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joined Jul 27, 2015

The one that will never let you live this down. >:D

So one of these days, we'll be old hags, sitting in our rocking chairs and knitting socks and you'll be all like "*stares at calendar* Hey, Su! It's Deepthroat Day!" ....XD Just imagine that for a second! X'D

I'll have to pass through Pankow when I drive back today, so I'll pass by a Japanese, a Chinese and an Indian place. Make your choice, but remember: chopsticks or no dinner. >:-)

I know, I know. rolls eyes I'll have Japanese. Something with grilled fish or duck and noodles, I don't really feel like having rice. Oh, and spicy sauce!

Su and I usually don't have lunch at all when we're home. xD Breakfast and dinner are usually our two big meals and for lunch we just have small snacks while we go about our business.

Yeah, pretty much. We usually get up when the cat orders us to, then we eat breakfast sometime between 8 and 10 and dinner is at around 7 or 8 and anything in between is just small stuffs. o.o We're mostly outta the house anyway, so there's no time for an actual lunch to begin with.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Just imagine that for a second! X'D

I just choked on my yoghurt. xD

We usually get up when the cat orders us to

Couldn't have worded it better. xD But cut her some slack. The dog is much worse sometimes.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Oh I see!
Wow, your cats wakes you up? ^-^'' that's interesting... I thought dogs did that.. this cat seems really weird :P

joined Jul 27, 2015

I just choked on my yoghurt. xD

It's Deepthroat Day and you just choked on something white....

Couldn't have worded it better. xD But cut her some slack. The dog is much worse sometimes.

Wow, your cats wakes you up? ^-^'' that's interesting... I thought dogs did that.. this cat seems really weird :P

Yeah, the cat usually sits in front of the bedroom and whines and screams like she's about to starve to death. We usually get up when we can't take it anymore. xD When the dog wakes us, it's even worse. She scratches on the door like crazy and barks and whines non-stop, but then I usually get up right away cause I don't want dog shit on my carpet. That thing was expensive yo. :T

joined Mar 8, 2014

ugh, sounds bad, I don't really like dogs >.>
er... may I ask what deepthroat day is...? >.>
Also err.! :D what type of yoghurt? do you like greek yoghurt? do you like fage? ^-^ it's the best yoghurt ever... err... no, no one is paying me to advertise it >.> but seriously, do you like it? :D

joined Apr 3, 2016

It's Deepthroat Day and you just choked on something white

Stahp it, you're killing meh! x'D

this cat seems really weird :P

"Weird" is an understatement. Reeba is a total nutjob, but that's why we love her. ^_^

That thing was expensive yo. :T

But so worth it...

what type of yoghurt? do you like greek yoghurt? do you like fage?

Su usually buys some fruit yoghurt and puts in stuff like additional fruits, cereal, raisins and etc. so I can take it to work and eat it. ^_^ She's a total housewife, lol And yeah, I love greek yoghurt, especially with honey. :-)

may i ask what deepthroat day is

:D /stares at Su/ Can I tell? Please? Please??

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:47AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Falling asleep just now..

This is the first time i heard Deepthroat day? What's this?

I always love it when Su says sth abt being old, rocking chairs and knitting socks. You have done this twice, and im bursting in laugh..

joined Jul 27, 2015

"Weird" is an understatement. Reeba is a total nutjob, but that's why we love her. ^_^

Though I'd love it if she dropped her habit of jumping on our furniture to puke. -.-

But so worth it...

Oh yeah...

She's a total housewife, lol

Hey, don't complain about stuff you like. ;D

:D /stares at Su/ Can I tell? Please? Please??

siiighs rubs nosebrigde Fine. Go ahead.

I always love it when Su says sth abt being old, rocking chairs and knitting socks. You have done this twice, and im bursting in laugh..

Yeah, rocking chairs and socks are kinda my thing. I just do it for the lolz. XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

Falling asleep just now..

This is the first time i heard Deepthroat day? What's this?

I always love it when Su says sth abt being old, rocking chairs and knitting socks. You have done this twice, and im bursting in laugh..

I think it's really cute and romantic :)
everyone seems to add honey to greek yoghurt... ok >.> I just eat it on its own. Usually we eat it with meat dishes though, sometimes inside a pita with meat but most people prefer tzatziki for that...
I'll read the deepthroat explanation after class! bye bye~

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:55AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Though I'd love it if she dropped her habit of jumping on our furniture to puke. -.-

Yeah, second that. =_=

Hey, don't complain about stuff you like. ;D

I'm not. :-)

siiighs rubs nosebrigde Fine. Go ahead.

Yes! :-*
Alright. What is Deepthroat Day you ask? I'll tell you. xD
One thing you gotta know about Su is when she's really bothered by something and she doesn't find a way to solve that problem, she tends to resort to desperate measures. One of these lead to Deepthroat Day, which was born on April 7th 2 years ago. I was over at her place and she had been complaining about having a really annoying itch in the back of her throat, that just wouldn't go away. After nothing would work, on this April 7th 2 years ago, she had the absolutely brilliant idea of trying to scratch the spot inside her throat with a chopstick. She suddenly had to sneeze when she inserted the chopstick into her mouth, which lead to her ramming the thing right down her throat, choking it back up and violently puking all over the kitchen floor as a result. When I came to the kitchen to check on her, the floor was already an absolute mess and she couldn't decide if she wanted to puke or laugh. I ended up on the floor in the fetal position, trying to not die from laughter. And so, Deepthroat Day was born. A day we now celebrate each year by having something you eat with chopsticks for dinner.

And on that note, I'll go back to work. See ya'll later! :-)

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:04AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yeah, rocking chairs and socks are kinda my thing. I just do it for the lolz. XD

Lol.. you re funny..
Let's seen if we can hear it again later..

I think it's really cute and romantic :)

Not only that, i take that as promising expression..
What is better than getting old with someone u love

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:08AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yes! :-*
Alright. What is Deepthroat Day you ask? I'll tell you. xD
One thing you gotta know about Su is when she's really bothered by something and she doesn't find a way to solve that problem, she tends to resort to desperate measures. One of these lead to Deepthroat Day, which was born on April 7th 2 years ago. I was over at her place and she had been complaining about having a really annoying itch in the back of her throat, that just wouldn't go away. After nothing would work, on this April 7th 2 years ago, she had the absolutely brilliant idea of trying to scratch the spot inside her throat with a chopstick. She suddenly had to sneeze when she inserted the chopstick into her mouth, which lead to her ramming the thing right down her throat, choking it back up and violently puking all over the kitchen floor as a result. When I came to the kitchen to check on her, the floor was already an absolute mess and she couldn't decide if she wanted to puke or laugh. I ended up on the floor in the fetal position, trying to not die from laughter. And so, Deepthroat Day was born. A day we now celebrate each year by having something you eat with chopsticks for dinner.

And on that note, I'll go back to work. See ya'll later! :-)

Silly... xD
Happy Deepthroat day, then..

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:20AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Well, the good news is that the itch was gone after that. Sooo.... #WorthIt

joined Nov 20, 2015

Lols... indeed...
I imagine that you had to have second meal after puking..

And u re silly couple, deciding to celebrate it each year.. xd

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:29AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

I have to take a bath soon... too many typo errors...

joined Sep 15, 2015

It's already 5 in the morning here and still can't sleep lol

joined Jul 27, 2015

And u re silly couple, deciding to celebrate it each year.. xd

Making up holidays and actually celebrating them each year is kind of Lin's thing and she drags me along with it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it though. XD
Also, taking a bath helps with typos? o.0

KittoKatto you should either try alcohol or fennel tea. And if that doesn't work...Red Bull to just fuck sleep and pull through the day. XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:38AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

KittoKatto you should either try alcohol or fennel tea. And if that doesn't work...Red Bull to just fuck sleep and pull through the day. XD

I don't like any kind of tea so tea is definitely out ×(
I tried drinking alcohol before just to get some sleep and it kinda works ?? Sometimes ?? But it doesn't really help at all. Haha. I probably need to go to the doctor again and get some pills. Ugh. I hate taking pills (>.<)

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:47AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Making up holidays and actually celebrating them each year is kind of Lin's thing and she drags me along with it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it though. XD
Also, taking a bath helps with typos? o.0

I frequently have typo, especially when using my tablet..
Taking a bath helps me to be more focus..
Ppl take a bath twice a day here, in the morning and in the evening, and it's evening here..
Instead of taking a bath after getting back from work, i chose laying around and fell asleep..

joined Nov 20, 2015

KittoKatto you should either try alcohol or fennel tea. And if that doesn't work...Red Bull to just fuck sleep and pull through the day. XD

I don't like any kind of tea so tea is definitely out ×(
I tried drinking alcohol before just to get some sleep and it kinda works ?? Sometimes ?? But it doesn't really help at all. Haha. I probably need to go to the doctor again and get some pills. Ugh. I hate taking pills (>.<)

I can help you.. with metal bat..
Wanna taste? xp

joined Jul 27, 2015

I don't like any kind of tea so tea is definitely out ×(



Btw this ^ is me once I'm old and gray and ready to knit socks. Yes, I'll have a beard. v.v

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 8:06AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Btw this ^ is me once I'm old and gray and ready to knit socks. Yes, I'll have a beard. v.v

Rotfl.. why beard?

joined Jul 27, 2015

Ppl take a bath twice a day here, in the morning and in the evening

o.o I never really understood Asia's bath culture. I usually just take a 10 minute shower once a day to clean up and that's it. XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Btw this ^ is me once I'm old and gray and ready to knit socks. Yes, I'll have a beard. v.v

Rotfl.. why beard?

Because beards are the mother of SWAG! v.v

joined Mar 8, 2014

wow, that chopstick thing sounds kind of dangerous! O_O ><
oh well, I'm back from class now, I had a tutorial about my essay, I think it's going well...
also your personal holidays are really cute ^-^

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