I still can't accept the fact everything from Wakame became anime except for this
the muppet make out fanart
@Kojiro481 Cooking Marcille's brain definitely. XD
trifecta hit
The obvious solution is to invite them both ;)
^---- hey @juanelric, can I dip you in my tea so I can drink your essence?
Sister theft
the best revenge
she's pretty much 'well done'
these two are always so hot
Ryo the Guy
hell yeah
Teto: D: ah?! this is not... Neru: don't mind me. go on with your business. Miku: :D tehehe
Farewell, green lady. See you in your next life o7
Oh my. She's prepping to join in! And she brought supplies!
T-T-Triple kill!
That's two love letters, but only one bouquet. Looks like they have to share it by holding hands around the hilt.
Based on this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYgZcqgIF1o
Although she was silent out of shock
Cute smooches
^fully agreed
I entirely understand Namari's thoughts, Kiki is indeed super hot
Lovely, Morinaga's art is so cute and iconic I think
Really cute, need more!
from Sumire's sweetdrops it seems she is having doubts on her follow.up lol
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