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I don't think there was a single cause; it built over time as she continually failed job interviews. Not even managing to find a part-time job, much less a career, gradually feeling more ashamed of herself and her position, seeing everyone else moving forward.
There were a lot of contributing factors.
I agree this was probably how it came to be, but I would genuinely like to see the manga exploring it as well, would make an interesting read and probably help people empathise with her.
Nope, this is still in the "rest in peace" domain. I just can not take it seriously. The delinquent girl was bad enough, but at the very least, she was believable (other characters' tolerance of her was not, though). Nina is so over-the-top, I just can not feel the suspense. Of course she will lose in the end, no author in their right mind would create a character so comically unlikable, and then let her win. Unless the author is a sadist with a troll streak.
last edited at Apr 11, 2018 9:17PM
Harukana Receive Beach Volleyball Manga Gets TV Anime
Glad to see another sports manga about girls get adapted.
You didn't get my point, did you? What I was talking about in my first post and am afraid of happening if things like this are Encouraged(important word here) is that it will destroy ones family relations and with it the entire family system - the very base of human society. There is no concept of Family in an incest society imo. For daughters, Fathers will be like any other male of the society they can bang and vice versa. The same applies to Mother/son and brother/sister relations. Hence the destruction of [our] society if incest is made acceptable through works like this.
Lmao, this is just... lol! First of all, being into incest fiction or even being tolerant and non-judgemental of incest in real life does not amount to encouragement. There is a difference between accepting something without judgement, and actually encouraging it. No one is saying "woah, incest is awesome, do it, everyone".
Secondly, even if people were encouraging incest here (which they are not), it would not make any difference, lmfao! There are some really powerful psychological mechanisms (like the Westermarck effect) that prevent incestual feelings for the vast majority of people in everyday life. You can not fucking encourage people to do incest, are you even being serious here??
Thirdly, I already brought this up, but you apparently missed it. Your whole argument is the same bullshit that was peddled against gay marriage. "Oh noes, if we legalise it, we shall have an epidemic of gay marriages, traditional family will be forever ruined." Never mind that gay people are perfectly capable of having normal families, but the traditional (het) family remained safe and secure, because guess what! Legalising gay marriage did not "encourage" people to be gay, it just allowed those who already are to acquire the same legal status with their partners as heterosexual couples.
Fourthly, are you serious (again)?? I am actually asking this, because you sound... not quite rational, shall we say. Destruction of society????? Yes, a website dedicated to a niche genre (yuri) hosting a work that is essentially a niche within a niche (yuri incest) will pave the way towards utter destruction of our society, what are you, 10 years old??
And lastly, if incest is not your thing, then may I suggest not reading works such as this one? It is clearly tagged, you have no excuse being here, other than wanting to peddle how wrong this is and how we should not be receiving it as positively as we are. Seriously, piss off.
last edited at Apr 10, 2018 5:32PM
People have been shitting on her for just being lazy or overreacting since the series first got released on Dynasty. Though I'm kinda surprised there are still people being idiots who can't understand others this late in the series. Those people largely just disappeared after the first couple of chapters when they were proven wrong.
As one of those people who initially misinterpreted Neeko, I can at least say that I am still around. :-) While I was, indeed, proven wrong, I am still quite confused by this story's intention: if it wants to be a lighthearted comedy, the issues it describes are too real, but if it wants to talk about anxiety and depression seriously, are we still supposed to find it funny, as the
tag seems to suggest?
I am still around, lol, and I admitted to being wrong about her anxiety all the way back at chapter three. And the reason I saw her as lazy and overreacting in the first two chapters was because she genuinely left such an impression upon me, which is what happens when a manga tries to portray a psychological issue as simultaneously funny and serious. It does not work like that, at least not for me. Koveras is right here, this manga is all over the place with its tone, trying to present the issue as both serious, but also a source of comedy. So it is no wonder people dismissed her anxiety in the beginning.
Poking fun at your own problems and feelings of worthlessness is one way to deal with them.
Quite a common way at that too.
Except that is not what is happening here. Neeko is not poking fun at her own expense, the manga is. In other words, the author is the one who is trying to present these issues as comedic, and we are the ones who are supposed to see it as funny, not the character herself.
Also, I forgot the details of previous chapters, was it at any point actually stated what triggered her anxiety? She seems perfectly normal in flashbacks in this chapter, and apart from that failed interview she has a nightmare of all the way back in chapter one, I do not remember any exploration on part of the manga as to how she developed anxiety issues.
Neeko x Imouko OTP
Seconded, lol, I have been shipping them for ages now~
Yep, it is the same old argument that was used against gay marriage, if we legalise it, suddenly, everyone will be gay and traditional family will be eroded into oblivion!! Yeah, lol, no. As the above comment points out, incest is perfectly legal in most of the world, yet there has been no epidemic of incestual relationships. The social stigma it carries is far too great for such relationships to be in the open, regardless of the law. Personally, I have nothing against incest in real life, as long as it is between consenting adults.
it's been bothering me for a while..
why does asuka has snake eyes..? it's so cute~
Notice what Ayako's weakness is~
Also, remembering the hate against the fangirl and the hype about the kiss, I too have a question. Fact is, people do not seem to be too bothered with what is, from a pacing standpoint, a really poor choice from the author, something that quite frankly seems odd considering how involved everyone was at the time. So I am wondering, are people sympathising with real life happenings in the author's life, and are thus going easy on the whole issue? Because I somehow think there would be a lot more displeasure expressed if this was happening, but there was no censorship issue, and the story did this for seemingly no reason. I could be wrong, though, and people genuinely have nothing against the current unique pacing.
Edit: Went back and checked, yeah, many people are "this is cute, but what about the main story", or some variation thereof. So obviously, the audience here seems aware there is an issue with this, but hardly anyone looks actually displeased. Which is odd, considering how emotions ran high on the fangirl plot immediately preceding this.
last edited at Apr 5, 2018 1:13PM
I would go with 2 under A, and 1 under B. However, it does not really hurt me if the author goes with 2 under B, since I can do what I am doing now, which is holding out on reading until more chapters are added, and hopefully we get back to the main story, though it does dampen both my enjoyment and my hype (A is pretty much hurting me no matter how you slice it). Personally, I think the author is probably drawing these snippets as a way to cope with the situation, she did say it took a toll on her. I also do not believe she gave up on the main story, because 1) she never before did something like this, start a plotline and then just abandon it halfway through; and 2) this is not just any plotline, the two of them getting into a full-fledged relationship is something we have eagerly waited for years, the kiss, the whole 'we are now girlfriends' thing. I just do not see her giving up on this, considering how much hatred the fangirl attracted for simply being, seemingly, in the way of this particular development, imagine how much hate a decision to never come back to said development at all would draw.
A note I forgot to mention, that neat (and not really accurate) chart Gwennie made basically summarises why they wrecked Botan's life. They tried putting her in this nice little box they constructed for her, of how her life should look like, at least from their perspective. Sure, it was their caring that made them think like this, but it was still sorely misplaced. And now other people are putting her in nice little charts because she did not actually want the nice little box her family so lovingly constructed for her, and was, shockingly, satisfied with her life as it was, not taking kindly to it being destroyed. If only life was as simple as to fit on two-axis charts. Also, lol, Momiji level-headed? Are you serious?
Tying in to my previous comment, Botan did not need to justify her stance, but she did it anyway. Explained to them why she was leaving, and she explained it quite well, I might add. Plus, she carried herself quite calmly, considering the situation. Many people, myself included, would have ended the whole affair on a much harsher note.
I am stressing I am not commenting on the cheating aspect, or any of that. Whatever I think of that, and whatever they thought of it, it was not their business to get involved, especially not in the manner they went about doing it.
Nope, these are cute and all, but I have had enough. Because the story never before did this, built a storyline and then just dropped it halfway through. So now, every time I see a new update my main feeling is disappointment over it not being a continuation, and it prevents me from appreciating what would otherwise be very enjoyable little snippets. I said it on previous pages as well, but I really do not care what is happening in China, it will not make me think pacing here is any less atrocious. This series was never that big on following a single, coherent plotline, but it was also not "Magan&Danai" (not that I have anything against that series, in fact, I rather like it, but it is a different sort of work from this one), which is what it basically is now. So I am taking a break, and will wait for more chapters to pile up, then I will binge it. Hopefully, it will be more tolerable that way.
Lol, this discussion is reminding me I rage-quit this thing at chapter 11. I just... could not keep reading it, because the remaining protagonists were literal crap for me.
And look how that turned out for her. She tried to hide something from her family who obviously cares for her and because of that they got the wrong idea. So yea, it's completely her fault even if her siblings didn't make the best decisions themselves.
No, it is absolutely not her fault. It only appears so if you think that caring for someone gives you a licence to meddle in their lives without their approval. Problem is, that mindset only works in practice if all the parties share it, in other words, if everyone is fine with the meddling. Botan obviously was not. Nevri here is demonstrating the same. And I too agree with them. Some people feel strongly about their privacy, and do not want to share certain aspects of their lives. With anyone. If so, respect their boundaries and back the hell off, my own family learned this the hard way after I completely ignored one of my parents for 7 years after stuff happened. Not everyone has the same understanding of privacy, and you really ought to respect each person's standing on this regardless of your fucking feelings. Fuck, flashbacks, this is why I quit this crap...
Also, lmfao, "her siblings didn't make the best decisions themselves", are you fucking kidding me?? That is putting it mildly, lol. If they felt like invading her privacy was the only option, the basic courtesy they could have extended to her (and one which would have saved them all a lot of heartache) was to do what they decided to do anyway in the end, which is to talk to her, only before going and screwing everything up.
Also, again, same sentence, because the amount of... stuff... you packed into it is just ridiculous, "it's completely her fault". Yes, the actions of other people are completely her fault. Conscious, stupid, downright retarded and not in the heat of the moment decisions that other people made without bothering to inform themselves properly are, somehow, the fault of those who were not involved in the process of making said retarded decisions. Brilliant logic. 10/10.
But the reason I rage-quit this crap is actually this page. The colossal fuckup they did only made me furious, this is what made me outright quit. "We want you blabla." We. We. Yeah, you can see where I am going with this. We want you to marry. We want this for your life. We want that for your life. Because we care. And we just destroyed your life over it. Fuck. No. Lmao, if these were their parents saying this crap, especially if it was the father, you would not be here trying to defend it.
Also note, none of them mentioned the suspected abuse when Botan confronted them. At all. Instead, it was about marriage and cheating. No, fuck them.
Only good thing is, she actually did what I would have done, and walked out on the little shits. So that was some satisfaction. But after that, I had no incentive to continue reading, I honestly could not care any more what happens to them.
Edit: See, this is exactly what I was talking about.
You don't cut off family because of a single mistake.
You can cut off anyone for anything, "family" is not a magical word that binds you together regardless of what you do to each other, lol. Also, way to downplay it. "A single mistake", lmao. That ruined Botan's life as she had been living it at the time. But it sure sounds a minor fucking thing when you boil it down to a "single mistake". Also, it was not a "single" mistake, it was a whole series of mistakes that they did more or less with premeditation.
It's not justified at all?
Holy shit, there is nothing to justify here! You are not obligated to have your family be a part of your life, just as you are not obligated to have any person be a part of your life. Botan does not need to justify her stance. Your whole argument basically rests on the premise people should not have the right to walk out on other people, especially if we are talking about family, unless multiple compelling reasons are brought forth for them doing so. Like, holy fuck, you do realise human relationships outside of like, workplace, rely on emotions, right? Are we now obligated to justify our emotions? Should we also date people we do not like simply because we do not have a better reason for turning them down other than the lack of romantic attraction?
last edited at Apr 5, 2018 5:06AM
Okay, 2nd time using this very helpful topic.
It's a KyouSaya doujin (that is, Kyouko and Sayaka from PMM), and it starts very saccharine and fluffy, but the reality is that one of the two died, and other's gone crazy and holed themselves up in their house (along with the corpse of the other °-°)
It's very creepy and nothing like the stuff I usually like (I'm a vanilla kinda guy) but I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD.
^ We actually had a similar discussion here. It is a Warspite/Ark Royal image.
My take on this is that her first crush attempted to bully her, probably because she was looking at her in a "strange way", but instead awakened something else in her and the bully got creeped out.
My take is that the bullying probably came later. The bully seemed perfectly nice and friendly when they met for the first time, and Asako was all blushy on that occasion. If I had to guess, I would say Asako was gay from the get-go, fell in love, the other girl figured it out, or Asako might have even confessed, and the girl took it really badly.
The bullying definitely awakened something in Asako, though. I mean, she is not only into being stepped on, she actually wants to recreate the details of her experiences when she was bullied. Shima even looks a little like the bully girl, her hair is also light in colour, and of similar length.
last edited at Mar 31, 2018 2:45PM
if you have so problems with it then try to TL it yourself. This guy didn't have to do anything, this manga has been dropped for a while, he could've just let it be and most of use here wouldn't have even known about its existence. I have some problems with the translation but I can still appreciate the fact that I'm actually reading this.
I reallt hate when people act entitled, especially when this guy is doing this for free, he gets nothing out of translating this and sharing it with everyone. Constructive criticism is perfectly ok, but I think the point was made clear with the first few posts, anyway I would like to see more discussion about the manga or author, not about how disappointed people are about their free manga they have instant access to.
I will just quote Nez, because she summarised the crux of it: for accuracy and maintaining the feel of the original.
But we're here because we want the original author's writing, not the translator's. Settling for less because scraps are good enough is a bad precedent to set.
Also, the things the translator was receptive about were mainly the typos, which are minor stuff here. The fact they liberally added to the existing text is something they defended. Plus, the fact their localisations are all over the place without any internal consistency is also an issue they do not seem to care all that much about. It conveys nothing about the characters, it feels jarring, and it clashes horribly with the previous chapter. And they do not seem to care. If you want to read a MrCatt manga with Morinaga's drawing, be my guest, personally, I would like to read Morinaga.