Weapon porn
Power of Boobs
Nice Fine, take your girl!
I just thought this was Mari xD
This is too gay for Gambaruby
Boobs and pocky kiss...too much for Saya!
It was a ice cold night for the fire girl
Awww, still cute
This ship is adorable!!
Sorry, Ruby
Woahh =////=
Stuffed animals + kotoumi is gold.
yuri marriage
Poor ruby
God I love these two
^ I don't think it looks good on young women - but it fits / looks fine on grizzled, gruff older guy sort characters - like Ricardo in El cazador etc.
I had to rub my eyes again just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating xD
ii knoe ii haven't seen it 2 ); can't wait till ii see it thoe (:
Yeah, Batoto requires you to login for old chapters nowadays.
I like it, especially when a girl is smoking, two is even better.
@lord-of-roses Click your user name in the top right, and click on Upload Request. You can submit requests for manga and images using that.
last edited at Dec 2, 2016 1:57PM
When in doubt on who is best girl, ship them together instead.
Thanks @drpepperfan gotta make them requests
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