I think we all are aware of the fact that ultimately, they're actors. But having the cover of the virtual persona gave them a degree of plausible deniability that let you think "what if is actually real?" Especially with the way Kiara always came off as being legitimately into Calli and girls in general, and even Calli's dere moments worked into it. All of this created a very unique scenario where you could see and interact with fictional characters in a way you rarely see.
But once that Kiara comes out and says that everything is just an act, well, then they're just another streamer for the pile and at least for me, I can no longer see their interactions with each other as anything but just another part of their job.
Oh and your suggestion of "Healthy cynicism" just comes off as being a party pooper that can't see anything without looking for things to smugly say "Is fake". And I think that is such an awful way of living.
last edited at Sep 29, 2021 2:29AM