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WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:03
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol. At least I didn't get dumped for a supermarket. Poor you xD

Yea, pretty much a meme war for you, Llama, and Newp xD

Azai and Faylicia had a thing before but then their ship sunddenly sunk when Faylicia decided to choose Supermarket over Azai xD

Lol poor Azai. Her heart must be really broken. How could Faylicia choose supermarket over our beautiful Azai?

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

Hahaha. Maybe time to switch spouse. Oh poor Newp and Azai. The divorce rate is too high. I cannot blame Newp. I still miss my Honey Bee since she left me for that person.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 09:46
joined Jan 13, 2016

Wow KitKat you and your wifey are still together? How long have you two been married? Ten years? Hehehe. I heard that Azai and Faylicia might get hooked up. Are they are couple now too?

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 09:24
joined Jan 13, 2016

What are you up to this morning Azai?

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 09:18
joined Jan 13, 2016

My job's not exciting when it's this early to be there. XD

Yea !! I'm feeling a lot better nowww~~
Good morning to you tooooo~~

It would be nice if we can duplicate ourselves then you can send your copy to work for you.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 09:16
joined Jan 13, 2016

No I stayed up late talking in this thread, so really it's KitKat and Newp's fault ;) hahaha jk

I have been awake for over an hour and I still don't have coffee! What kind of cruel day is this??

Good morning! ^.^

For sure i also agree it's Kitkat and Newp's fault. They are just too cool. You cannot resist their charms once you start chatting with them.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:17AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 09:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning Azai.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 08:52
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morniiiiiing~~~~

Yo..good morning. I thought you just went to sleep.

Lol. That was like 6hrs ago xD
Of course I did sleep

Hehehe that is good. Must be my imagination still seeing you online at 4am. I must be possessed by something.

Do you work this morning?

Yea. I'm working this morning. Which sucks like usual. Lol

Good morning !! Don't forget to drink your coffee !! :>

Yeah it sucks for those of us that have to work in the morning. Fortunately i take the bus to work and don't have to deal with the busy traffic. Since i'm a morning person it's with me.

Well, hopefully your job is exciting enough. Probably more exciting than mine.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 8:52AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 08:42
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning! ^.^ I'm still so tired >.<

Good morning to ya! Did you sleep?

A little bit lol

Hehehe. That is what happened to you when you had so much fun talking with the gals here. It happened to me too so i decided to disappear for a bit to. This thread is like a drug.

Or was it work that gave you such a sleepless night?

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 08:38
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning! ^.^ I'm still so tired >.<

Good morning to ya! Did you sleep?

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 08:37
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morniiiiiing~~~~

Yo..good morning. I thought you just went to sleep.

Lol. That was like 6hrs ago xD
Of course I did sleep

Hehehe that is good. Must be my imagination still seeing you online at 4am. I must be possessed by something.

Do you work this morning?

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 8:37AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 08:14
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morniiiiiing~~~~

Yo..good morning. I thought you just went to sleep.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 00:49
joined Jan 13, 2016

Su...another day is just started. I am sending my prayer to you. Get well soon.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 22:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

Su i hope you get well soon. I am wishing and praying here for you always and everyday for your recovery. You are not just my Internet friend that i can easily forget. I cannot wait to hear more of you and Lin's love story. Your love story is ranked #1 in my reading list. I hope you guys continue to tell and spread your love. Get well soon my friend.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 09:24
joined Jan 13, 2016

If u think cant stand being weak, it could mean u need someone u wanna protect.. it will make u stronger..

Hmm i'm not sure about. Running away has seen to be a lot easier.

Are you really still underage? I'm totally embarrrassed now.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 08:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

I wouldnt deny that.. xD

I miss u already... :'(

Now talking about them sure is making me missed them. When i think about their love for one another, i get this warm feeling. Nice to be them. My most admirable couple.

What about you? Don't you have a sweet love story yourself?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 8:30AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 08:23
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lolz.. extra patience is needed to read FF.. but i luv the aaangst and the drama in FF.. if they get together too fast, its the end of the story.. i kinda want it last longer.. :D

That is true too. I don't know but now i just think Su and Lin are the most coolest couple in the whole universe whom i decided to look up to lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 08:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

Yes, it's one of my fav mangas...
Btw.. we are waiting for FF update.. wohoooo...

Cool. I have given up on FF. Their story does not seem going anywhere. Now I'm more of interested reading about Su and Lin's love story than FF actually.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 08:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

Mehh.. my Sunday is nearly over..
Just finished taking a bath after cardio and weight lifting exercise.. wanna re-read Kase-san..

That is right. It's already Sunday evening over where you are while my Sunday just begins. Is Kase-san your favorite manga?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 8:06AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 07:49
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hi.. good morning :D

Good morning! How was your day? Man, it's already Sunday. Still want to lay aroubd dome more.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 06:31
joined Jan 13, 2016

Someone has secretly deleted posts again (def. Not me).. and now you re not the first in 100th page (at least thats what i see in my tab..) l:(
who is the naughty here?

Not me this time for sure. I have seen sleeping real good here all this time.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 01:55
joined Jan 13, 2016

Been a long day. Good night everyone !!!

I cannot believe you worked until now.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 00:16
joined Jan 13, 2016


Exactly, age shouldn't matter! So reveal it!~~ No one's going to judge you even if you are like 60 years old hahah.
You actually do look pretty young.. the oldest you could be is prob like 35.. but I think you are younger than that based on your looks. But then again.. Asian genes always make people look younger than they are haha.

And we know you mentioned it based on yr experience.. xD

Hahaha i still won't say it. If someone makes me fall in love then i'll tell you all. Right now i still can't say. I don't know why. I guess i'm just a coward. It is as hard as admitting to someone that i'm in love.

I hope no one makes you fall in love here XD

I think in the end i'm just going to marry a guy i like enough to live with. It seems a lot simple and easier.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 00:08
joined Jan 13, 2016



Whats this?

Not with my acting.. imma good actor if i have the mood..

Good for you. I'm totally bad at lying so i'll never be a good actor.

WDTFS fans - off topic 10 Apr 00:04
joined Jan 13, 2016


Exactly, age shouldn't matter! So reveal it!~~ No one's going to judge you even if you are like 60 years old hahah.
You actually do look pretty young.. the oldest you could be is prob like 35.. but I think you are younger than that based on your looks. But then again.. Asian genes always make people look younger than they are haha.

And we know you mentioned it based on yr experience.. xD

Hahaha i still won't say it. If someone makes me fall in love then i'll tell you all. Right now i still can't say. I don't know why. I guess i'm just a coward. It is as hard as admitting to someone that i'm in love.

I hope no one makes you fall in love here XD

Lol why? Even if i fall in love in here i think it is fine. I had some really weird experiences anyway. But if i expect a happy ending, then i agree with you. Internet love is just ummm i don't even know.