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joined Jun 7, 2019

Now that I think about it ... Nanoha is bisexual? I mean, it is mentioned that she liked a boy before but it was something that her friends said and not herself, also, many lesbians or people in general believe that they "fall in love" with a boy because of the pressure that they have to like someone
Uhgg ... I don't know but I would like to see a development of that or at least an appearance of the boy

joined Jun 7, 2019

Is it just me, or is Shimamura much gayer in the anime?

and we love to see our useless lesbian like that

joined Jun 7, 2019

and her ex boyfriend ended up dating his friend
happy end

joined Jun 7, 2019

"gross" - Have we found Ucchi's sister?

disgusting then?

joined Jun 7, 2019

that was g r o s s

joined Jun 7, 2019

okay okay okay
Adachi monopolizes her a lot? Yes, but in part it is understandable, Shimamura at the moment is the only person closest to her and with whom she has a deep bond, I think it is the obvious that she is a little possessive and to that add that she is a teenager. I don't think it's a "toxic" relationship, I think Adachi's jealousy is what anyone would have in a relationship, just that her insecurities are kind of annoying. I think that Shimamura as the person closest to her should put limits on her and help her to relate to more people (?) or maybe not, simply teach them not to be so dependent on her
How should i put it?Adachi deserves WAY MORE love

last edited at Oct 11, 2020 7:36AM

joined Jun 7, 2019

Ngl, Pancho being aware of AdaShima and being helpful in her manners was nice.

that name makes me laugh cuz pancho means hotdog in my language hahaha

last edited at Oct 9, 2020 5:44PM

joined Jun 7, 2019

gon is shimamura's dog or what?my english sucks uhg

joined Jun 7, 2019

I was waiting for a chapter where one of the two would get jealous but their relationship is too healthy for that :(

joined Jun 7, 2019

so cute

joined Jun 7, 2019

"me gustas" means "i like you" but yeah it is the same

joined Jun 7, 2019

i just gonna pretend that they aren't related by blood

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Sep 18:23
joined Jun 7, 2019

Author/artist is very good at drawing kissing scenes.

it may be because the artist also draws hentai

Suito-to! discussion 21 Sep 01:42
joined Jun 7, 2019

If someone know spanish you can support the author reading this legally in Manga Plus, here

for the first time in my life I am grateful to have been born in Argentina

Suito-to! discussion 21 Sep 01:42
joined Jun 7, 2019

If someone know spanish you can support the author reading this legally in Manga Plus, here

for the first time in my life I am grateful to have been born in Argentina

joined Jun 7, 2019 is she planning to fuck that cat or not? That whole thing confused me.

WAIT what

joined Jun 7, 2019

i wish this was my teacher
also, you can use common condoms on your fingers?

joined Jun 7, 2019

It's so funny how Claire acts so full of herself and teases Rei (SPOILER)in this part of the story when currently in the novel she is so loving to Rei lol
I live for that cliché of enemies to lovers

joined Jun 7, 2019

those who compare this story with hamefura ?????????
Hamefura is a good anime and novel but it is a comedy, the plot (if not for the comedy) is not that interesting, also they know that it is not the first otome game novel, right? There are a lot of those, only that hamefura was the first to have an adaptation.
Personally, I like this story better because it is a bit more serious and has a good development, slowly but surely (in addition to the fact that the novel touches on issues such as class differences, feminism or lgbt)

joined Jun 7, 2019

"I'm not a simple girl that you can kiss after dating for a week"
me,who give the first kiss on the first day of relationship, kisses with strangers at parties and also kissed friends,reading this
I aM a wHoRE

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 12:25AM

joined Jun 7, 2019

I really thought it was going to be a manga with a slow process and only the girls living their daily lives (like the previous works of the author) but I was really attracted to that of the murder of the father, the personality of the characters and the drama (in a certain way It's well done, I usually feel cringe when there is "drama" but this just leaves me wanting more)
and the romantic situations bro, I love the interactions of the protagonists aaa and the drawing style my god

joined Jun 7, 2019

the fact that RinPana is canon makes me happy

joined Jun 7, 2019

I discovered that I was bisexual in the same way, watching a series with lgbtq representation
and this is one of the many reasons why I defend lgbtq representation, it helps a lot to accept oneself, at least it made me feel good about myself at that time

joined Jun 7, 2019

Kon's personality is the same as Maki's hahaha that shows that parents are not the ones you share blood with, parents are the ones who raise you

Well, it's fiction. AIUI, scientifically, Big 5 personality traits are half genetic, half random. In general kids don't have the same personalities as their parents or their siblings. Though obviously culture, habits, and attitudes can be shared via upbringing.

According to a study, adoptive children are more like their adoptive parents, personality and those things are acquired in the environment you are raised and thus you incorporate things from your parents (or anyone who has a close relationship with you)
Things like intelligence are inherited (although education also influences)

joined Jun 7, 2019

Kon's personality is the same as Maki's hahaha that shows that parents are not the ones you share blood with, parents are the ones who raise you