Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Jun 11, 2016

here's song contribution(=゜ω゜)

That was so groovy ❤️

joined Jun 17, 2014

so i hear the new dangan ronpa is trash ive spoiled myself and it is a mess i feel so bitter about it. yuri is dead and so is the franchise

last edited at Jan 21, 2017 11:14PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

Hmm, really though.

Lungs, heart and various other organs aside, anyone want to be friends? :')

joined Jan 19, 2014

Urashi C. Pin

so i hear the new dangan ronpa is trash ive spoiled myself and it is a mess i feel so bitter about it. yuri is dead and so is the franchise

nooooooooo! ;O; well well Q/_/Q uh, I've watched both the despair arch and was onto the future arch but the order got me confused as hell, so when I watched the last episode of the the despair arch it felt like it basically just spoiled the whole ending of the future arch ;_; ! I really liked the opening of the despair arch! also I won't spiol anything if you haven't still watched it but like I was crying like shit when a certain someone was killed off at the end ..ಥ_ಥ


Lungs, heart and various other organs aside, anyone want to be friends? :')

sure you little lung stealer-nyan >wO pm me on snapchat anyone XD names angelanyan ★~(◡△◕✿)

That aside, here's a dope morning song I'm listening too, hope you all have a good day, b...bakas u//w//u

goes back to delete post because she missed her special 500th post

last edited at Jan 22, 2017 9:08AM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Anon99 posted:

I actually expected much worse than just a slightly claustrophobic feeling ^^ I wouldn't have minded some Silent Hill-esque nightmares... But never had any (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) So lame...

You are a horror fan aren't you ;P?

I also have only two of those. Metal Gear Solid, the first game on PSOne, and Silent Hill 2.
I was obsessed with those two games back in the day (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥
A couple of other games I played like 4 – 6 times but those are the only two that got close to 20 times.

I never played any MGS games as well ^ ^" I don't remember but I don't think I ever finished any game more than 1-2 times. I guess once I beat game one time I don't really feel need to play it again, cos I have sense of acomplish already.

Another fun fact: Silent Hill 2 was my English teacher. ;)
That and Final Fantasy X + GTA: Vice City ^^

I see ;3 I guess I mostly polished my english on forums and watching videos online. I barely understood anything in games when I was younger, but I guess I learned english from school rather than games and they didn't really improve it for me.

Too late! It's already a part of us! (´⊙ω⊙`)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ

Damn. We are doomed!

That pictures alone gives you a depression! O_O

I know x3" I guess they picked it because of lyrics.

Remembering that scene... T_T So fucking gruesome...

Yup. And sad. I felt really bad for Levi when it happened ;/

But “ it starts low, at your level” that sounds so...
Have I ever asked you how you are before...?
I feel like I really should (ó.ò)

Nah. Well my life isn't really a bed of roses and I had worse periods, especially recently, but right now it finally seems to be getting better, so you don't have anything to worry ;P But yes, in general I felt like this was a good anti-depression songs and there were moments when I listen to it when I happened to be lower on spirit, but not right now ;3

Neko chan posted:

I still have to watch it because gayness and also since you liked it overall it should be good ;3

Well, it was well done series, if a bit cliche in places. Once you finish it, we can talk about it ;3

ohh well that sounds fine OwO ! I also remember something simular in that girls school I went to. There was like a nun there for morning choir and stuff but everything else was just normal teachers. Funny thing, we had one class in which we would legit JUST saw! I don't remember what that kind of class was called though O-o

Oh yea. For catholic school I meant it is usually normal teachers for rest of subjects and nuns/priests teaching religion lessons, but I can't say for sure. If any priest would teach something, I guess they would be properly prepared. Wow, sawing ;O? That is kinda old fashioned but cool at the same time xD Maybe I'd learn how to saw x3

I guess that's how it goes in most European countries ;0 Though all I remember in the religiose aspect of school was RE lessons. That was short for like Religious education or something. They kept trying to teach it to us but when I moved to the drama and dance school its a pretty modern place so they kinda just abandoned the idea of learning religion pretty fast.

Well I'm not sure how currently it looks but at least it wasn't a mandatory. People could skip it and it was mostly doing nothing lessons anyway so people were doing homework and such on it.

We still had some like ''current affairs'' class where we discussed what's going on the world and stuff But that was more to do with politics and wars and what not. o3o

We had something similar I guess. We were supposed to always have prepared like 1-2 news about recent events and we were talking about it. I don't really remember details about it though.

But well, I don;t know if I could count myself as Russian Christian, because like I never officially went atheist, plus i was also baptized and wore a cross pretty much my whole life. But I don't go to church O-O

Nah, it is fine ;3 I'm ok with religion as long as no one is pushing it down my throat, force rules around it or harm others because of it.

I remember also loving the fact there was only 7 students per class unlike state schools with a huge noisy miss-behaving class. =u=

Wow that is so little! I'm used to classes having at least 20 people in it x3. And yes I can understand you with the noisy part. I think catholic school here had the normal amount of students.

damn it, now I want to know how old you are giiiirrrrlll.>A< I bet you ur not that old lmaooo XD I'm 17 at the moment~ =w+

17 T__T I want that Q__Q 26 in less than 4 months

The only uh thing that corrupted me early though was the fact that I accidentally stumbled upon seikon no qwaser When I was about 8 or 9 (⊙△⊙✿)...

I'd say that is the good kind of corruption ;P

ahahha well Naruto was good when I was a kid, but like you said, we all find other shows to watch after that phase is gone XD.

Well Naruto was legit good until some point and people give it too much shit, when it doesn't deserve it. But later parts really become a mess and at some point I was just reading it out of obligatory, so I dropped it.

Also yeeeeeyyyy you were a fello Bleach fan! (*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/ I absolutely loved it when i was little, from the plot to the epic battles to how cute it was when Ichigo was saving Rukiya! Q//w//Q

Yes it was awesome! And I was kinda into swords at the time xD" It really sucks that the quality dropped over time and in the end I never followed it till the end because I was getting mad how stupid and contrived plot and everything else got ;/ If you want we can talk about it as well!

of course I had the best collection! UAU ~ I was a booowwwwssss at finding the rarest cards son! +w+

Like a boss 8D

And yes, I do take Piano very seriously, but I mean I've been going at it since I was like 9 soooo I guess it's just in my blood to play piano XD honestly I contemplate between what I want to do, drama or music, because I have all most completed my diploma in piano after which i could pretty much teach at 17 XD But i love drama a lot too! And there are casting agents at my school which opens up so many opportunities for TV or theatre for you to be recognized.

Wow! I thought you are at university but you are still in high school (I think I got it right?) ! Awww you are so young and you already accomplished so much and you have so many options for the future ;3 Damn, I'm getting jealous cos I'm yet to do anything meaningful in my life...

Or it could be the other way round? >w0 I mean girls can be better then guys at guitar hehe~

I never wanted to imply it ^ ^" I was just talking stereotypes. Stupid stereotypes x_x

It's just a slang word which basically mean "I realized" or "i noticed". ahah I just use it a lot irl XD

I felt like it was some slang meaning but couldn't find definition that fit ^ ^" I'll remember now ;3

Cute ♥

Strange things i've done with Anon huh? ...ah O//A//O blushes

Oh, I wonder what did you thought about, you perv xP

ohhhh I see, more into the animes >wO well I would honestly want to be on your spot right now because lately i'm torn between TV series and trying to complete watching my anime Lists QwQ..

Actually it was more that nothing that we got in our TV is interesting, they mostly air the same movies over and over, but I guess I also mostly switched to watching yt and anime, cos I never got into our serials and stuff I usually watched in TV were americans cartoons etc. I can feel you on trying to complete my anime/manga list though x3 At one point I had 4k entries in total o.o but I manged to lower it to... reasonable amount x3"

but if you ever feel like picking up TV call meh, I give pretty good suggestions ;3 ! (I...i think O-o)

Sure, I will ;3

oohhh I see! I really hope people join D; well at least I know I defiantly want to! >w<

Well in the worse case me or my other friend will become GM, but I'd want to avoid that if possible.

≧◡≦ ~♥

So how your gig went ;3?

EDIT/ And I forgot again >.< I really like your avatar ;3 Where is it from or did you/someone draw it cos there is neko-chan on it ;O?

last edited at Jan 22, 2017 10:55AM

joined Jun 11, 2016

here's a dope morning song I'm listening too, hope you all have a good day, b...bakas u//w//u

That was really pleasant to listen to! Thank's for sharing. I said this before but I'll say it again. You guys have awesome music taste's.

joined Jun 11, 2016

EDIT/ And I forgot again >.< I really like your avatar ;3 Where is it from or did you/someone draw it cos there is neko-chan on it ;O?

I believe that Neko drew it herself. She's quite the talented artist.

last edited at Jan 22, 2017 2:52PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Faust

It's okay, she has my lungs, she's breathing just fine

Were you a smoker? ^^ Maybe you gave her your smoker's lung. That would explain the heavy breathing... ;)

@ Seira

Hmm, really though.
Lungs, heart and various other organs aside, anyone want to be friends? :')

Awww... I'm inclined to say yes, but I'm a really shitty friend... Not sure if you wanna have me ;)

Yessss, me too. I'm a big fan of the SH2 and FFX/X-2 soundtracks as well.

d (^‿^✿)

And agreed, I did enjoy FFX more than X-2 (although for other reasons, X-2 has more sentimental value than the other for me).

Final Fantasy X... that game almost killed me and my innocent little heart... T_T Of course, as a gamer, you wanted to complete the game... but as a human being... you wanted to abort the mission and take Yuna back home... I felt with Tidus when he heard that Yuna would die at the end of her journey... It was like a death march... I'll never forget that feeling.
Only ever felt that depressed during a video game when Sniper Wolf died in MGS, or back when Sephiroth killed Aerith in FFVII...

What makes FFX-2 so sentimental for you...? Is it the corny pop songs... ;)

Ugh, speaking of which, I now feel tempted to purchase the remastered HD version on Steam for PC.

Do it! Do it! Do it! ٩(。•ω•。)و

@ Katze

That would qualify as an oxymoron methinks..oh ok I see , I shall not then invest much on that.

Yes! That's me! A walking oxymoron. Mostly moron but oxy too, pretty often ;)

"Not my style" it's not a style.. gives up

It's a way of living, I know. But you have to believe it, for you to actually work and make a difference...

That's true till you get serious one day cos you don't like that silly mirror too much.

I'd like to reach the point mentioned in the first half of your sentence! Not so much the one in the second half...

I'm not too good with small talk, kinda hate it so, I'm gonna be around less, this thread is nice so is the website, so much manga to read <3
PS It's funny when you "run" into ur ex on the comments sections , I kinda forgot she was here..well not forgot more like..didn't keep in mind. Damn, I thought online dating would prevent random encounters.

The world is a small place... Didn't you break up on good terms...?

joined Sep 21, 2014

Were you a smoker? ^^ Maybe you gave her your smoker's lung. That would explain the heavy breathing... ;)

Lmfao, true, that's something to consider
Fortunately I'm not, which is good for my health and wallet...?

joined Jan 19, 2014

Oh yea. For catholic school I meant it is usually normal teachers for rest of subjects and nuns/priests teaching religion lessons, but I can't say for sure. If any priest would teach something, I guess they would be properly prepared. Wow, sawing ;O? That is kinda old fashioned but cool at the same time xD Maybe I'd learn how to saw x3

Yeah it was pretty neat XD I felt like I was in flip flapper! 0A0 (that one episode where they were in a horror setting and the creepy girls had sawing class XD) but yeah, we did have a nun teacher religion at the girls school however, when I changed schools it was just an old lady ;3

Well I'm not sure how currently it looks but at least it wasn't a mandatory. People could skip it and it was mostly doing nothing lessons anyway so people were doing homework and such on it.

yeaaah same! It soon just became a free school study period pretty much "-"

We had something similar I guess. We were supposed to always have prepared like 1-2 news about recent events and we were talking about it. I don't really remember details about it though.

Omfg sammmmee again! We also had to like bring in a fact or something going on in the world but again, since we didn't have exams for this class, as soons as it was close to finals this class just became a study period for the final entrance exams.

Nah, it is fine ;3 I'm ok with religion as long as no one is pushing it down my throat, force rules around it or harm others because of it.

True true uAu it's never good to force things on other =_= especially not religion

Wow that is so little! I'm used to classes having at least 20 people in it x3. And yes I can understand you with the noisy part. I think catholic school here had the normal amount of students.

Yeah I found it pretty werid at first but then I really liked it because our whole class was pretty much friends! 0w0 so nobody felt left out and stuff! After that it was pretty hard when I moved, getting used to huge classes and stuff ahaha, you had to find a friend group too XD ya know the whole "cool girls", "geeks" stuff ahaha! But I was also happy that I left the girls school because at the end a mean girl showed up in our class ;( she would like bully me and my friends. ...but then again it's me we are talking about, so at one point or another I snapped and pushed her in the playground XD.

17 T__T I want that Q__Q 26 in less than 4 months

...meh, your not that old XP compared to grandma Katze pls don't kill me Katze I'm joking QwQ

I'd say that is the good kind of corruption ;P

I suppose so, there was a pretty hot tutu scene there @//w//@ but the concept of the show was so funny xDDD getting powers from titty milk

Well Naruto was legit good until some point and people give it too much shit, when it doesn't deserve it. But later parts really become a mess and at some point I was just reading it out of obligatory, so I dropped it.

Tbh I never really got far in Naruto, I only went up to the part where sasuke and naruto were fighting for the first time so yeh, and I dropped it because I couldn't keep up I guess ;/

Yes it was awesome! And I was kinda into swords at the time xD" It really sucks that the quality dropped over time and in the end I never followed it till the end because I was getting mad how stupid and contrived plot and everything else got ;/ If you want we can talk about it as well!

Ahaha I know! I wanted all the sword! And I would fan girl each time they would say "bankay" like aaaaaaw XD but I actually finished bleach! to the point where Ichigo was fighting captain Izen And I'm still honestly in love with the show. Miss those days were I would be like 10 sitting in front of my laptop waiting for new episode to come out XD

Like a boss 8D

Just like that! ;D

Wow! I thought you are at university but you are still in high school (I think I got it right?) ! Awww you are so young and you already accomplished so much and you have so many options for the future ;3 Damn, I'm getting jealous cos I'm yet to do anything meaningful in my life...

Well I do try, but I gotta try harder for the stage where I put it into action! Q_Q I mean I gotta work 10 times harder! hbnnnnnn >_<

I never wanted to imply it ^ ^" I was just talking stereotypes. Stupid stereotypes x_x

No don't worry =w= but I get what you mean, it is a pretty common stereotype XD though my ototo is not following it >:3 his been playing piano for a while now tooo ahah, it goes down in generations I guess . I mean my mum was a TV singer in Russia after all aha~ :3 so we can't disappoint XD

Cute ♥

Isn't she just =//w//=

Oh, I wonder what did you thought about, you perv xP

Eehhhh! I...I'm not a pervert Q//w//Q the wording of it all was just...nyah TT/w/TT

Actually it was more that nothing that we got in our TV is interesting, they mostly air the same movies over and over, but I guess I also mostly switched to watching yt and anime, cos I never got into our serials and stuff I usually watched in TV were americans cartoons etc. I can feel you on trying to complete my anime/manga list though x3 At one point I had 4k entries in total o.o but I manged to lower it to... reasonable amount x3"

Oohhh that's kinda sad QAQ well I guess since I maninly grew up in London Uk (since I moved here from Russia when I was 6) there were always a lot of good shows to watch on TV, so I got pretty into some stuff. Which led me to discover the beauty of Netflix too which is pretty neat!
But yeah catching up with anime is so hard Q-Q though I'm attempting at it too XD and OMG so many anime on your list!

Well in the worse case me or my other friend will become GM, but I'd want to avoid that if possible.

I'm not to smart, what does GM mean? ;w; and also yeah! I do hope we get people who want to play with us...and some to teach me on wtf is going on too QwQ

So how your gig went ;3?

It went ok, I told Anon about it before but anyways well. I felt we didn't do as good as we did in the main show but apparently people really liked us! I even got a facebook message from my teacher at cym saying how amazing I was, which is like WAT O-O

EDIT/ And I forgot again >.< I really like your avatar ;3 Where is it from or did you/someone draw it cos there is neko-chan on it ;O?

I drew a sketch of myself OwO which reminds me, I gotta delet some more posts and so that I can upload a new drawing of me for my 500th special! ;w;

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Neko chan

The mention of Anon throw me a bit, so I thought you meant something you were doing with her. Like strange things I done with Anon or something, lol xD So it was just a TV serial x3

Strange things i've done with Anon huh? ...ah O//A//O blushes

Oh my! ^^ How did that happen...? (ఠ్ఠ ˓̭ ఠ్ఠ) Now I've done stranger things to Neko chan... (^∇^)

em well. Today went kind of ok ;/ T...the thing is! I usually don't get this nerves when performing in front on an audience but I didn't realise this concert was actually for an open day! QwQ Today was like the day where visitors come to see how good our music centre is and stuff so people who were chosen to perform in the concert basically represent the centre itself. So I felt a lot of pressure to do well I guess. I didn't think it went as well as we did it before but yet people said we were really idk how too feel about it honestly O-o.

Wah! I would have been tongue-tied! (☼Д☼)
But if people said that you guys were really good then I'm sure that's how it was.
Otherwise they would have asked what happened, I'm sure.

Just look at SF's avi and imagine me....I can get pretty messed up thoughts...and sometimes my pickup lines be like "sooooo...who's you're favourite serial killer?'' but yeah...I don't tent to hold back...if someone was to say, upset someone I love...orʘ‿ʘ

Well then... Who's your favorite serial killer..? ;)

Hehe O/w/O well I like helping people, especially ones i like like my singing teacher, she's am amazing person~ =//w//=

I'm sure your momma's proud of you! (Θ(エ)Θ*)

@ Nevri

Nice new avi! ( ▼∀▼)b

You are a horror fan aren't you ;P?

What would make you think that...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I never played any MGS games as well ^ ^" I don't remember but I don't think I ever finished any game more than 1-2 times. I guess once I beat game one time I don't really feel need to play it again, cos I have sense of acomplish already.

I like to indulge myself in the stuff I like. So after the first time it wasn't about the accomplishment anymore. I just wanted to dive into that world again. I was addicted to the feeling it gave me.
For me it's all about the feels!!! (ง⌐□ل͜□)ง

I see ;3 I guess I mostly polished my english on forums and watching videos online. I barely understood anything in games when I was younger, but I guess I learned english from school rather than games and they didn't really improve it for me.

It started with music and MTV. Stuff like Daria. But video games did the real trick ;)
In school they often asked me where I learned all that, I said video games of course! ^^
The best teacher for any kid! (^_-)v

Yup. And sad. I felt really bad for Levi when it happened ;/

… don't wanna spoil anything... but... it'll get worse! O_O

Nah. Well my life isn't really a bed of roses and I had worse periods, especially recently, but right now it finally seems to be getting better, so you don't have anything to worry ;P But yes, in general I felt like this was a good anti-depression songs and there were moments when I listen to it when I happened to be lower on spirit, but not right now ;3

Oh, I always worry! ^^ But glad to hear that things are getting least (`・ω・´) Hope that it will continue that way!
We should really start a self-help group here. ^^ So many troubled souls around... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Were you a smoker? ^^ Maybe you gave her your smoker's lung. That would explain the heavy breathing... ;)

Lmfao, true, that's something to consider
Fortunately I'm not, which is good for my health and wallet...?

Is it...? Living without a lung must be tough! But you must be a good diver at least! ;)

joined Mar 22, 2014

Neko chan
PMed on Snapchat! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Our names are similar, so I didn't read your username as your username at first and thought you somehow found out my name. Spooky.

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

joined Jun 22, 2016

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

But Zombees are really selfish beings! Always so self-absorbed, only thinking about who to eat next... but I'm conflicted about it ;)

joined Jun 11, 2016

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

Anon would be anything but a bad friend. She's easily the nicest person on this website ♥

joined Mar 22, 2014

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

But Zombees are really selfish beings! Always so self-absorbed, only thinking about who to eat next... but I'm conflicted about it ;)

I'll volunteer myself as the next sacrifice... ; A ;

joined Jun 22, 2016

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

Anon would be anything but a bad friend. She's easily the nicest person on this website ♥

You are too good to me (╯•ω•╰) You bring tears to my eyes again...

There are much nicer people around... like Neko chan or Blackkitty or you yourself!

joined Jun 17, 2014

just letting ya know i was talking about the new game of DR, the executions are even brutal and i'm really bitter about the mc Incoming SPOILERS change that occured it was so dumb after months of promoting the mc they screw her over within a chapter and go back to the old formula dumb guy for mc then he goes bye bye and then we get the damn robot, all the monokumas are a waste of time and one of them starts screwing over the other kumas and Himiko x tenko forever ;__;. also the villain was so obvious holy shit i feel like the creator didnt really try at all and i didnt even play the damn game,this was a huge ass troll

last edited at Jan 22, 2017 4:52PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

But Zombees are really selfish beings! Always so self-absorbed, only thinking about who to eat next... but I'm conflicted about it ;)

I'll volunteer myself as the next sacrifice... ; A ;

With or without Faust's lung..?
I'm a really picky eater ^^

joined Mar 22, 2014

I don't think you'd make a bad friend :')

But Zombees are really selfish beings! Always so self-absorbed, only thinking about who to eat next... but I'm conflicted about it ;)

I'll volunteer myself as the next sacrifice... ; A ;

With or without Faust's lung..?
I'm a really picky eater ^^

Either or. You take your pick! I'm here to satisfy your needs ;__; <3

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

^^ Please continue with your diet. Mine might be a little tastier every now and then, but it's definitely not healthy. Sometimes I feel like crap ;)

I wonder if I will manage to keep the diet for long...

Oh, you're the purest little kinky kitten I've ever come across! d (^‿^✿)

me, pure?!!!... I'm a black... kitten xD

There are much nicer people around... like Neko chan or Blackkitty or you yourself!

But I haven't been around lately... neglecting my duties as a maid...
plus everyone here is nice in their own way, you are just some extra nicer since we are here because of your being a great host ^^

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Anon99 posted:

Nice new avi! ( ▼∀▼)b

Thanks ;3 Planned to change it on this one for a while but couldn't find image in good quality but then I realized I can just make a screenshot of a game.

What would make you think that...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Idk. Wanting to be dream about scary stuff might be part of it xP

I never liked them. I don't like being scared, I have too big imagination and watching them exhaust me cos I just keep on anticipating jump scares.

… don't wanna spoil anything... but... it'll get worse! O_O

Ouch that sounds bad ;/

Hope that it will continue that way!

Me too ;3

We should really start a self-help group here. ^^ So many troubled souls around... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Yea xD Dynasty Clinic!

joined Aug 16, 2014

We should really start a self-help group here. ^^ So many troubled souls around... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Yea xD Dynasty Clinic!

"Hi, my name is █████ and I'm..."

joined Jun 22, 2016

We should really start a self-help group here. ^^ So many troubled souls around... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Yea xD Dynasty Clinic!

"Hi, my name is █████ and I'm..."

Hi! My name is Bee. And I like to push people and responsibility away because I really suck at living...

Hey, this could actually work! ;)

@ Seira

Either or. You take your pick! I'm here to satisfy your needs ;__; <3

You're a submissive one, huh...? ;)
Seems we have many of those here as well ^^
Let's get rid of all of those unnecessary organs then! I'll only keep your brain to munch on (¬º-°)¬

joined Sep 21, 2014

Were you a smoker? ^^ Maybe you gave her your smoker's lung. That would explain the heavy breathing... ;)

Lmfao, true, that's something to consider
Fortunately I'm not, which is good for my health and wallet...?

Is it...? Living without a lung must be tough! But you must be a good diver at least! ;)

gdi ;n;
I didn't know having just one lung would help with diving lmao

Fortunately I'm not [a smoker]

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