Forum › Fluttering Feelings [SPOILER THREAD]

joined Feb 19, 2014

Seol-a was so ticked. That was awesome!

yeah! but I would be too! she went out of her way to snag that job to spend more time with norae, and then cougar seola just takes her cutie pie from her! haha.

joined Jun 17, 2014

Its aop cute thats seola trying to create time for just her and norae. Seeing her get a littled rustled by that yooneh was fun.
Gosh i can't wait for the next chapters. I wonder if the president had some alterior motive

joined Nov 9, 2014

So her name is now cougar Seol-a, let's see what kind of attack she has planned for little No-Bae. The only person more powerful than Seol-a is Cougar Seol-a. Round 1 fight!

Seriously though, I think we will see some serious flirting in the next few chapters and I'm wondering how No-Rae will handle it.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Seriously though, I think we will see some serious flirting in the next few chapters and I'm wondering how No-Rae will handle it.

Ssamba-san is trying to prepare No-Rae for something haha

joined Jan 31, 2015

Comico minor update

As previously mentioned, Chapter 34, 35, 36, 37 have been unlocked since 2015-12-07.

So now, Chapters 1 to 37 are all unlocked on Comico Korea.

Check them out here:

Chapter 38, 39, 40, 41 will be unlocked on 2016-01-11. It can be noted that it says "[2016/01/11부터 무료]" next to those chapters right now.

Unlock schedule so far:
2015-11-01 or 2015-11-02 - Chapter 1 to 33
2015-12-07 - Chapter 34, 35, 36, 37
2015-01-11 - Chapter 38, 39, 40, 41

2015-12-07 is 5 weeks after 2015-11-02, and 2016-01-11 is 5 weeks after 2015-12-07. So it would appear that they are going to consistently unlock 4 chapters every 5 weeks.

last edited at Dec 9, 2015 10:45PM

joined Aug 29, 2013

I kinda miss Norae. She hasnt been very "present" to show us her inner feelings and thoughts towards Seola.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Mmm... We did just have a lot No-rae backstory, but I sympathize. This does seem like normal No-rae, though. :?

Just re-read chapter 17. There's so much foreshadowing/referencing.

I'm wary of the upcoming chapters. We've seen Seol-a's jealousy evolve, but...I don't know. I guess I'm feeling similar to ieeheh, in that it seemed like Seol-a and "her future self" were the main characters; No-rae the prop. She's sooo easy going...haha. But, now that we have the sauna scene we know No-rae can be less than innocent toward Seol-a now. Heh. Maybe we'll get a reaction out of No-rae if Seol-a ends up modeling.

joined Oct 25, 2015

So I read all of the older series. (I haven't looked up WDTFS yet. Saving it for last.)

Since this isn't related to FF...
* Huskey and Mendley - Just read this one. It's an interesting adaptation?? It certainly had a real feel to it. I had trouble following the messages--probably related to my having no experience with that means of communication. It seems to be lacking key aspects that make it a compelling narrative. (Like a book that's not quite a novel.) But, again, I think it was an interesting transformation from real posts?? to a manga.
* Moonlight Flowers - This was interesting... I'm definitely lacking cultural knowledge of the time to be able to fully appreciate the story. I'm familiar with the general Women's situation--though it's something I haven't read as much about as I'd like--but I was a bit surprised at how the characters reacted to rape. For me, generally, the stories that successfully incorporate traumatic experiences tend to be quite a bit longer. I think the most recent manga I've read that dealt with that in a manner I can appreciate is A Lollipop or a Bullet. The story was definitely a bit shallow, but I can understand why it had to be. 1980s. Not to mention, the narrative and story telling has matured, especially with respect to genres and written material meant for female audiences. I read this as a period piece. Not the most memorable manga, but worth reading if lacking other options on the subject for the time period. Thanks for pointing it out.
* Applause - I didn't care for either of these. Brudges was too shallow and formulaic. Clearly, another older piece. Again, I don't know quite what the situation was in terms of availability of manga in this genre at the time. That idyllic, Marimite style is not my thing. A San Francisco Story...I disagree with some of the views expressed by the author. And, again, not much story there.
* Píeta - This one hit a little to close to home... I could appreciate the character's struggles. They were well conveyed and treated with appropriate levels of seriousness. And the two leads being female mattered at points, but wasn't an important aspect of the story. But later on, the "evolved" thing. I was rolling my eyes (internally). That fantastical/mythical element was distracting and ultimately a major detractor for me. Even so, this one left the greatest impression.

joined Jan 23, 2015
nuevo capitulo!

I'm soo, soo afraid...

Oh, something else to help differentiate Seol-a and Enah
Seol-a has her hair strands drawn in black lines over a light black hair
Enah has her hair strands drawn in white lines over a pure black hair

last edited at Dec 13, 2015 9:05AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

I think No-rae has an opportunity to see how much more delicious a meal is when Seol-a is around.

joined Oct 25, 2015

NO!! What the flip is going on?! No-rae is out eating with her. AREAGDSASDHAFDsakfl

URGG. I don't even know if we're going to have clarification next week. What the flip?! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

joined Aug 18, 2015

dont blame norae. It is hard to resist someone like Enah (wise, beautiful, charming, successful) :). If Enah also is funny and has a good heart then Seola really has a competition.

last edited at Dec 13, 2015 10:09AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

I think we can tell the difference by the collar. The one eating with No-Rae was her boss because of this. But she is totally Seol-A's twin. I wish she dyes her hair next chapter or something lol

dont blame norae. It is hard to resist someone like Enah (wise, beautiful, charming, successful) :). If Enah also has a good heart then idk

Nopenope. The third party gives me nightmares. But the boss looks like she has a dark side in her. I don't trust her

last edited at Dec 13, 2015 10:10AM

joined May 18, 2013

Enah... you little devil...

The secret to win NoRae's heart: Feed her!.

Must wait... for translation...

joined Feb 5, 2015

I don't like this. That Enah person is up to something for sure. I really love seeing No-Rae eat, she makes everything looks delicious.

joined Oct 25, 2015

I'm displeased with the situation. And I'm going to be immature about it. (I'm too much on Seol-a's side not to be.) I don't care how charming Enah is. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I wish Enah had a different face. Seriously.

sighs She's clearly interested in No-rae, but I can't tell the nature of her interest. (Maybe I should work on my illiteracy...) Let's see... Maybe Enah's going to play match-maker. Or maybe she had a past love that looked exactly like No-rae. ... >__<

I'm so upset right now. I'll give kudos for this series for making me upset later. When I'm over it... laughing at self

joined Aug 29, 2013

It hurts to be Seol-a at the moment. I know how it feels like to "be friends" with your love interest. I'm really sad for her, like for real ;(

joined Dec 9, 2014

Who is taking photos of Seol-A? They are wearing a ring too in their middle finger and this probably not Enah. Not sure if it's just randomly place or even be Enah's fiance too

joined Oct 25, 2015

Somehow I got the idea that Enah models and that Seol-a is a standin for a while. But there wasn't any real confirmation of that. I took the photoshoot to be part of this job.

joined Feb 19, 2014

i think they went shopping and after a day's of hard work... they're having dinner.
im curious at enah's interest in norae too.... it might not even be romantic...

joined Nov 9, 2014

im curious at enah's interest in norae too.... it might not even be romantic...

Wishful thinking.

I think Enah will stir up some more feelings in No-Rae. ^_^

joined Mar 28, 2015

Suddenly, a wild lesbian appears.

joined Sep 4, 2014

Suddenly, a wild lesbian appears.

Lolol but forreal though isn't enah engaged? I'm really curious to see what she's up too

joined Nov 9, 2014

Suddenly, a wild lesbian appears.

Lolol but forreal though isn't enah engaged? I'm really curious to see what she's up too

I thought she was engaged to a man. I wonder what really happened to her neck.

joined Feb 19, 2014

Suddenly, a wild lesbian appears.

Lolol but forreal though isn't enah engaged? I'm really curious to see what she's up too

I thought she was engaged to a man. I wonder what really happened to her neck.

probably a sexual position experiment. like what she's exploring now with norae. :)
imagine if enah and seola had a cat fight. we wouldnt be able to identify who's who!

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