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Their Story discussion 21 Mar 03:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

The story’s been going no where for about a year now.

You can thank God-Emperor Xi and his Cultural Revolution for that.

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 3:01AM

Image Comments 20 Mar 12:35
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^ Well not like either actually had a particularly exciting battle record, but Yamato's is downright comically anticlimatic...
something something it's just a hotel :v

Image Comments 20 Mar 11:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

'S okay, not like Birdbrain remembers such details anyway.

Image Comments 20 Mar 01:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

I can readily imagine these two having a pathologically nerdy convo like this...

joined Jul 26, 2016

So everyone went gay in the end.

Implying most weren't to begin with.

Citrus + discussion 19 Mar 15:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh yes, Harumin pls show Matsuri what love is.


not sorry at all

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm getting a little cranky about these het boys floating around, too . . .

TBF those are a common enough sight in their natural habitat, ie. anywhere outside the rarefied air of Ye Olde All-Girls Boarding School (or a nunnery)...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Unfactual statement.

It literally does not compute without assuming
A) a remarkably ridiculous level of grand conspiracy
B) a luridly dystopian social context quite divorced from anything anywhere ever IRL
C) both of the above, depending on just how far the grimderp ultimately gets pushed

So, yeah.

If it's meant to be some sort of societal commentary it rather waters down its message with such a gratuitously implausible and tortuous setup; if not it's approaching mere poorly-thought "misery lit" exploitation to an alarming degree.

last edited at Mar 19, 2019 1:25PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

We weren't able to become true friends.

Betting it's because they are useless lesbians who ended up both saying they don't want to be (just) friends and then stopped meeting because of the misunderstanding

I wonder if that means that, in addition to being more catlike than ordinary catalus, congenital catalus are also even more useless than ordinary lesbians.

Yuki is at least one degree of magnitude more useless than an ordinary person, period, so you may be on to something... :v

Pretty ace at FPSes tho!

last edited at Mar 19, 2019 1:16PM

Citrus + discussion 19 Mar 13:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

I find the way Matsuri practically short-circuited from the sheer wavelength difference strangely hilarious.

joined Jul 26, 2016

All of that can still be explained though, so I don't want to judge it so soon. I was stritctly speaking about the setting itself, not it's execution and future use. It's very possible the author skipped that for now as they wanted to pull in readers by having a short 3 chapter arc at the beginning (And tragic romance works quite well for that, even if it's lesbian out of necessity, which isn't a problem in of itself). Whether they are going to explain why all this is possible is also up to whether they want to make it a plot point or not, which could lead to it being slowly unveild as the story progresses.

It's factually impossible to make the setting work in anything akin to a real-world context, which is exactly what it pretends to be set in.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I blame the hip hops

Not Marilyn Manson?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Miki gotta chill a bit with those fantasies.

Be fair to the girl - she's like 13, hard gay for her BFF and has no idea whatsoever how to deal with any of it. Beautiful illustration of how worrying in ignorance is wont to supply far worse scenarios than drab old reality, tho. :P

Also Chika awkwardly asking for Ayano's assistance is dawwwwww - though also rather pitiable given how visibly something so pedestrian is outside her comfort zone. Poor girl needs a reassuring hug and a pat on the head.

Or a few pats on some other places ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

...sure why not, that ought to work too. Relieve some tension ya know? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Miki gotta chill a bit with those fantasies.

Be fair to the girl - she's like 13, hard gay for her BFF and has no idea whatsoever how to deal with any of it. Beautiful illustration of how worrying in ignorance is wont to supply far worse scenarios than drab old reality, tho. :P

Also Chika awkwardly asking for Ayano's assistance is dawwwwww - though also rather pitiable given how visibly something so pedestrian is outside her comfort zone. Poor girl needs a reassuring hug and a pat on the head.

Image Comments 17 Mar 11:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

@Kisa They do both have a pointlessly competitive streak; and Yuri, true to form, doesn't necessarily inform the other party a race's on in the first place...

Image Comments 17 Mar 02:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

So in other words Not lizard, ver. Monstergirls? :v

(Side note: always felt that XIV went really minimum-effort with its playable nonhumans...)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Also, that lizard is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Not lizard - salamanders do tend to have rather cute faces tho. Mind you contra the dry scales of reptiles the critters are proper slimy...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Both of them separately going "that's totally Sui yo" is kinda funny, tho.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Check at this, that's blood! :o


joined Jul 26, 2016

Baka Couple uses Public Flirting!
It's super effective!
Two-Bit Bully is confused!

joined Jul 26, 2016

I didn't get a NekoPara vibe from this at all since it involved relationships between two animal characters and didn't have a human protag that went about everything like.

Rather missing the point, which is primarily about the whole "sentient-creatures-as-property" bit... also known in agrarian societies as "slavery".

joined Jul 26, 2016

She knows

...well, Hime isn't too great at this whole subterfuge business.

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's really better if you don't think about it too much.

That'd be fine if it was, say, a zany screwball comedy or one of those lulzily over-the-top action shounens. But when what's supposed to be a heartwarming slice-of-life type story with a touch of romance requires you to actively ignore implied slavery in order to not be uneasy with its premises I think an important mark or two was missed somewhere along the way... : /

Lily Marble discussion 09 Mar 15:34
joined Jul 26, 2016

Was Nozomi always supposed to be so utterly oblivious about homosexuality?

Always had the impression her baseline character setting was "Clueless About ALL The Things"... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lol, I bet that, next chapter, she's going to ask Asama about this.

"Hey, hey, Asama-san, guess what? Manager is dating another woman!
It's true, I swear! I saw them kiss and stuff!
And they're serious about it! Manager says they're already living together!
I was so surprised! I didn't know two girls could fall in love like that!
I mean, no girl has ever felt attracted to me, haha!
What about you, Asama-san? Did you know about this amazing stuff?
Have you ever felt attracted to another woman?
Ohmygosh, listen to me, haha, what am I saying? Of course you've never felt anything like that, right, Asama-san?"

Then Asama will finally lose her legendary cool and jump Nozomi's bones in a fit of frenzy.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -)~☆

This is a doujin that needs to happen.

Image Comments 09 Mar 15:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Sure thing massa, mesa believe you... not to mention that it'd have been farcically anal-retentive anyway. It's literally the equivalent of nitpicking over, say, "harbor" and "harbour".