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joined Apr 1, 2013

In the end Ponytail was smiling....xD
I really don't like this story at all but it indeed make me laugh a lot x)
Especially when i read "happy end"....
joined Apr 19, 2012

Holy shiznits. That was rather chilling. I really feel bad for Secret Girl and a bit for Long Hair though. I mean, sure, Long Hair messed up a lot, but heck, wish I could have given her like a +1 up or potion (ahem pep talk) to imbue some courage in her. This whole mess wouldn't have happened. Maybe it could have unlocked the best ending and gotten everyone happy?

But seriously, poor Secret Girl. She was so brave at the end just revealin' all the secrets haha. But she didn't even ask for any of this ): *pat pat

And gawd. Ponytail was just like holy hell sinister at the end. That was the moment when I understood my kind women are scary.

This was genius of Namori though. I didn't even realize that all these covers had a background story!! <3

joined Feb 1, 2013

That Happy End was really hilarious for me XD

joined Aug 22, 2013

This should have a complete one-shot -- would be awesome!

joined Apr 13, 2012

God, this was awesum, didn't know Namori had this kind of interests... i mean, that ponytail girl, and the story, so NTR... i'm speechless. I surely would never could come up with a story like this one from the covers of the magazine. Great, really!

joined Sep 5, 2012

I knew those covers have stories..but I didn't think it was one shot.. seriously no novels at least?
Just covers and this one shot?? This thing is rare in yuri so gimme more! This is too good to just end like that without the whole story bringing into life... oAo

joined Dec 11, 2013

Scary Ò[]Ó .. That creepy smile in the last page and "Happy End" is somehow &@#^&(@^#asjd... and yeh, women are scary when they're in love.....

joined Sep 8, 2013

God damn. This is amazing.

joined Sep 8, 2013

It's funny how she put "Happy End" but the only one who was happy was the ponytailed girl. What if the ponytailed girl planned all of this just so she could be with the girl she likes? The smile at the end would totally make sense.

joined May 28, 2011

Namori Yurihime Cover Art Book truth

joined Mar 12, 2014

That Happy End was really hilarious for me XD

lol as always Namori sensei knows her way how to make things funny

joined May 1, 2014

That Happy End was really hilarious for me XD

+1 to this :3

joined Feb 9, 2014

This story was kind of dark. I never thought that namori can do this kind of plot.

joined Mar 13, 2014

That sinister smile at the end gave me shivers...

last edited at May 22, 2014 12:47AM

joined Mar 23, 2014

I went to a anime convention and found a copy of this manga XD My very first bought Yuri. I feel accomplished.

joined May 2, 2014

that was interesting, took me a reread in order for me to figure it out.
I had never seen the covers before so this was all new to me. still I like this story. will read more from this author

and I don't really get the way others here refer to the girls, but I will say that I was most attached to the long dark haired girl first. she was hurting because her best friend liked someone else, so even though she did something wrong and broke the short light straight haired girls heart, as well as her ponytail best friend's heart, she was just desperate and in love (with ponytail)
next I feel empathetic to the short light straight haired girl. she was just being manipulated and only wanted to be with the one she loved (the short curly haired girl) and she even confessed her love trying to maintain her relationship.
thirdly, the ponytail girl. she was heartbroken because of her best friend (long dark hair) but she stayed with her. once she found out that her best friend had betrayed her by going after her love interest (short straight light hair) as a way to be with her she threw away their friendship.... and she was the only one that was happy in the end
short curly hair... can't really relate, she wasn't really developed enough and I feel like she discarded her girlfriend way too easily (short light straight hair). I mean if someone would have made a mistake, slept with someone else, but said that they realized that they were wrong and that they wanted to stay with me, I would at least give them a second chance. I mean look at the short straight light haired girl, she was in tears trying to salvage their relationship!!

sorry if I am ranting (and I may even be getting the story wrong XD) but since what ever else is posted here is pretty much one sentence long I felt I had to make mine a little bit longer :P

last edited at Jun 3, 2014 9:58PM

joined Jun 5, 2014

Namori drawings are such GODLIKE .. goddess of yuri

joined Jan 4, 2014

That ending isnt happy at all, Namori sensei LIED!!!!
Oh god, i'm fucked up now....

joined Jun 6, 2014

I kinda pieced things together...though it took a while...

And quite frankly the story wasn't amazing in that it was a good ending. It was a terrible ending, and that was done on purpose. Namori purposely gave us the worst possible outcome and that was what made it decent.

Ponytail Girl did some terrible things for her own benefit knowing that it would separate her from her 'best friend' (I'd argue that friendship was shallow if she was able to throw it away so conveniently). It was the messed up, bad type of Yandere.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Read the interpretation,it's good to know the whole story.soooo Ponytal is a true master of evil I see... It's kinda creepy but she got what she wanted... scary !!! Nice, I looove Namori, this side is super interesting.

joined Dec 16, 2013

should become a series.

joined Nov 18, 2014

Am I the only one wondering why short hair and long hair girl had sex? I mean short hair girl did have a girlfriend in secret girl and long hair girl loves (maybe) ponytail girl. So why?

joined Feb 4, 2015

Uhh... Fun? I think it was meaningless on both sides, done only on long haired girls part to reinforce the charade. Short hair went along for similar reasons. I just assume neither really thought of sex as meaningful, and did it because they were 'supposed' to, for the sham.

And God damn it I must be a masochist. I saw this in the forums, and I was 80% sure I knew this manga, and as before, it's going to have me up all night crying! Yeah, I'm weak. I didn't sleep last night either, and with a full day at school tomorrow (seriously, two in two weeks, how are they everywhere?) my day is going to end up 50 hours plus...

last edited at Apr 20, 2015 1:45PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

I kinda get the relationships from the covers, but after that I was just confused, I didn't really get the dialogues. Can someone summarize it?

joined Jun 21, 2015

When I think the yuru yuri artist has a dark side like this I kind of feel like she has an inner sith lord to her outter jedi.

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