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joined May 10, 2014

^^^ I love it I think SA2 poisoned me back when I first got my GC xD so by all means keep sharing those here thank you!
Oh before I forget does anyone know if supporting me has official lyrics? I can barely understand even the 3ds version, I don't know if I can trust the wikia.

I think I'll start posting one per day from now on I've been doing overkill haha

Game: Queen's blade: Spiral Chaos Platform: Psp Pairing: Airi x Cute of course it's Airi

pixiv link

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 10:55PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

The wiki lyrics is right, Sonic Generations OST came with a booklet that has the lyrics for the songs, i'd love to link it but i'm not managing to for whatever reason
Speaking of which, i left a Everett Bradley playlist playing on our christmas dinner, still have no idea where Jun Senoue found this guy

last edited at Jan 9, 2015 12:13AM

joined Dec 30, 2014

This is the most recent Pokemon OST and I think some of these tracks made it into Smash DS (correct me if I'm wrong for no reason at all). You'll need 2 and a half hours to play it through.

joined May 10, 2014

Cool time to search "for true story" as well and LOL.
@XXarnold: I have the game and yes some songs were remixed for smash.

last edited at Jan 9, 2015 12:41AM

joined May 10, 2014

So I popped in Melee for the 1st time in a while...was Zelda's wave-dash always this hard to do? lol Still waiting for Smash 4 Mew2

Game: Soul Calibur V Platform: Xbox360 & Ps3 Pairing: Pyrrha x Viola
hentai-foundry link careful!
I hope this series does something like Tekken tag tournament 2 because the last 2 games sigh

joined Oct 15, 2013

From one of the last console games I played, Custom Robo on the GC, love this track:
It's so... epic, dark, and funky at the same time.

Another, darker and mysterious, love it

Ah, nostalgia-ing so hard at these... Used to play this with my bro a lot.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Custom Robo eh, heard a lot about this one but i'm yet to try it

So yesterday i took a break from sleeping listening to slightly calming metal and tried some graveyard instead, since i have a gigantic difficulty at sleeping and i need some musical aid, worked surprisingly well this one, love how deep that piano sounds

joined May 10, 2014

Custom robo is a fun game you can try the one on the ds it's basically the same gameplay but "re-balanced" aka the swords aren't broken but now the rifle is.
"calming" lol sleep doesn't help me sleep :/

I don't know if any of you ever heard of this game legend of legaia it came out a little late on the ps1 but it was my go to rpg when I wasn't playing pokemon or starcraft I love that game, I have the original game too but I have no idea where its case is.......sample if you don't feel like siting around for 4 hours

joined Mar 6, 2014

Legend of Legaia is actually my first RPG and one of the first games i ever played where i was conscious of what i was doing, it was also the game that helped me most at learning english, so yeah, plenty of memories with that one

joined Oct 15, 2013

Oh, oh! How about Harvest Moon games?
I was addicted to the first one I played, it was Harvest Moon Magical Melody... have not played much of others so I don't know how it stands in comparison but I loved it. Was really relaxing to play... for hours non-stop... mining... Ah~~ More nostalgia.

I have it for emulation but been too lazy to play it... haha.

last edited at Jan 10, 2015 9:44AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

Some Robot Tracks before the topic dies down

When it comes to nostalgia, I think nothing will ever beat my first true RPG experience that actually tried to convey a tragic and yet somewhat triumphant story, Terranigma

Many have fought the elite four to become Pokemon Master, others have saved the world countless times be it through Time Travel or the power of love and friendship or just fought for what they thought was right, be it keeping their loved ones safe, but have you ever CREATED the world and viewed it's growth throughout the years?
I heartly recommend Terranigma to anyone

last edited at Jan 10, 2015 10:48AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Saw this about Smash Bros "lore"...
Interesting over-thinking.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Oh, oh! How about Harvest Moon games?
I was addicted to the first one I played, it was Harvest Moon Magical Melody... have not played much of others so I don't know how it stands in comparison but I loved it. Was really relaxing to play... for hours non-stop... mining... Ah~~ More nostalgia.

The old Harvest Moons were so awesome. The new ones are more focused on combat and being a typical RPG where you occasionally plant stuff. True hardcore Harvest Moon fans know it's all about making sure the chickens are inside during winter so they don't get sick.

Which Harvest Moons got combat? I never seen any like that :o

Also a bit of a call-back to an older post:
^ old Harvest Moon game Lets you go girl x girl (or boy x boy)... Thought it was worth bringing up again, hehe.

joined May 10, 2014

It was Legaia taught me words like "Hisatsu!" that and Rockman x4 introduced me to Japan...why did I have a Japanese x4? don't ask XD at least I didn't have to deal with girly voice

About the "combat" harvest moon aren't those called Rune factory? anyway I like the games but everytime I pick it up I put it down after an hour and get distracted cough Smash cough Megaman x cough

@Maus: Just post as many tracks as you want don't worry haha. Create your world? reminds me of populous.

That Smash lore well it's game theory of course they over analyze everything although after the Rosalina theory I can't look at Peach x Rosalina anymore >_<

This game's ost!!! X Zero and everything else I should stop posting links this soundtrack makes me want to speed run the game AGAIN!

Game: Xenosaga Platform: Ps2 and Nds(I&II only) Pairing: KOS-MOS x T-elos

booru sorry couldn't find the original

joined Mar 6, 2014

Since we're all posting soundtracks around, there's no way i can leave mother fucking Ace Combat aside
Which also happens to make one of the best use of butt-rock i've seen, it was but a simple desert stage with boring desert song, until THIS happens, can't listen to this without laughing

joined May 10, 2014

Oh wow I haven't played any Ace combat since 2 haha I'll post Castlevania then here you go yay! two more touhouvania!

joined Mar 6, 2014

Ace Combat has improved quite a lot since their PS1 days, too bad it hasn't been at it's best lately, it was one of the reasons why i bought the 3DS and it was a complete letdown, which still puzzles me how it achieved such badness when the first portable game on the PSP was such a hot pleasure, definitively one of my favorite PSP games, if not THE favorite

joined Jan 17, 2014

It's not really creating your own world, it's creating our current world (with somne huge liberties taken of course, (it can happen that you are the cause that the telefon was never invented), you first resurrect the continents, then you visit the world where those continents revived, rid the Ra tree of the evil that it plagues thus allowing for plants & trees to live in the world, then you go the next ''dungeon'' to resurrect animal life. By the by, it's the third inofficial and unrelated sequel to the Illusions of Gaia series.

Those soundtrack collections for Beginning and Vampire Killer assume that in Castlevania 3 the Tracks are the same for all versions, which is wrong, since the Famicom Castlevania 3 utilized the Famicom Soundchip way better. Beginning Deja Vu / Vampire Killer

Aria of Sorrows Heart of Fire best track

Dissected version: Don't wait until night Heart of Fire Original

Best inofficial Track: bLiNd - NESteryears - I Am Dracula

last edited at Jan 11, 2015 3:39AM

joined May 10, 2014

^ The collections were updated once but well it's not perfect that's fine thanks for posting the other links.
I'll have to try ace combat again :D

Game: Street Fighter 4 Pairing: Cammy x Juri


last edited at Jan 11, 2015 11:20PM

joined May 10, 2014

Series: Pokemon Pairing: Sabrina(Natsume) x Erika
I should've said this earlier but you need a pixiv account to view NSFW...

joined Dec 18, 2013

Series: Pokemon Pairing: Sabrina(Natsume) x Erika
I should've said this earlier but you need a pixiv account to view NSFW...

Oh wow. that is extremely well drawn and really hot.

joined May 10, 2014

^ Did you check the second version? I love the colors and shades too!

Game(s): Digimon (crossover) Platform: Nds Pairing: Sayo x Kizuna
There's a couple more(on the booru) but the artist's pixiv says the page is "private" or something sigh also I miss the days when digimon was relevant T-T

last edited at Jan 13, 2015 10:34PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Damn it, finally finished watching Xrd's story mode and i wasn't expecting to get so much into it considering how small is my Guilty Gear lore knowledge

Most of all i'm surprised by Bedman, i couldn't be any less interested in the guy aside from the fact that his song rocks and that he's voiced by freakin' Pegasus Kouga, but in the end he ended up being my favorite character of the bunch, surely i won't handle Ramlethal's spot as my main to him but holy crap i'm looking forward to see his shenanigans again in the next game

last edited at Jan 14, 2015 1:28AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Hmmm, Nintendo Direct happened, pretty weak direct i must sAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MAJORA'S MASK FEBRUARY 13THSDUA0S9DASNUO0

joined Oct 15, 2013

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