WataMote is a cringe comedy about a socially awkward, incredibly anxiety-ridden girl named Tomoko. Much of the series' early humor derived from Tomoko being a complete failure at life, but it began to take a turn as the series neared its hundredth chapter; after a trip to Kyoto, Tomoko gets a consistent group of friends that she hangs around very often, and a few of them have various levels of obsession with her. How yuri the series actually is depends on how tight your goggles are, but Tomoko herself is pretty much confirmed bisexual.
As for whether or not it's good, I enjoy it, but it's definitely a series that is not for everyone, and it can strike pretty close to home. It has a twelve-episode anime, and while it doesn't get to the parts that have inspired this yuri boom, an episode or two should be enough to tell whether or not you'll like it.