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joined Feb 4, 2016

Had a quick look on the latest chapter again, completely wild guess, but would it be possible that Nami befriended Sumin because of Seju ?
Bcs I remember on a chapter in the past that Nami said to Sungji she only knew Sumin at first as someone who's always close with Seju. It's a very wild guess, pls excuse me lol, I just want to say it.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Had a quick look on the latest chapter again, completely wild guess, but would it be possible that Nami befriended Sumin because of Seju ?
Bcs I remember on a chapter in the past that Nami said to Sungji she only knew Sumin at first as someone who's always close with Seju. It's a very wild guess, pls excuse me lol, I just want to say it.

I think it's quite possible. Considering Nami's character too. not sure how they'll play it out though

joined Feb 5, 2016

Had a quick look on the latest chapter again, completely wild guess, but would it be possible that Nami befriended Sumin because of Seju ?
Bcs I remember on a chapter in the past that Nami said to Sungji she only knew Sumin at first as someone who's always close with Seju. It's a very wild guess, pls excuse me lol, I just want to say it.

I think it's quite possible. Considering Nami's character too. not sure how they'll play it out though

Yeah, I think so too. Considering Nami's character, she sure befriended beautiful girls first. :D

joined Feb 8, 2016

There's a part in the last chapter where Seju's face turned a bit psychotic, it gives bad vibes. It seems at this point Seju has become completely idgaf about her life.

And SejuxNami in the latest chapter kinda gives me an impression of SnakexSnake pairing lololol. Seju's still so hot and beautiful tho ;_;
But now I need a new dose of our cinnamon roll to cleanse the current somber feelings.

Lol I've seen this elsewhere but why do people call Sungji a cinnamon roll? ... Because she's sweet and I would devour her in a one sitting?

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 12:07PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I thought If Seju turned evil, people who were on TeamPink would face a dilemma between Morality and Loyalty simply means Leave or Stay. But seeing people who are on TeamPink having such strong hearts, the dilemma might not be born :D

joined Feb 4, 2016

Lol I've seen this elsewhere but why do people call Sungji a cinnamon roll? ... Because she's sweet and I would devour her in a one sitting?

Lol idk either, but she just fits the image of cinnamon roll that's good and pure. Anyway while we're at it, what would be a cake equivalent to Seju ? It should be a cake that taste like sin lol, bcs Seju is that irresistible and you can't get enough of it even tho it might be bad for you :>

joined Dec 9, 2014

Lol I've seen this elsewhere but why do people call Sungji a cinnamon roll? ... Because she's sweet and I would devour her in a one sitting?

Lol idk either, but she just fits the image of cinnamon roll that's good and pure. Anyway while we're at it, what would be a cake equivalent to Seju ? It should be a cake that taste like sin lol, bcs Seju is that irresistible and you can't get enough of it even tho it might be bad for you :>

Cinnamon roll is a metaphor for a person who is pure and kindehearted.
Seju to me would look like Red Velvet cake lol. Maybe because of the color, but also her personality

joined Mar 2, 2016

Hey guys, will write up a translation around 4 pm est sorry for the wait.. have been very busy lately :(
But a basic summary for now :
Seju (obviously) accepts Namis drink proposal and they go to a hotel cause Seju wanted to stay out of the way of papz. Here we find out that Seju as not drunk alcohol since that cheating incident and refuses to drink it. They talk about sumin a lot and nami asks Seju if she even knows what she means to sumin now that she's fallen head over heels for sungji. In the end nami proposes they sleep together once to get a reaction out of sumin and Seju seems interested lol . Well have to see if nami x Seju actually happens next chapter :)
Edit: forgot to mention they also talk about the red head and how her fiance found out about the cheating -cough Seju cough-

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 1:11PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Thanks for the summary, Newp

It's kinda sad to know that Seju without being drunk could be not in her right mind. :'(

joined Feb 5, 2015

Thanks for the summary, Newp!

Ah, so if Nami x Seju really happens next chapter, Nami is going to tell the news to Sumin hoping to get a reaction from her. I gotta say, I want to know how Sumin reacts to that, if that happens. But, is Nami really helping Seju out for the sake of helping or does she has her own agenda? More questions, less answers...

joined Dec 9, 2014

Ah, so if Nami x Seju really happens next chapter, Nami is going to tell the news to Sumin hoping to get a reaction from her. I gotta say, I want to know how Sumin reacts to that, if that happens. But, is Nami really helping Seju out for the sake of helping or does she has her own agenda? More questions, less answers...

She most probably has her own agenda, which is to sleep with Seju (and maybe try to make Seju fall in love with her in the process). Also that Highschool flashback of them, it implies that Nami liked Seju from back then too.
But this is just a proof of her character. Using her friend, even tryint to mess her friend's life, to get a woman to sleep with her.

Seju accepting to sleep with Nami is not surprising. I don't think Sumin will get jealous of this , more like she will feel betrayed. Or she will get jealous, and will have to face her past before fully move on with Sungji. The second one would be better.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Ah, so if Nami x Seju really happens next chapter, Nami is going to tell the news to Sumin hoping to get a reaction from her. I gotta say, I want to know how Sumin reacts to that, if that happens. But, is Nami really helping Seju out for the sake of helping or does she has her own agenda? More questions, less answers...

I doubt choosing Sumin's best friend to make her jealous is a right choice.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Edit: forgot to mention they also talk about the red head and how her fiance found out about the cheating -cough Seju cough-

I used to think that Seju was the one who told on red head to her fiance. But I buried that thought because I really liked Seju.

joined Feb 5, 2015

She most probably has her own agenda, which is to sleep with Seju (and maybe try to make Seju fall in love with her in the process). Also that Highschool flashback of them, it implies that Nami liked Seju from back then too.
But this is just a proof of her character. Using her friend, even tryint to mess her friend's life, to get a woman to sleep with her.

Yes, I think she's trying to win either Seju's heart or body...She might've befriended Sumin to get to Seju, or maybe she was already friends with Sumin before she knew Seju, but than fell for her best friend's girlfriend (now ex). She kind of remind me of GoT's Lord Varys, in a way.

Seju accepting to sleep with Nami is not surprising. I don't think Sumin will get jealous of this , more like she will feel betrayed. Or she will get jealous, and will have to face her past before fully move on with Sungji. The second one would be better.

I don't think Sumin will get jealous over this either, maybe angry, but not jealous. All I want to know is whether Sumin still cares in anyway about Seju. Whatever Sumin's reaction is, I think Seju will finally know where she stands. The question is, if Sumin doesn't give them the reaction they hoped for, will Seju just let it all go or will she give in and turn all psycho? I hope not the latter.

Edit: forgot to mention they also talk about the red head and how her fiance found out about the cheating -cough Seju cough-

Hahaha oh boy, it's becoming even more clear what kind of character they are trying to portray Seju as. Well hopefully not as the psycho ex-girlfriend who would do anything to get the one she loves come back to her...oh wait it's kind of heading towards that direction...hopefully not. Please prove me wrong.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Hey guys, will write up a translation around 4 pm est sorry for the wait.. have been very busy lately :(

You're awesome regardless, take it easy :) and thanks as always.

But a basic summary for now :
Seju (obviously) accepts Namis drink proposal and they go to a hotel cause Seju wanted to stay out of the way of papz. Here we find out that Seju as not drunk alcohol since that cheating incident and refuses to drink it. They talk about sumin a lot and nami asks Seju if she even knows what she means to sumin now that she's fallen head over heels for sungji. In the end nami proposes they sleep together once to get a reaction out of sumin and Seju seems interested lol . Well have to see if nami x Seju actually happens next chapter :)
Edit: forgot to mention they also talk about the red head and how her fiance found out about the cheating -cough Seju cough-

This is more fun than the idea that Nami could actually woo Seju into liking her in a semi-normal way. I love fluffy happy blonde x black, but they're due for some drama.

For sure it seems like Nami has her own agenda, whatever it may be. She doesn't seem like the type that wants to intentionally hurt her friend though, so she may already know how Sumin will react and isn't concerned, and is just using Seju's current uncertainty to bed her.

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 1:50PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Hahaha oh boy, it's becoming even more clear what kind of character they are trying to portray Seju as. Well hopefully not as the psycho ex-girlfriend who would do anything to get the one she loves come back to her...oh wait it's kind of heading towards that direction...hopefully not. Please prove me wrong.

I hope they don't try to make the main couple seem better by turmning the rest of them into psychos. It feels similar like when in a yuri story some authors make the guy exes assholes only to enforce the main couple.

Btw yes, Seju was most likely the one who said to Redhead's husband about Redhead cheating. It wasn't her fault for Redhead cheating, but she shouldn't have been involved either. If I was been cheated I would want my friends to let me know. Not that Seju didn't do it for selfish reasons either though.

She doesn't seem like the type that wants to intentionally hurt her friend though, so she may already know how Sumin will react and isn't concerned, and is just using Seju's current uncertainty to bed her.

She can't be sure of how Sumin will react though. Either way, that's a big jerk move from her. At least if they plan on Nami x Seju, they should have started it on a different basis than this

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 2:06PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Had time to quickly write up a translation for you guys :) Sorry some parts wont be translated exactly because no time to think of a better way to write it. (I guess that's what the official translations are for :D) There are also like two parts where I was like "???" but I think I got the gist of it lol. Anyway, enjoy!

Nami: "Well this is a surprising development."
Seju: "Isn't it better to be in a place that loses the eyes of paps?"
Nami: "Hmm~"
"If it's like that how about we go to your place?"
Seju: "Or how about we go home seperately instead."
Nami: "Well~ Whereever we go I can't complain"


Some random evil looking glasses guy: "What's this. Next to Nami... that doesn't look like Bang woo lee" (that brown haired girl everyone thinks shes dating .. I think.)
Friend: "Hurry up Nami~!"
Nami: "You're so impatient. This is why you're not growing taller."
Friend: "Wanna fight."
Nami thought bubble: "oh damn..." (she didnt actually say that but she used an expression that implies that.. I think.)
Friend: "? " "What are you looking at?"
Nami: "... nothing."
Nami: "You're not drinking?"
"Alcohol doesn't taste good when you drink it alone~"
Seju: "You shouldn't treat a person with snacks. (? )
Nami: "Ah hah..."
"Don't tell me you're still abstaining?" (from alcohol)
"Why are you getting mad at alcohol for something you did wrong?" "Alcohol isn't a sin."
Seju: "Now your true colors are showing."
Nami: "What do you mean true colors. I'm just worried."

"You're not meeting people."
"You don't even drink."
'You don't even play."
"What fun do you live for?"
"Hanging around the Midget and bothering her?"

Seju: '....'

Nami: "Supervisor Choi that woman. You know her right?" (red head)
"That woman who midget dated for quite a while."
Nami: "Regarding her cheating, they were even working in the same office together but she did such a good job keeping it a secret that midget didn't even know about it."
"She must have done a much more thorough job keeping it away from her Fiance as well. But then..."
"How did the Fiance find out?"
Seju: "Who knows."
"If her lies were perfect then you wouldn't be wondering about this right now."
Nami: "Really?"
"I was thinking that it was you who ratted her out."
Seju: "Even if you say I did there's nothing that changes."
"The truth doesn't change."

Nami: "You hurt her."

"You had a choice on how to reveal the truth."

"But you chose the worst, most shocking, terrible way to do it."

"Ah. Of course this is if you were the one who did it."

Seju: "Nami-ssi."
"Whether I drink or not." Whether I linger around Sumin. Whether I am a terrible person or not."

"What does this have to do with you."

Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who has broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"

Seju: "What do you know."

Nami: "Even you didn't know. What you are to Sumin."
"The midget is now head over heels for Joo Sungji."
"Even if you wait a few years like this she's not going to acknowledge you."
"It's not like it's even just a few days. It's frustrating watching over this from the sideline."

Seju: "So." "What is it that you want to say to me?"

Nami: "Sleep with me once."

Seju: "I'm not the one you care about."

Nami: "You're right. But even so aren't you curious?"
"How Sung Sumin will react/ come out."

"Because I don't think it will be a bad change of predicament."

Soo dudnudnn.. will Nami x Seju happen next chapter?! Or will Seju reject her proposal?
When I read the chapter the first time I thought it was Seju who said it wouldn't be a bad idea at the end.. but it was actually Nami based on the way she spoke (sorry guys xD) so yeah Seju didn't agree yet.. but I think she was into the idea? I can't tell if that was a smile at the end, or if it was just her lips moving from Nami's grip. Either way.. what do you guys think? ^ ^

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 5:09PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yay, thanks Newp

Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who have broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"

Harsh lol.

Nami: 'Sleep with me once."

Seju: "I'm not the one you care about."

Nami: "You're right. But even so aren't you curious?"
"How Sung Sumin will react/ come out."

Well this at least kills the idea that they'll actually be coupled in the end. Phew.

joined Feb 28, 2016

Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who have broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"

Harsh lol.

Yeah that's fucking brutal lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

She doesn't seem like the type that wants to intentionally hurt her friend though, so she may already know how Sumin will react and isn't concerned, and is just using Seju's current uncertainty to bed her.

She can't be sure of how Sumin will react though. Either way, that's a big jerk move from her. At least if they plan on Nami x Seju, they should have started it on a different basis than this

Still seems like Nami is very perceptive. She pretty much always knows what's going on between Sumin and Sungji without Sumin giving much detail (though maybe she gets it from Sungji lol...). I don't have a lot of issues with her as Sumin's friend from this chapter.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who have broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"

Harsh lol.

Yeah that's fucking brutal lol

Nami is ruthless.

joined Mar 2, 2016

I think that Nami is just trying to get their relationship settled once and for all. She's done with just watching on the sideline and wants to do something about it. As Dofudofu said she's very perceptive and basically has everything figured out lol. I think a lot of people don't like her because they think Gaji wants to pair her with Seju.. but after this chapter I don't think her role is to be Sejus future love interest.

And after reading this chapter it's pretty clear that Nami cares a lot for Sumin as a friend.. but it's hard to see what she thinks of Seju.. hmm.

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 2:59PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who have broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"

Harsh lol.

Yeah that's fucking brutal lol

Nami is ruthless.

Hhahaha ikr when I read that I was like "holy shit.. Nami just triple combo KO'd her so bad."

joined Dec 9, 2014

And after reading this chapter it's pretty clear that Nami cares a lot for Sumin as a friend.. but it's hard to see what she thinks of Seju.. hmm.

But if that's the whole case, what does sleeping with Seju have anything to do with fixing her relationship with Sumin?
Sumin is happy now, and if anything, drama from Seju is the last thing she needs to move on.
Also she clearly said she wants to find out what Sumin's reaction will be after she finds out they slept together. How is that helping things to move on?
She is just being selfish and uses Sumin to get to sleep with Seju.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Friend: "Hurry up Nami~!"
Nami: "You're so impatient. This is why you're not growing taller."
Friend: "Wanna fight."
Nami thought bubble: "oh damn..." (she didnt actually say that but she used an expression that implies that.. I think.)
Friend: "? " "What are you looking at?"
Nami: "... nothing."

Nami's reaction when she saw Seju, "Oh damn"... I'm wondering if she means " oh damn" in a negative way, like "oh damn' she's here again" or " there's trouble". I'm kind of curious about that.

What if Nami actually hates Seju, and want her gone from Sumin's life for good, that's why she's proposing that idea, Seju to sleep with her, because she knows how Sumin would react, that she would hate Seju more? Because like MacySan said, drama is the last thing Seju needs now, and how is that going to help her or Sumin heal and move on?

I also remember a dialogue from chapter 30,
Nammi: He's a crusty old geezer. After being in the business for a learn to get over your feelings,
Nammi: And to use your body as a way to garner trust from others.

Maybe what Nammi is trying to do now is to get Seju's trust, so she can establish whatever hidden agenda she has

I know those are very unlikely, but, just, what if?

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