Forum › Let's Reconcile With Lily Maria discussion

joined Jun 12, 2015

^Or maybe they just looked at the ratings? Hmm? This manga has the lowest on their pixiv

joined Aug 25, 2015

^Or maybe they just looked at the ratings? Hmm? This manga has the lowest on their pixiv

Well, maybe. Some physical magazine use ratings to decide what to keep doing, so maybe YH is doing that for Pixiv. It's rare to axe something with one volume, but maybe they hate a minimal rating to achieve.

We'll never know unless the author speaks up about it, though (and not sure if someone cares enough to keep an eye on them).

joined Feb 18, 2013

It was too one-note to really work for long. A gullible girl, a one-track obsessor, and a contrarian with a guest sadist isn't really a stellar cast to do interesting things with.

joined Oct 6, 2014

It was too one-note to really work for long. A gullible girl, a one-track obsessor, and a contrarian with a guest sadist isn't really a stellar cast to do interesting things with.

Sounds like a good cast to play around with for me.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Luv it : D

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