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joined Feb 13, 2016

Good morning.
Feeling any better, KittoKatto?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning Azai.

joined Sep 15, 2015

My job's not exciting when it's this early to be there. XD

Yea !! I'm feeling a lot better nowww~~
Good morning to you tooooo~~

joined Mar 17, 2016

No I stayed up late talking in this thread, so really it's KitKat and Newp's fault ;) hahaha jk

I have been awake for over an hour and I still don't have coffee! What kind of cruel day is this??

Good morning! ^.^

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:11AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hi hi all.. good morning..

joined Jan 13, 2016

No I stayed up late talking in this thread, so really it's KitKat and Newp's fault ;) hahaha jk

I have been awake for over an hour and I still don't have coffee! What kind of cruel day is this??

Good morning! ^.^

For sure i also agree it's Kitkat and Newp's fault. They are just too cool. You cannot resist their charms once you start chatting with them.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:17AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

My job's not exciting when it's this early to be there. XD

Yea !! I'm feeling a lot better nowww~~
Good morning to you tooooo~~

It would be nice if we can duplicate ourselves then you can send your copy to work for you.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Morning mvl89 and Rainy

A morning without coffee is the cruelest morning.

I see, good to hear you're better.

∑(゚Д゚) I just find out I'm on duty this Wednesday night. I won't be able to keep up with the new chapter discussion (T^T)

joined Jan 13, 2016

What are you up to this morning Azai?

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh my god.
I woke up really early to go to work at 8am as usual just to find out I'm starting at 10am today. Fuuuuuuuu xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Cursed the mouses...

Im exhausted.. and now i have migraine..

joined Sep 15, 2015

Cursed the mouses...

Im exhausted.. and now i have migraine..

Take a medicine, get some rest !! :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah no coffee is horrible :( I should be getting some soon though lol

It's okay, you cover my shift in 30 minutes and I'll go back to sleep then cover your shift at 10 :D

Hello Rainy :)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:35AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Im not sleepy enough to get asleep..

joined Nov 20, 2015

Ohh., hi Llama..

joined Sep 15, 2015


No I stayed up late talking in this thread, so really it's KitKat and Newp's fault ;) hahaha jk

Hey! You enjoyed last night's convos too !! Don't act like an innocent victim here xD

I have been awake for over an hour and I still don't have coffee! What kind of cruel day is this??

You better drink coffee before you start working. You're gonna be cranky all day if you don't :>


For sure i also agree it's Kitkat and Newp's fault. They are just too cool. You cannot resist their charms once you start chatting with them.

Meh. Wifey's tipsy soooo I just need to keep track on what she's up to xD


I see, good to hear you're better.

Yep yep. You should've seen how lively it is here last night xD
It was a good laugh for everybody xD

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:42AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yep yep. You should've seen how lively it is here last night xD
It was a good laugh for everybody xD

It was kinda meme war back then...

joined Jan 13, 2016

Wow KitKat you and your wifey are still together? How long have you two been married? Ten years? Hehehe. I heard that Azai and Faylicia might get hooked up. Are they are couple now too?

joined Feb 13, 2016


Yep yep. You should've seen how lively it is here last night xD
It was a good laugh for everybody xD

I read that xD. Our ships are getting dramatic. At least you weren't left for a supermarket (this created a crater in my pride).

I finished my job in the infirmary already, so I'm just reading stuff, chatting with colleagues and you girls. My shift is over by 12pm and I'm free for today :D

joined Nov 20, 2015

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

joined Feb 13, 2016

Yep yep. You should've seen how lively it is here last night xD
It was a good laugh for everybody xD

It was kinda meme war back then...

Lol. Because I was back reading that and I just thought there were too many memes haha

joined Feb 13, 2016

Wow KitKat you and your wifey are still together? How long have you two been married? Ten years? Hehehe. I heard that Azai and Faylicia might get hooked up. Are they are couple now too?

I got dumped for a supermarket. I will have self-worth issues forever.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Wow KitKat you and your wifey are still together? How long have you two been married? Ten years? Hehehe. I heard that Azai and Faylicia might get hooked up. Are they are couple now too?

I got dumped for a supermarket. I will have self-worth issues forever.

there.. there... someone who can appreciate u will come..

nb: but supermarket before u duuude.. it is suck

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:54AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Morning alll.. e.e
Woke up to my loud ass answering machine..

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah last nights conversation was great XD

No KatNewp -_-
GraciousKat forever...

Yeah there were a lot of memes last night hahaha XD

Oh and I now have coffee!!! <3

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:55AM

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