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joined Jul 11, 2017

You really can do your own stand-up comedy XDDDD (this is not mockery!! hahaha)

Don't be a mouse hater! They're useful research subjects XD

joined Feb 4, 2017

ah yeah, true.. integration is HELL in Excel.. I had 1 GB of data that I needed to sort first then split them and group them accordingly.. I gave up and that was the time when I learned how to use SPSS XDD

but I think K3N uses daily data (if I could recall it correctly, you only had 19 rows) hahahahha.. you know how many rows I have for a single day?? over 3704 rows .. AND still need to add cases !
I don't hate you Ken, come here let's hug :* .. my girlfriend likes you a lot too XD

Don't be a mouse hater! They're useful research subjects XD

hahahahhahaha hahahahh.. one person'e problem is someone else's research sample XD

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 2:42PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

10mb?! What's that? A cat photo? Lol, just kidding. I get you. I don't make enemy, I am way too lazy for that.

Sorry, if you feel like I insulted your tool. Let me correct myself. Excel is useless for the kind of data I want to analyze, not a useless tool in general.

I mentioned all those db/format gibberish because researchers rarely have the luxury of clean, single source data, and Excel falls short when the data source is not perfect. When talking to Norah, I was under the assumption that we were discussing external data sources and mid (2GB+) to large size dataset. 19 rows, you can do whatever. Lol. 10K rows and growing, I would not use Excel. It is a personal choice. You do you.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 5:20PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

It's not a choice, I have no choice. I don't understand other apps.

Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Not my tool lol but Bill Gates.

Yea, not my problem either. I ditched it.

About collaboration? I'm not collaborating with anyone

If you manage to work solo and get compensated for it, good for you.

joined Jul 26, 2017

If u pay enough attention I used "I" indeed! No need to make it more clear by saying "a personal problem". You're really embarrassing me! My Goddess will see this kind of mocks OMG. You say don't make enemy but this different with what did u say and what u've done.

Still sounds like a personal problem to me. Lol.

I asked about the collaboration u mentioned before. So u don't want to answer?
If u start a word, finish it like a gentleman. Don't give me an ambiguous answer or pretend as if u didn't understand.

Huh? What? What did you say? I don't get it?

joined Jul 26, 2017

Son, u should learn to take positive things. My words can be read "I can even earn money from just using excel".
It's like if I tell u.. "you're pretty annoying" You have to assume that I call you pretty.
Just take the positive things, okay.

I am very positive. That's why I think K3n can deal with his personal problem. No need for me to worry. XD

You're too deep drowned in your 5GB data. Oh well, forget about that. I know better what kind of person u are

I am. They are working me to death. Thanks for understanding.

joined Jul 26, 2017

If u think the capability to earn money as a personal problem you should submit your resignation letter asap.

You are right, Ken. It should be my parents problem. Good call!

joined Jul 26, 2017

Oh Momo, are u mad...

Ken, I don't get mad. :)

joined Jul 11, 2017

Lol Nora I'm so not used to you not smirking on your display
How uncharacteristic XDDDDD

joined Jul 26, 2017

Lol Nora I'm so not used to you not smirking on your display
How uncharacteristic XDDDDD

Who's that girl? I like Angela better. :3

joined Feb 4, 2017

Whine of the day:

I fucking hate my fucking thesis !! Endless endlesssss
over 12 hours working and still it won't enddddd

But hey, I discovered a good ass cold coffee shop around where I live XDDD
2 years in this place and I just figured this out XD

Music of the day:

joined Jun 23, 2017

Whine of the day:

I fucking hate my fucking thesis !! Endless endlesssss

I like the whole "whine of the day" thing. It lets you vent. XD

My "whine" is that classes begin tomorrow...

Music of the day:

Kings of Leon and Selena Gomez? How odd, but it works.

Selena and Justin's relationship is one that seemed to never quit. They would come back to each other, at least that was what media portrayed (I don't know what to trust these days).

joined Feb 4, 2017

I like the whole "whine of the day" thing. It lets you vent. XD

Let's keep the tradition XD

My "whine" is that classes begin tomorrow...

oh gosh.. I am done with having to listen to some boring stuff for 90 min when I could just read it in 15 minutes instead !

Kings of Leon and Selena Gomez? How odd, but it works.

I knew none of them.. I just like BBCRadio1 channel and I felt that their cover was truly nice and sexy somehow.
mmhm.. maybe the 80's rock sound in it ~

Selena and Justin's relationship is one that seemed to never quit. They would come back to each other, at least that was what media portrayed (I don't know what to trust these days).

hahahah.. I actually looked for her song.. God, I think she needs to finish her education instead !

last edited at Sep 5, 2017 3:08PM

joined Jun 23, 2017


oh gosh.. I am done with having to listen to some boring stuff for 90 min when I could just read it in 15 minutes instead !

Sooooo boring.... Definitely looking forward to that...

I knew none of them.. I just like BBCRadio1 channel and I felt that their cover was truly nice and sexy somehow.
mmhm.. maybe the 80's rock sound in it ~

I know 2 Kings of Leon songs, which are not bad.

"This sex is on fire!" is one of their lyrics I remember the most. XD

hahahah.. I actually looked for her song.. God, I think she needs to finish her education instead !

Haha, I grew up watching her on Disney Channel. Her songs are more of a guilty pleasure. I know too many. XD

Have you listened to "The Heart Wants What it Wants"? That sums up their relationship... It could relate back to WDTFS too.

joined Feb 4, 2017

okay, I understand the duality in a gemini but this is still confusing XD

Sooooo boring.... Definitely looking forward to that...


I know 2 Kings of Leon songs, which are not bad.
"This sex is on fire!" is one of their lyrics I remember the most. XD

sounds like an interesting song XDDD

Haha, I grew up watching her on Disney Channel. Her songs are more of a guilty pleasure. I know too many. XD
Have you listened to "The Heart Wants What it Wants"? That sums up their relationship... It could relate back to WDTFS too.

wow.. I never knew she used to sing in Disney Channel.. I have no idea where was I all that time XD

If Bieber wasn't shoved too much into my face on youtube, I wouldn't have known him either.. he is 23 while Sam Smith is 25.. the difference in songs maturity is so huge that I grew to dislike Justin even more

joined Jun 23, 2017


okay, I understand the duality in a gemini but this is still confusing XD

Haha, I was being sarcastic in the "looking forward to it" sentence. XD

If Bieber wasn't shoved too much into my face on youtube, I wouldn't have known him either.. he is 23 while Sam Smith is 25.. the difference in songs maturity is so huge that I grew to dislike Justin even more

Before I really disliked him, but now I'm indifferent. XD

Sam Smith is a great singer. :)

joined Jul 11, 2017

Sam Smith is a great singer. :)

I like Sammy boy

joined Feb 4, 2017


Haha, I was being sarcastic in the "looking forward to it" sentence. XD

listen girl, when it is around my thesis writing time, my sense of humor drops so bad. XDDD thanks for the explanation

Before I really disliked him, but now I'm indifferent. XD

ah, that's more accurate in my case too. Now, I am busy disliking Taylor Swift to a point I installed an extension on my browser to block her chanel. XDD

Sam Smith is a great singer. :)

YUP.. he lost so much weight. He looks hella sexier now XD

joined Jun 23, 2017


listen girl, when it is around my thesis writing time, my sense of humor drops so bad. XDDD thanks for the explanation

Haha, no problem. XD

ah, that's more accurate in my case too. Now, I am busy disliking Taylor Swift to a point I installed an extension on my browser to block her chanel. XDD

I'm indifferent towards her as well. I like some of her songs. Not sure what to think about her recent image though. Or what is "real" about her. Oh well. XD

YUP.. he lost so much weight. He looks hella sexier now XD

Yeah, he does! I just googled him. He's also taller than I thought.

last edited at Sep 5, 2017 11:18PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


hahahahah.. it is easier for you to go indifferent rather than flipping on the "dislike" button XD

Yeah, he does! I just googled him. He's also taller than I thought.

me too.. his baby face is so deceiving XD

joined Jun 23, 2017


hahahahah.. it is easier for you to go indifferent rather than flipping on the "dislike" button XD

Haha, yeah, it is. It would take a lot for me to dislike someone I guess. Probably anyone who spreads hate with no compassion for others.

joined Feb 4, 2017


Haha, yeah, it is. It would take a lot for me to dislike someone I guess. Probably anyone who spreads hate with no compassion for others.

you are much wiser than me.. I either truly love or truly hate XDDD
can't do the balancing thing.
did you prepare for tomorrow's class ?

joined Jun 23, 2017


you are much wiser than me.. I either truly love or truly hate XDDD
can't do the balancing thing.
did you prepare for tomorrow's class ?

My sister is the same. XD She is very passionate about things.

I am so not prepared.... Good thing no homework is due the first day (or I'd hope so). XD

Congrats on completing your thesis by the way! :D You can enjoy next chapter worry free.

joined Feb 4, 2017


My sister is the same. XD She is very passionate about things.

she and I would age quicker XD

I am so not prepared.... Good thing no homework is due the first day (or I'd hope so). XD

hahahahah.. I stopped being prepared from 2nd grade XD

Congrats on completing your thesis by the way! :D You can enjoy next chapter worry free.

thank you very much.. I just finished it but still need another person to proofread it then still send it to my professor .. then finally I would be done. HOPEFULLY

joined Jun 23, 2017


she and I would age quicker XD

She's much more creative than I am though. :) As you are too.

hahahahah.. I stopped being prepared from 2nd grade XD

I'll learn my fate tomorrow and dread the workload when that happens. XD

thank you very much.. I just finished it but still need another person to proofread it then still send it to my professor .. then finally I would be done. HOPEFULLY

That's a lot to proofread I bet...

Isn't it really late now for you too? Like practically morning? XD

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