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joined Dec 12, 2016

Because for tagging purposes, nothing to warrant the tag has happened yet. Alice of Office Romance Division was a (informed) man hunter, but that doesn't have the tag, because it doesn't warrant it.

Edit: I guess it does according to the admins lol

If the bisexual girl is actually shown doing anything with guys then it's usually tagged with Het. Bisexual is usually just used as a warning for the people triggered by anything not pure yuri that one or more of the girl's is into guys, no matter if it's shown in the manga or not.

last edited at Jan 5, 2017 10:56PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Short, sweet, but pretty plain. Severe lack of Hifumi's anxiety.

joined Dec 12, 2016

So Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan being displayed in the Yuri section of the bookstore wasn't a mistake...

Also, sadly they name some works that are must reads that haven't been translated yet, can't wait.

I think it's the opposite, how depressing would it be if we had already read all their recommended new titles?

My fear is that they will never be translated. One of the mangas they mentioned, Asahinagu, they said yuri fans should check out for some good pay off in volume 16 but the only translations so far only go up to chapter 3. If I start now I can probably teach myself Japanese before any scanlation group picks up the series.

Heart Gifts discussion 05 Jan 03:00
joined Dec 12, 2016

This counter-argument is only as valid as the assumption it is based in that Shiro engaged in a logical reasoning process in that scene. To me, it is quite obvious that she did not.

Well, the initial argument relies on the assumption that Shiro believed that Kuro would run out of power and die when chasing her. An invalid argument doesn't need the counter-argument to be valid.

Heart Gifts discussion 05 Jan 01:54
joined Dec 12, 2016

Aaaand I bestow upon Shiro the title of "dumbest girls of the month", good idea to run away when the artificial heart of your beloved is running out of battery. Chasing Shiro wasn't very bright from Kuro either.

Would be a pretty good piece of criticism if they didn't show that she had an extra battery on her. Shiro probably thought that Kuro would have at least stopped to change her battery and use it to escape the situation, didn't account for Kuro to risk her life to find the truth.

joined Dec 12, 2016

So Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan being displayed in the Yuri section of the bookstore wasn't a mistake...

Also, sadly they name some works that are must reads that haven't been translated yet, can't wait.

last edited at Jan 5, 2017 12:55AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Late here but want to say I'm happy that Tracer is gay. I hope more video games would start to make more gay characters, and maybe a openly pride gay protagonist.

If you own a PS4 give The Last of Us a try and make sure to play the DLC.

Image Comments 03 Jan 19:18
joined Dec 12, 2016

^ You have the gender on the pronouns mixed up, it's "her dog" and "her slave".

joined Dec 12, 2016

Mmm, I think quite a few of the girls seem like they're in more of a "just a stage", sexual exploration sort of relationships. Like, even the other characters seem to draw a distinction between what most of them have and then what Ai and Chie have.

I gotta to disagree with that. Yamada and Asami were in an actual relationship, Yamada became severely depressed after it was over, and now Asami and Mio are dating. Mari and Yuu are in a full BDSM filled relationship, and if I'm remembering correctly Mari has told Yuu that she loves her. Airi and Michiru seem to be dating, Michiru stating that she loves the female body and giving kisses as rewards. Ayano has a clear crush on Miyoshi. Nononon has a clear crush on Yumimi. Hibiki is in the early stages of crushing on Midori after being tossed aside by Yamada, and she has already dated boys. The sexual exploration themes seem to be centered around Nao and Onoda. [RAW SPOILER] And from what I can tell Onoda is going to get a crush of her own

last edited at Jan 2, 2017 6:01PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

I know what you mean, and you might be right. But if it was the case that they're clearly supposed to be a couple, why would the author go to such pains not to depict any scenes that would remove the ambiguity, despite them being absurdly close?

Well we have seen them kiss, know that they kiss even more when not at school, and say that they love each other more than anyone else. Put that in context with the rest of the manga filled with gay girls and you are left with very little, if any, ambiguity.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Just saw an instagram video of a straight classmate from high school kissing her friend in exactly that fashion at the new years countdown. As much as I want more romance to be present in this series, you can't make any rash assumptions

Well, uh, considering the rest of the manga it's really not that rash of an assumption.

Image Comments 02 Jan 00:29
joined Dec 12, 2016

It's real subverted, revealed in an eyecatch.

Image Comments 02 Jan 00:06
joined Dec 12, 2016

Yeah, director confirmed that the yuri between Papika and Cocona is 100% intentional.

Image Comments 02 Jan 00:04
joined Dec 12, 2016

The fact they threw in this canon couple makes up for all the possible shortcomings of Brave Witches.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Ahh exhibitionism...Don't tempt me !

"Not at school" oooh so they will at home? Maybe they're not as innocent as we thought !

There was a chapter of them kissing already. No subtext there between those two.

Which? I don't recall that.

Chapter 14

joined Dec 12, 2016

i hope this doesn't turn into yuri. even if they're adopted, they're still sisters.

Citrus, one of the most famous Yuri mangas getting an anime this year, begs to differ.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Ahh exhibitionism...Don't tempt me !

"Not at school" oooh so they will at home? Maybe they're not as innocent as we thought !

There was a chapter of them kissing already. No subtext there between those two.

joined Dec 12, 2016

There's a short sequel: アイムホーム!

Lets get that status changed to Ongoing!

joined Dec 12, 2016

Halfway through ch 12 and was so god damn confused until I closed full screen and saw the page ordering.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Washio is a beta, Kotooka's an asshole, Kyousuke is boring, and Subaru is a psychopath who is going to murder Tsukasa and wear her skin at some point in the near future.

And I'm just here to watch this gay little world burn.

Anime season 31 Dec 16:31
joined Dec 12, 2016

You can't even be sure, we don't know either how they will end nor the way their anime adaptation will. So I wouldn't be surprised to see troll ends for these two, and given the original material, it wouldn't bother me at all. All we can do is wait for a decent yuri to be turned into an anime, and creating a larger yuri fanbase shall be the role of Citrus and NTR.

I don't understand how Citrus could get a troll ending. They start dating in chapter 16, the studio would have to throw in a ton of filler if they want to end the series before then.

joined Dec 12, 2016

So they were actually made canon huh, wish more producers would grow a pair of balls ;o

this is actually canon?

Yes, at the series panel for Animagic 2014, producer George Wada confirmed that Ymir and Krista are a couple.

joined Dec 12, 2016

OR dude wanted to date the the older sister but was shot down, now wants to meet and date the younger sister only for Yuu to step in and tell him to step the fuck back from her woman. Happy end :D

Anime season 29 Dec 19:14
joined Dec 12, 2016

I guess some things will just have to remain a mystery so that people have some things to continue to speculate about. Personally I'm hoping for short OVAs to fill in the blanks, but I'm not holding my breath.