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joined Oct 3, 2017

Hah, didn’t know this was distinguished from regular ol isekai. Seems to have very few works categorised under it atm though.

joined Oct 10, 2018

Thats because we don't have web and light novels if we did this would be more full.

joined Jun 11, 2016

I've noticed that the summary is lacking, and this whole System thing is pretty new to anyone who doesn't read Chinese novels, so I would like to write a full introduction of what System actually is (yes I have lots of free time on my hands). Also the correct term is just System, "System Administrator" is another beast entirely.

I. What are Systems, and what do they do?
My own definition of System, from my years of reading Chinese novels, is that: Systems are plot devices that look like systems from games, that exist to achieve a certain goal.
That's a rather vague definition, but it's the broadest and best way I can think to describe it.

Now, what Systems do can be described by the 3 types of Systems most commonly found in Chinese novels:
1. Useless Systems: like the name implied, they're basically useless. They only exist as the start of the novel to give the Main Characters (I will shorten this as MCs from now) some basic important information, before disappearing most of the time. They may resurface during important plot points, but they have no real functions other than that.
2. Normal Systems: Much more useful compared to 1, these systems can help the MCs not just by providing plot information, but they also have certain functions to aid the MCs like Search, GPS, Warning, etc. Their functions are helpful, but never too powerful, so that the story can still have tensions. These systems always comes with Missions/Tasks that MCs must complete, failure to do so will have consequences. (These are the most commons in romance novels imo)
3. Powerful Systems: Offering a variety of functions that can definitely boost MCs from zero to hero, these systems are very powerful indeed. However, only with high risks come high rewards, the Missions/Tasks of these things can be very hard/dangerous to do, and failure isn't really an option. These are more commonly seen in adventure stories where stakes are high.

Systems can be further divided into 2 types:
1. Those with Mascots: These systems have a chibi mascot that can fly around and interact w/ the MCs and have their own personalities.
2. Those without: These systems only interact w/ MCs through holographic interfaces. Many of them do have personalities, but many others are just mechanical machines/AI.

II. So then, what is the point of these Systems?
Like I've said: "Systems exist to achieve a certain goal". However, because Systems are invisible to everyone but the MCs, they must rely on (or force) the MCs to complete the goal for them. That's why Systems give out Missions/Tasks to MCs, all so they can achieve what they want, and the goals change with each story. For adventure stories, the goal is usually to survive. For romance novels however, the goal can be anything.

In most Chinese romance novels, the MCs don't isekai/transmigrate into the stories as themselves, but they take over a character's body in the stories. The goals in these stories can be: A. Complete the original story while roleplaying as the character; B. Resolve the original character's (OC's) regret/Complete the OC's dying will or C. Change the story in a specific way.

III. Ok so why do the MCs even listen to these Systems anyway?
Well, most MCs don't willingly sign a contract with these Systems. Most of them are dragged into the fictional worlds by the Systems when they're on the verge of death/actively dying. The Systems then tell the MCs that if they do the Missions and complete the Goal, they can be revived in their world and even be rewarded if they do a good job. And since most people don't wanna die, they of course choose to do as the Systems say.

There are also many cases where the MCs die for real in the their world, but they still do the Missions, because if they don't they will be punished by Systems. Punishment can range from being physically hurt, losing control of themselves, to death, or even have their souls erased. In stories where the punishment isn't too bad, many MCs try to rebel against the Systems, to varying degrees of success.

IV. Conclusion
If you've read it till here, thank you and congratulations, you've now got the basic of Systems! You probably won't be too lost when reading Chinese novels with Systems now!

Though I've categorized Systems into types for easier understanding, in reality, authors can choose to mix them up however they want, so don't be too surprised if something in here doesn't fit with whatever story you're reading.

And of course this isn't all there is about Systems, and I haven't even talked about Administrators yet. But I think I will stop here for now. I will write more If people like this enough/are curious about Administrators!

Also, do excuse any grammar errors/typos you may find, I'm too lazy to edit this XD

last edited at Jul 11, 2024 8:37PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

I'm curious about administrators! Thank you for your explanation!

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