 pretty much explicitly stated that they're more of a married couple than a literal old married couple.

joined Oct 10, 2014

That moment when Kasumi is looking at Sakurako after greeting her with a kiss. You can just see the love and adoration in her eyes looking at her and it's just nnngh <3

joined Aug 16, 2018

This manga is a masterpiece. There isn't any other way of putting it.

I remember, when I read volume 1, a long time ago, I thought "tee hee, this is some cute fluff" and then pretty much forgot all about it. Because, you see, there were SO MANY other series cut on the same pattern (cute girls doing cute things, with vaguely romantic moments, in a 4koma format) and this one didn't feel strikingly outstanding next to the rest. So I forgot everything about it, even the name. Then, half a year ago, I was browsing through the Dynasty archive and found that there were four volumes out of something called 'A Room For Two' - and started reading.

Then I was like "Oh, I know this! I recall now! I read the first volume a while ago!"

Then I was like "Wow, time goes by in a realistic way, they are in their third year and graduating soon! Does this mean the end of the series? Oh, look, it's not ending, it's going on!"

Then I was like "Hey, what's with these girls? Are they really planning to live together and sleep together for the rest of their lives? Isn't that, like, a lesbian marriage or something?"

Then I was like "OMG they are doing it!! They are really doing it!!!"

Then I was like "Their families approve of their marriage! They talked about having children using IPS cells! They have been a couple for four-five years already, and they love each other more with every passing day! Their every interaction fills me with joy and elation, and it's too much, and I can't even, and asflgbsmflghbflasglb"

Seriously, I don't think any other manga has ever managed the tour de force 'A Room For Two' has successfully executed. We are at 6 volumes and about 5 years into the life of two girls intensely in love, and every development is a positive and uplifting one. No contrived conflicts here: no angst, no spats, no love triangles, no haters, no worries about gayness being wrong or unnatural or whatever, nothing but the simple happiness of loving each other and caring about each other with all their hearts. And it's one of the most exciting reads I've ever had the pleasure to enjoy, with nary a moment that feels tedious or repetitive or lacking in authenticity. Yukiko-sensei must have been blessed at birth by the yuri fairies with the gifts of brilliant storytelling and mastery of narrative pace and virtuosity at character development; there isn't any other explanation for this level of accomplishment. That's what I honestly believe.

I love this manga so much. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)⌒♡*:・。.

joined Nov 7, 2017

What are Y'all talking about? They just explained their relationship and in 53. Like seriously Sakurako spelled out the exact nature of their relationship and the reason the don't label it before having a lie-down on Kasumi. And already resolved to be together forever. It's a frequent event, actually. All bases are covered at this point. All of them. They're in love, They're going to be together forever, they're accepted by each other's family as in-laws, they cuddle often, they kiss often enough tfor it to be casual.They flirt all the time,hold hands, sleep
in the same bed in lingerie. What more do you need?

^I absolutely agree with everything you said here, but to answer that last question:

I do think the label holds some significance. It'd make me happy to see "partner who's something like my girlfriend" becomes just plain "girlfriend" (along with the other stuff still intact) before the manga's end. This is not to downplay the love for each other they've demonstrated all throughout the series, but just as kissing is a symbol of romance, so is stating or at least thinking concretely that the person you love is your girlfriend, at least to me.

I think the perfect label for them might just be "Significant Other". I'm not sure if there's a direct Japanese term for that though, which may have been why Sakurako was a bit muddled about it all when she was nailing it down to Kasumi. But they are, to one another, the most significant people in their lives.

But for the memey glory of it all.

last edited at Apr 5, 2019 2:21AM

joined Sep 14, 2016

Am I the only one who thinks what Sakurako described with her labels is "wife"?

joined Jun 12, 2015

What more do you need?

10 whole chapters of scissoring action I guess. For me, I don't they can go higher unless we get like a marriage and honeymoon to Hawaii chapter

joined May 20, 2013

Chapter 53.5, page 7: "Didn't you get get a C on that mock exam the other day?"

joined Dec 11, 2017

Am I the only one who thinks what Sakurako described with her labels is "wife"?

No, you are not.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Me: sees a large load of new comments have appeared in the thread
Me: Oh, boy, this can only mean one thing.
10 to 15 seconds of complete silence ensues
Me: A new chapter is out!!!!!!!!!

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