Forum › Posts by ergzay

joined Dec 28, 2016

Half the reason I come to the comment sections on dynasty scans is to read what nutcases occasionally post into this website. It's incredibly amusing. That was quite the amazing past few pages of the banned/deleted user. This website more than any other manga website seems to cause crazy people to come out of the wordwork.

Now on the actual topic at hand, I'm fine with Kase being jealous. She doesn't have much free time to come to Yamada so she's rightfully worried when someone suddenly sends her a photo of her girlfriend giving a crazy blush posing next to a very handsome guy and then for the entire next day she can't reach her girlfriend on the phone to ask her about it. I'm a guy and I'd certainly be worried/concerned.

(Now I do think the author is using jealousy as a plot device too much, but the jealousy is not without reason in this specific situation.)

What they really need to do is just move in together already.

last edited at Feb 1, 2021 1:21AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Blackmail tag is completely wrong here. There's no blackmail.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Waste of a chapter number. This was chapter 69 author you! You could have made use of it!

joined Dec 28, 2016

This manga is so good. I'm enjoying it so much. It's so creepy and disgusting but so good. I love every chapter.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Can you not assume that English speaking people know French. This is just gibberish.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Something I just noticed this chapter, have they been gradually getting bigger/older over time? How much time has passed in-universe?

joined Dec 28, 2016


I love these translators.

No it's called being tone deaf.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Please translator. Don't insert "poggers" into manga. You're freaking ruining it.

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Jul 00:21
joined Dec 28, 2016

This is getting an official English release btw (scanlation will, of course, continue regardless)

I wouldn't be surprised if they censor stuff. Shou's art is very lewd.

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Jul 00:16
joined Dec 28, 2016

"Beer is a gift that has led to many pregnancies. Why don't you drink some too, Ichika?" Aria trying to make the moves here.

joined Dec 28, 2016

They're making great progress. Keep it up Hino and Koguma!

Was this series always tagged as yuri? I feel like I remember it being tagged subtext before.

You can answer that question.

So your answer is yes, it was always tagged yuri.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Reading these forums is often times as entertaining as or even more entertaining than reading the chapters. Someone always gets so crazy angry every chapter. I wonder if these people are as high-strung in real life as they appear in comments.

But talking about the manga, Akira is going to get dished a piece of humble pie soon. It is indeed funny watching her go through all this. She needs to calm down and think about what Mayuki has told her in the past about her teacher (in the previous 2 chapters).

last edited at Jul 19, 2020 1:34AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Also, the upload file size is low, the text is pixelated for the font size, please update with a higher resolution.

The font for example on page 14 is quite difficult to read.

last edited at Jul 15, 2020 2:37AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Mistranslation on page 8, "I came here because nobody knew where it was" should be "I came here because supposedly nobody knew who I am"

joined Dec 28, 2016

Oh I love the Luminocity books, I've bought several of them but there's so many that are good.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I think the people who are reading too much into this are reading the English too literally and forgetting that this is a translation of Japanese and that English words are approximations of Japanese meaning. Even the translated title has different nuance than the English "Sheltered Girl". The Japanese title has "hakoiri musume" which is literally "daughter kept in a box". She's wasn't just sheltered, she was kept from almost all knowledge of the world and thus doesn't even know what genitals look like to tell male from female. This doesn't feel like a stretch to me.

People are similarly taking the "I might attack you" think too far as well by reading "attack" too literally. Love making is a very "vigorous" action. Just as "attack" is used in sports, it doesn't necessarily mean literally violent action.

last edited at Jul 10, 2020 6:20PM

joined Dec 28, 2016

I don't understand everyone hating on Airi. She's really the victim here and the emotional trauma she's going through right now would mess anyone up.

Good I hope she fucking kills herself, because that's the only thing she deserves at this point

What the heck why? I feel sorry for her. The girl who exposed them is the one who needs to die.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I don't understand everyone hating on Airi. She's really the victim here and the emotional trauma she's going through right now would mess anyone up.

joined Dec 28, 2016

This manga is INTENSE. Like seriously this is some crazy good stuff.

joined Dec 28, 2016

And... so what if Itou's a real life pedophile? Can you prove that she's diddling kids just because she released works about characters doing so? You might claim that that's not what you're saying, but that's what you're implying. That's quite a judgmental attitude you have there, don't you think? Does the creator of Saw construct elaborate death games in real life too? And before you try to reject the connection between these two, I'm gonna stop you, because the connection is valid and a good case to dismiss your nonsense claims that just because "some," as you say, works of fiction are "problematic," that they somehow hold less value intrinsically than those that you find no problems with, and thus not worth "defending," as you say. You're free to like what you like, and yes, do feel free to take your money elsewhere, but calling stuff problematic just because you personally don't like it is a disservice to productive discussion and makes you come off as a moralistic jerk. What you're saying is NOT criticism, it's insult, and I won't stand for it, regardless of whether I like a work of fiction or not.

PS: I also prefaced the projection thing with a "If I didn't know any better," so that's on you if you somehow felt offended by the offhand remark. Besides, I'm not even talking about projection of pedophilia, but projection of general character flaws. What was the saying again in English? "If the shoe fits..." was it? Your use of words like "problematic" and "not a good look" is a hallmark of people who think too highly of themselves, so I sure do hope you're not one of them.

You know what, you're right that without proof Itou's doing something illegal like actually touching kids or consuming real child pornography that it doesn't matter and I shouldn't have said I thought she was a pedophile based solely on her fictional work. I shouldn't have brought the author's personal life into this and I will edit my posts to remove it. That's my bad.

Also, I do think horror movies can contain problematic elements and that the issue is more complex than showing murder=real life murder and did not mean to imply showing grooming translates directly to raping children. I try not to be hypocritical in my moralistic jerk-ness.

I stand by my point that certain problematic tropes that appear in works like this are bad, potentially normalize behavior like grooming if they become mainstream, and that I personally will continue to not consume works containing them because I don't like them. I think that's fair enough for an internet opinion.

IMO Itou Hachi is a pedophile, but pedophilia is a state, not an action. People are pedophiles or they are not, regardless of their actions. Further pedophilia is not a crime in any country that I'm aware of. It's actions commonly associated with pedophilia that is the crime.

joined Dec 28, 2016

I somehow forgot that you are a camera expert. I think you talked about photography during that one love triangle manga about the photograpy club girl too.

The real experts take fantastic photos with their smartphones. I just know what they say about them.

TBH those look horrendous and iPhone 5 is almost 10 years old.

joined Dec 28, 2016

Even if porn isn't illegal, it is often harmful to women. Not always, but often enough. Men looking at porn of real people contribute to the suffering of many women in the world.

You're talking pure nonsense here. I suggest not pretending your personal opinions on something are actual facts of what occurs. It's an opinion born out of puritanical western society and not based in fact.

last edited at Mar 25, 2020 3:49AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

I hope this plot gets more development. First chapter was good and so was part of second chapter but this chapter less so.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Feb 03:50
joined Dec 28, 2016

Commandershepard13 posted:

Someone has done their studies...

...You realize Shou used to draw porn, right? It's not that surprising.
I mean, twas pedo porn but still porn.

I actually didn't know, thought that doesn't imply having really detailed information about shibari/kinbaku

"used to"? Shou still draws porn. Last drew a chapter for COMIC LO a few months ago.

Shou has extensively drawn almost exclusively loli hentai manga for like over a decade, with the occasional flirt into safe for work stuff like Prism or Stretch and now VAMPEERZ. I hope he continues to do SFW stuff as his best aspect is his ability to do crude humor well (which is also in his 18+ works).

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 3:52AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

Manga Cafes... never been there. So how low-brow is it to work there or go there?

Not super low brow. They're really cheap though and you can rent one for like all day for like ~$20. They have 24 hour rental options as well.

Can you sleep in those places? I mean, when one of the characters wanted to bang in there, her view point is like: this is the place for it to happen on the cheap/desperate.

Yes lots of people sleep at them. Having sex at them would be a bit ridiculous, they're SUPER quiet with open tops so you'd have to make no noise at all or it would be obvious what's going on.

Do they have a negative connotation in Japan? What equivalent establishment in the U.S. has the same reputation as Manga Cafes? (Comic Book stores with cots?)

There's no real equivalent I think. Think some place that rents private rooms with a computer and a padded floor (or desk chair, there's various versions) as well as a huge old manga collection and some variety of convenience store foods for sale (and often free soda/coffee as well). They're generally quite clean. They also have showers.

last edited at Feb 24, 2020 1:55AM