Forum › Posts by elthundercat

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 11:37
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hi everyone!
working from home today so going to help these pages move along.

Newp life models are awesome are you doing nude studies?

Lin so good to hear that Su is doing great!! keep us posted on her new muscle car engine, your check ins are awesome.

Fay Fay hows the housing situation going?

Rainy its been raining in DC for 25 days straight, its given me a sinus headache and making me feel like im back home during rainy season minus the good food and hot weather. =(

last edited at May 13, 2016 11:51AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 21:46
joined Jan 4, 2016

Newp Gracias for the translation btw. I havent had time to look at the scans but sounds like rings were exchange? (why is that a thing?)

Elthundercat No problem :) And in Korea, couple culture is like a huuuuuuge thing. They're always wearing matching clothes, hats, shoes, bags, rings, etc. Always celebrating every 100 days, going to lovey dovey spots and blah. Koreans just really love to show off that they're in a relationship lol so something like buying couple rings usually isn't really considered that huge of a deal. Well for people in their mid- late 20's it might be cause it's kind of a prelude to marriage but yeah.

Wow, well I can think of an ex or two I'm glad I never went to Korea with lol...

oh thats a lot of pressure not sure I would last a 100 days XD.

Yeah I mean depending on when it was in my life I wanted to try to make a relationship work or I just wanted sex. Some people I met I just knew it wasn't going to go anywhere, but the interest was still there so it's better to make it obvious what I wanted. Some people act like they're totally fine with someone who's only interested in a physical relationship or a one night stand and then they end up hurt because they're not honest. Those are usually the worst situations. I found that as I got older I was actually running into that type of thing more instead of less and I started to realize that I needed to tone it down. Then I dated 3 back to back nut jobs followed by my best friend looool. Not good.

^^^ ****FINGER SNAPS***^^^^

Yes communication is the key, Some many things could be avoided if everyone is clear about their feelings and intentions.

Man I would give my butt away to be andro. (T^T)

Aw. Where's Azai for a little self-butt-love lesson.

Edit: this sounds really weird now that I'm reading it over again.

LMAO ^___^ love ur butts people so that confidence shines through when strutting your stuff #buttshine lls corny i know but couldnt help it XD #trynagetinthehastaggame

well Gnight or Gmorning to some. I godda go be a productive human before bed so ill Ttyl foxy's.

last edited at May 4, 2016 10:01PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 20:33
joined Jan 4, 2016


There are just a lot of lesbians that dress boyishly, and look like cute lanky preteen-to-teenage boys lol. I have on more than one occasion, mistaken an adult lesbian for a boy and a boy for an adult lesbian...

That must be pretty awkward and funny to see, but I guess it's not that hard to happen xD

hmm i think its actually pretty common at least in all the places I've lived and visited > i mostly plan my travels around the "friendliness" of city to Lgbtqq communities, and twinkish lesbians seem to be every where. Ive def. confused a lot of them for Man but hey thats a freaking awesome skill in my opinion. I mean I sometimes want to be a tall lanky andro my self but i was born with a butt so I've adapted. lol

last edited at May 4, 2016 8:38PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 20:23
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hi hi Elthundercat :) good to see you back. This thread needs to liven up a little haha.

Yes, hihi elthundergato. Sorry you're swamped :( Things have been picking up for me too lately. So much for leisurely spring time days.

and nothing much Dofu just got back from walking my dog and enjoying a nice slice of pizza outside of starbucks xD Life is good.. life is good.. for now.

That sounds nice :) I haven't had pizza in a long ass time now that I think about it. Maybe when I'm just too damn busy to cook we can order in one of these days. Pineapple pizza :D

yea a slice of pizza would be nice =d i love pineapples on my pizza as well, friends think Im weird but hey whatever floats my boat. XD

Yeah, the fun would be only mine, or not if the lesbian decided to beat me for what I did, and you mistake little boys for lesbians and lesbians for little boys? How does that even work?

There are just a lot of lesbians that dress boyishly, and look like cute lanky preteen-to-teenage boys lol. I have on more than one occasion, mistaken an adult lesbian for a boy and a boy for an adult lesbian...

And why kanojo gets mad because of that? xD

Because she thinks I'm being an asshole. Which isn't totally inaccurate. But hey, I've probably had my way with more of those boyish lesbians than she has.

tehhehe yea good times, till they aren't XD

Newp Gracias for the translation btw. I havent had time to look at the scans but sounds like rings were exchange? (why is that a thing?)

last edited at May 4, 2016 8:25PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 19:52
joined Jan 4, 2016

what up, what up my Foxy peeps!!
I thought this thread might be on page 400 but I guess everyone has been busy as well.

I've personally been trapped under a stack of case folders and emails that span soccer fields 8***(

hows everyone? just realized the tone..lls
smh #queenofbadtiming XD

last edited at May 4, 2016 7:55PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 29 Apr 17:46
joined Jan 4, 2016

But I don't have any plans for tonight sooo >.>

yea im staying in as well.
I've been a very bad girl this week already soooooooooooo i need to stay in side. >______>

I was out all night last week so I'm staying inside too. >.>
Need to avoid some trouble lol

kitkat where in Canada do u live?

Umm. Alberta xD
What's up ??

nothin just wondering im thinking about doing a road trip from Cali to Vancouver this summer. thought maybe u had some insider
Alberta looks pretty on google images.

On that note, I'm going to verbally pout until this woman I made dinner for gets her ass on the train home ...

im going to stare at u until u let me taste ur cooking woman. 8) pretty please

last edited at Apr 29, 2016 5:47PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 29 Apr 17:38
joined Jan 4, 2016

But I don't have any plans for tonight sooo >.>

yea im staying in as well.
I've been a very bad girl this week already soooooooooooo i need to stay in side. >______>

kitkat where in Canada do u live?

last edited at Apr 29, 2016 5:40PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 29 Apr 17:35
joined Jan 4, 2016

hiya everyone

hmmmm i have a feeling theres def. at least one couple in the making ;D but ill keep it a secret..

last edited at Apr 29, 2016 5:35PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 23:16
joined Jan 4, 2016

tofu.ZAN is a romantic after all XD
please explain what you mean by loose ends?
also i been meaning to ask how does Kanojo feel about your relationship with your best friend/ex?

She's more the romantic one than I am, but I do like to think ahead. I like to think about birthday presents and things of the sort long in advance. Same goes for something like engagement lol. She still wants to be the one that asks, but I'd like to pick something out for her.

well ur a romantic in your own way

I just meant that my best friend and I are so close on pretty much all levels, but we just never bring up our relationships with other people. It's been like that since we met each other and since we broke up. We would just figure out who the other one was seeing and then not ask about it. I don't know how it turned out that way, but by the time I really noticed, it just became the norm for us. Now I finally brought up where things are at with kanojo lately and asked her about the guy she's been seeing.

Im happy to hear you guys open up those air ways of communication, I just hope she doesn't turn into my bestie and call u to nag about her boo all the time. smh

keep us posted on the search tofu Xd

Ok... You know, you don't need to try so hard to be always the top, cause.. well, when it comes down to it, I'm a natural bottom. But if it pleases you then...
/ changes voice pitch / OMG, my waifu is awesome. <3

Hahahah yokatta XD

Damn. My powers can't burn this ship anymore. It's just waaay too awesome and cheesy xD

Its a LONG board of cheesy-ness

well guys sorry to just drop in and out but this Gato needs a nap.

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 11:20PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 22:52
joined Jan 4, 2016

btw tofu u dont have to answer my questions im just very curious

cause I No first hand how many times my Ex/longest friend been the topic up for discussion with girlfriends, shts not pretty

Newp the fight to be a top is never ending my young padawan at least for natural born bottoms XD

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 10:54PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 22:48
joined Jan 4, 2016

Side notes:
1) It's definitely Newpai
2) Hey, elthundergato

I'm the last person that would actually suggest something like that.


I say that and yet I used this trip to finally start talking about my current relationship with my best friend/ex. It went well, and it was the loose end I wanted to tie before poking around for a ring for kanojo...

tofu.ZAN is a romantic after all XD
please explain what you mean by loose ends?
also i been meaning to ask how does Kanojo feel about your relationship with your best friend/ex?

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 22:26
joined Jan 4, 2016

/looks around/
/grabs helmet and exits threw the same window/

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 22:22
joined Jan 4, 2016

/pops a wheelie threw the window/
realize i was the only biker here..
whats up guys? XD

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 10:23PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 26 Apr 13:12
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hi hello Hiiaaiii ^ ^
ok just came to check that the thread wasn't dead,/thumps up/ now im off to get cafe.

i dont live there now but saw this and remember how cold it was =/ sorry faylicita

last edited at Apr 26, 2016 1:19PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 12:53
joined Jan 4, 2016

hey tofu and whom ever else is on
what do u have; allergies?

Hey elthundergato, no I have some sort of cold. Thought it might be spring allergies at first, but there's too many other symptoms.

oh no change of seasons colds are the worst, i hope u get better soon. well is the boo taking care of u?

Thanks, and no T_T I'm still out of town at the moment. My best friend's mom brought over some soup though, which is good and bad. Good because my friend is a horrid cook so I'm glad her mom made it instead. Bad because her mom has some really awkward mixture of love and contempt for me.

dammm ok so ur best friends with your ex and her mom made u soup and brought it to u. thats next level funny =0
wait i have a few questions now
how long did u and ur Bestie date/how long ago was this? and were u her first lesbian experience?
cause this might explain why her Mom has her reservations about u.

its so funny to me how lesbians have either been in love with their best friend or dated said best friend at some point smh its like a right of passage or something.

last edited at Apr 25, 2016 12:55PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 12:35
joined Jan 4, 2016

hey tofu and whom ever else is on
what do u have; allergies?

Hey elthundergato, no I have some sort of cold. Thought it might be spring allergies at first, but there's too many other symptoms.

oh no change of seasons colds are the worst, i hope u get better soon. well is the boo taking care of u?

WDTFS fans - off topic 25 Apr 12:30
joined Jan 4, 2016

hey tofu and whom ever else is on
what do u have; allergies?

AzaI 12 hours and your still going thats impressive. You need to put that stamina to good use /wink wink/ XD

last edited at Apr 25, 2016 12:32PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 19:39
joined Jan 4, 2016

Good morning, cuties... ;D

Okay.. gotta sleep now...

mvl, kittokatto...
Find the link.. and let me know how old i sound like... sound like you're still 5 years old? Hehehe ok just kidding. You sound like you're in your early 20s. You got a very sexy voice. What happened to that person that said she couldn't sing?

Sexy? thanks.. No one told me that before ;D maybe bcoz of the cold..
You dont know how many trials passed before getting that record. I coughed in the middles and hardly reached the bridge notes...

I coughed quite a lot last night before i fell asleep...

Rainy u sound fabulous
and ur def. early 20's

Thank you, elthundercat xD
Well, early 20s is not that bad... its still younger than my real age... hahaha...

Hey Rainy
playing the age guessing game;
ok so its 26?XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:52
joined Jan 4, 2016

Did I miss a link or something to Rainy's voice ?? Hahahaha

You are in the same situation as me.

Ohh. I found it xD

Rainy u sound fabulous
and ur def. early 20's

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:11
joined Jan 4, 2016

fay & tofu lets just forget i brought this up.


no me des esa cara. ^ ^.

HI azai can u give me some coffee pleaseeeeeee XD i still havent gotten out of bed

kitkat girl, this is just what spring is like, im just a not so innocent by standard that drank to much and acted out. However, the new hair doo is getting me more attention then long hair was XD

Aww shoot. Now you made me curious of how you look like. Daaaaaamn. I wannaaaa seeeeeeeee~~~

curiosity killed the cat, i should know since im a cat.

and how does lama know how u guys sounds?
no fair! >____<

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 12:13PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 12:06
joined Jan 4, 2016

fay & tofu lets just forget i brought this up.
kitkat girl, this is just what spring is like, im just a not so innocent by standard that drank to much and acted out. However, the new hair doo is getting me more attention then long hair was XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 10:37
joined Jan 4, 2016

im def. telling intern I'm not dishonest, i wasn't doing anything wrong we haven't committed to each other yet and hiding things just isnt my style.
If she is hurt then we can deal with that but hiding things just leads to something more unhealthy.

Think you're blowing this kind of conversation out of proportion. If you two haven't said you're exclusive then there shouldn't be too much of an issue. If she wants to go steady then she needs to just out with it and say it. If you can't give that to her then you should just stop seeing each other. Whalahhhh

lol Whalahhh

honestly don't think there is any reason to tell her but right now im just confused.
think ill go for a bike ride to clear my head.
sorry for processing all this on here.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 10:38AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 10:02
joined Jan 4, 2016

i got my phone back already.
@Fay me and intern arent in a relationship were just hooking up.

well, yeah I know, but I thought you were going towards that direction... isn't she the one you like? oooor???

umm i like her yes. Ive also had a kinda crush boarder line curiosity about this British girl for a year now and we just started hanging. Lit. i wasnt planning on acting on it, but i was drunk. i feel awful about it and dont know if i should address it.

BF advice: just chill no need to address it right now cause im sure it will happen again.

don't listen to your bf!! >< at least not totally... but yeah :/ maybe don't address it... she could get jealous or hurt... and err... I know it's not like she can tell you what to do because she's not your girlfriend but that doesn't mean she has to be your girlfriend to be hurt... if she is falling in love with you I don't think she'll be so chill about it >.> even if she looks like it she might go cry alone at night... >.> ugh... and then she might remember it every time you touch her... :/ and you'll get annoyed and stop calling her >.> or something like that? But yeah, anyway, best not to tell her ^-^'''

^ omg that.smh
im def. telling intern I'm not dishonest, i wasn't doing anything wrong we haven't committed to each other yet and hiding things just isnt my style.
If she is hurt then we can deal with that but hiding things just leads to something more unhealthy.

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 09:41
joined Jan 4, 2016

i got my phone back already.
@Fay me and intern arent in a relationship were just hooking up.

well, yeah I know, but I thought you were going towards that direction... isn't she the one you like? oooor???

umm i like her yes. Ive also had a kinda crush boarder line curiosity about this British girl for a year now and we just started hanging. Lit. i wasnt planning on acting on it, but i was drunk. i feel awful about it and dont know if i should address it.

BF advice: just chill no need to address it right now cause im sure it will happen again.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 9:42AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 09:26
joined Jan 4, 2016

i got my phone back already. her flat mate opened the door and let me grab it.
@Fay me and intern arent in a relationship were just hooking up.
i also didnt plan on getting really drunk and making out with this person it kinda just happen. i dont remember all the details about how it went down and im fairly certain she wasnt as drunk as me so i feel weird about it. i mean she was def. into it but i may have said things i had no business saying. >___<

this is why day drinking with gorgeous british ppl is a no no.

my bf advise was: the girl IS a little interesting, i can see why u are into her..
this is what having supportive ppl does to u. =(
ugh im not looking forward to this fucking conversation. theres nothing worst then talking about something u cant all the way remember but have to take accountability for.

SU i like the truck and once u have a truck u can carry all kinds of things home, its def. a game changer.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 9:30AM