Forum › Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom discussion

joined Apr 28, 2014

I'm happy to know I'm not the only person traumatized by Clownpieces' spellcards.

joined Feb 3, 2013

Stage 5 boss is usually the hardest part of a Touhou game. To this day, I still have nightmares involving tigers-patterned curvy lasers.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Reisen why

joined Apr 11, 2016

Ah, Giselebon, few can display such a meaningful story in such a cute art style.
BTW for more of this artist.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Ah, Junko, a character that's so obsessed with revenge that it's literally taken over her life and mind. I think one of the reasons I like her paired up with Reisen or Hecatia so much is because they're portrayed like a stabilizing element to her insanity, although in this story the ending had the implication that even that wouldn't last. Still, this was another excellent work from Giselebon.

Also, I have to wonder where Giselebon got the idea of salmon jerky ears from that last page.

joined May 28, 2011

pg 17, "ganger"?

joined Jan 26, 2021


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