Not a fan but if it's mutual or floats your boat or whatever, don't mind me.
Shamefully I only know one of these characters . . . from the fighting game. And she's awesome!
One of my fictional series ever. And I constantly find myself saying "who?" when images pop up. Especially yuri ones. Something's not right.
Would really like to see someone take a shot at this!
Did not expect to like Nero. Now I adore her.
Well at least it's not her daughter...
So did these two ever get together or what?
I like to imagine that they just kept walking nonchalant circles around each other without letting go for the next hour or so.
you did well sir, this is so cutttteeee ;w;
Just a clarification: It was Caliburn and, later, Avalon that stopped Arthur's aging, not Excalibur.
And in that moment we were all Sombra
A fanfic of this ship probably exists somewhere though given the nature of the Touhou fandom and Touhou itself.
Yuri by Dre.
me likey~~
wow she's dripping O_o
damn.... OvO
Damn....O_O Akko must have felt some pleasure alright to claw her up like that~Obviously Diana made her mark of course o3o look at them hickeys~
she's going for the intended target xD her tongue is already ready~
hahahha :D genius~
Them hands though~ >o>
this is so freaking lovely :D NozoEli <3
Yandere!! O__O
wooo~ them wet indeed~
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