Forum › Posts by celeste

joined May 2, 2013

YEAH! THATS THE ONE Thank you so much! :D jeez I cant believe it was just two years ago, I could sworn that it was more than that, thanks again such a big help in a few minutes :)

joined May 2, 2013

Hello! I wanted you guys help in remembering this oneshot that I read a loooooong time ago in this site, its about two little girls that promise each other that they would marry each other when they grow up (I THINK! I cant recall very well...) fast foward a few years one of them discovers in Biology class that two girls arent meant to be together and she runs to the infirmary to cry and the other one chase after her, some fluff occurs and the end, I really loved that little oneshot and I've been searching for it for three days straight and I dont think im gonna find it alone, can you help me please? does the plot that I could remember is ringing any bells to you?

joined May 2, 2013

Well, better late than ever, Thank you for all your hard work guys!

joined May 2, 2013

I have a question though, why does the date says it was released in 2009 and it just showed up here now? I mean, is it talking about the release OF THE TRANSLATION or the release of the actual oneshot in Japan? (sorry for my ignorance >.>)

Gunjo discussion 01 Oct 16:32
joined May 2, 2013


First Love discussion 21 Sep 02:19
joined May 2, 2013

I remember seeing this on the "Yuripedia" since then, it became one of my favorite oneshots of all time, suga atsushi really is a genius xD i wish that he had more works out there...

joined May 2, 2013

FINALLY! the missing first part of Amai Himitsu, its so bittersweet to read this now though.

joined May 2, 2013

That was even worse than the "Secret Husband Suprise" xD but i still liked it.

So many series!!! 14 Aug 23:24
joined May 2, 2013

The sea, you, and the sun, Vespa, Ayame 14, Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop, Opapagoto, Chouchou Nannan, Pantser Princess (this one may not count since its dropped), Murcielago, Tomodachi Login............ALL THESE SERIES IN SUCH A LITTLE AMOUNT OF TIME!!!, definitely this site its growing bigger and bigger, im just so happy that i HAD to share my joy with all of you, readers like me who enjoy comedy, action, horror, violence, YURI!!, and all of the other uncountable tags, even the ones that make no sense xD please Dinasty Reader, please stay with us forever! you are an AWESOME website, im allways looking for new updates doujins and series, and you never disapoint me, IM EVEN MORE HAPPY THAT YOU FINALLY GAVE A NEW TOPIC OF "NEWS" FOR THE NEW CHAPTER OF YURI POP , the last one was waaaaay back in january but thats besides the point, what im trying to say in all my babling, is that i want to say Thank You, thank you for all the joy i get from all these series and oneshots and doujins, all of you, the people that make this possible, the scanlators, i just want to say thank you to all of you for your hard work, you bring such many, MANY of good times with all the work that you put scanlating a series or a oneshot HELL even an image that happen to have some text on it, Thank You and i hope that you will never quit doing this, cause if you do, well, i would lost a BIG part of me....and more thing....Thank You, again, I LOVE YOU ALL :D

Scanlations 20 Nov 18:06
joined May 2, 2013

Wow, somedays i wish to knew a way to thank all the people who translates all the series, oneshots and other stuff to english, i mean look all the yuri mangas in this page all of them come from the scanlators that i happen to know about


I mean they spend all there free time and knowledge to bring us a good time reading with a cup of cofee

All i want to say is: thank you yuri project, yuri-ism, yuri in wonderland, papaya scans, /u/ scanlations and all the others yuri scanlators that i cant mention here KEEP IT UP!!!!

Dynasty Reader rate 31 Aug 20:44
joined May 2, 2013

I want to know what rate you will give to this page

My rate (i know it sound arrogant) is 9/10, AWESOME page because not only you find yuri here (mostly) but also i find some other work that i enjoy very much having a cup of coffe while i read it. But i want to know what do you think of this page (sorry my english ERRORS i actually speak spanish)

joined May 2, 2013

I think the tag should be "Lots of sex" xD

Why yuri is so good? 30 May 20:04
joined May 2, 2013

....hmmm..for me,yuri is an exotic love...hardly to find this in this world,maybe...just like that, it made me fall in love in yuri...

I totaly agree with you!!! :)

Why yuri is so good? 27 May 21:42
joined May 2, 2013

In my opinion the yuri is so good because it shows the most sweet and sincere love, the love between two women, but what about you? what do you like from the genre yuri most? (sorry for my bad english, i speak spanish)

Happy End discussion 16 May 16:02
joined May 2, 2013

i don't like incest stories... i read them and even if i get to like them, in the end i can't help but think "this is so unreal" and "but, what's going to happen if anyone finds out?". I know this is not a serious story unlike others but, this is why i can't see it's cute side anymore.

I disagree theres gotta be many histories like this in real life, the lesbian incest exist and they are plenty of histories of it ( im terrible sorry about my english i speak spanish)

joined May 2, 2013

Someone put a yaoi manga in a yuri manga page.Whoever came up with that idea is a real cock

This isn't Yuri reader, it's Dynasty reader, they put whatever they please

I agree, complaining about the series simply because it has a tag you don't like isn't discussion of the content. Do not do this.

The tags have also been fixed and the tagger flogged.

Yeah i now i wont do it again xD