There are not canon ships in Love Live and that is why I think this series is so great because anyone can ship what they want and it gives a lot options for discussion. It is so sad instead most people are dead set on "canon" ships and are ready to kill for them.
It's not so much I'm not into the pairing, than I'm not into Nico being portrayed as being uncomfortable and all tsun even in private moments with her girlfriend, that keeps me from totally enjoying this. I'd love a version where Nico is genuinely smiling instead.
I mean who wouldn't smile getting that sort of attention from Kotobirb?
Awesome! Only recently stumbled upon Poison's partnership/freindship with Hugo. May not be particularly surprising but it's still pretty sweet! For shame. I never thought to stick her with other SF girls. Did wonder how she and Juri would get along though.
mmhh ii see people think ii was say'n it to be rude or something , but unfortunately uu guys are inmutare , it was a question .. ii mean can't people ask question when they don't know something ..
Nd Nevri thank uu for the info ..
Yuikumari, people are getting fussy because your wording implied that you didn't consider transwomen to be real women. I'm assuming that you probably don't fully understand things like transexuality, and I'll admit that things can get a bit complex, but something you should understand is that Poison is indeed a woman, and that doesn't change even if she's trans.
She was always female, so them "making her officially female" doesn't change anything. In no way it denies her being a trans. Can you give me link to your source as I can't find it.
No GRAY SHADOW , ii full understand it pluse am lesbian nd ii have a guy brother nd his close friend is a transsexual-male .. buh ya ii see were my wording got messed up .. nd ii was asking because ii didn't understand wah they were say'n in the top comments in till somebody explained it to me .. buh now ii understand .. buh thank uu GRAY SHADOW for explaining it ..