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joined Mar 9, 2014

^ first thing, the manga came first, if people who've seen the anime have a problem with the adaptation, it's not the manga's fault. No need to call it trash. The anime is the adaptation not the opposite.

And anyway, of course course the characters are different, time passed. Yomi is as good as dead, she's no more than a manipulated shadow of what she was in the past and Kagura grew up meanwhile. In the manga there no Kagura/Yomi relationship because there is no more Yomi, that's all. And I don't know where you've seen Kagura not care about Yomi...

Ps : When I was talking about style I meant story telling style, not just art. This author's stories and pace in the stories are all really unusual

last edited at May 7, 2015 5:18PM

joined Jan 6, 2015

I just finished to see this anime and O.M.G... I cried all night beceause it was so so so~ daaaaamn saaaaaaad T_T
I really like to see them together

joined Dec 14, 2014

I like this alot

joined Jun 24, 2014

I totally thought they where Yang and Ruby in a modern setting or something lol

joined May 2, 2015

^ I would be so down with that.

joined Jan 31, 2013

^ first thing, the manga came first, if people who've seen the anime have a problem with the adaptation, it's not the manga's fault. No need to call it trash. The anime is the adaptation not the opposite.

Most people, including I, are just disappointed about shounen cliche the manga was because the anime was a very decidedly awesome seinen thing, and it is awesome even if you take all the yuri stuff out. that was how awesome the anime was. Which, compared to the awesome-backflip-running-scooter-totally-not-scientifically-impossible-intact-teeth-after-high-impact kiss scene in that first chapter, felt like an insult.

By the way, do you know that tvtropes explain our argument here with the term "Base Breaker"

last edited at May 8, 2015 12:39AM

joined Jul 20, 2013

Kaga will definitely shoot Fubuki XD

joined Jul 16, 2013

vintage gold

joined Mar 17, 2015

Like the pairing though but I actually prefer KotoUmi or MakiNico to do that ^_^ I respect this ships even though I am a KotoUmi and MakiNico :\

joined Mar 24, 2014

Yeah, I was prepped for incest tag.

joined May 22, 2013

^ She did in the TV anim.

joined May 8, 2015

This is too hot :D

joined Mar 9, 2014

When you say shonen cliche or "insult", it seems like you didn't paid any attention to the manga... a large part author style is to exaggerate shounen cliche and make it the sillier he can. I don't see how the manga itself is cliche...

Honestly, I don't care if people don't like, think the characters are different or are disappointed when they see the manga, I've been myself in case in which I just couldn't bring myself to like an adaptation or the original of something but it piss me off when people denigrate without even having really tried the thing or watched the thing without bias.
As a shounen, Ga-rei is as great and maybe original as people says the anime is as a seinen.

And one more time, the anime is the adaptation... how can the manga be an insult, it's the anime that went different than the manga.

last edited at May 8, 2015 2:44PM

joined Jun 6, 2014

@candy76041820 I dunno if I would call the anime a heresy. Fubuki being a dork about Akagi is just admiration. They haven't really paired her up with anyone yet. I think she's the %destroyer x Admiral pairing for the show quite frankly.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I think YuriShu12 summed just about everything up.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Never was a fan of any Miki pairings. Still am not.

joined May 7, 2014

Gorgeous ...

joined Mar 5, 2015

Awwwww que cuchiiiiiii ❤️❤️❤️❤️

joined Mar 23, 2013

Homare sure has sex art!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Well Trafi, when I say trash I do so subjectively. I can completely get that you like it, however personally when I judge it against the three things I care for most outside of yuri (which of course transcends regular judgement because of it's awesomeness) it fares poorly for me. This is keeping in mind that it was one of my first manga, and before I much cared for yuri, so that didn't really influence my opinion of it. Also, I accept that I may not remember it entirely accurately.

First, the world is uninteresting to me. this for me can really be influential in my opinion, which is why I like Tolkien's stuff so much: the mangaka didn't seem to much care for the world itself, as there was little that had me interested or made me want to explore it more. Contrast to Tolkien whose work was his world, and it comes of poorly. This though doesn't really go towards me calling it trash, because I accept the author just had different priorities than me, and at least Zero expanded it, but the manga can't take credit for that.

Next are the characters. Hardly anything about them makes them stand out as interesting to me. I mean, Kensuke (I think that was his name) seemed superfluous to the plot, existing mostly to end up with the girl at the end. Noriyuki (I think that was his name... again, last read a while ago) was... perverted. And that was basically all there was to his character except for some last minute reviles as far as I remember, which was that he loved Yomi so they could hook up in spirit form. Kagura had her best development in the anime. So did Yomi. Hardly anyone else sticks out in my memory, and those that do weren't anything special. This is really bad, because even Naruto had characters I could like. Kakashi consistently interested me, and plenty of side characters were intriguing too. Unless Kishimoto tried t develop them. He mostly ruined them then. Again, Zero added so many more characters that were fun to watch, as well as making others in the manga more interesting. Except Noriyuki (?). He was still just pervert. And so is his character.

All this lead to a lifeless plot. There was nothing to draw me into it. I had no interest in the plot until after I had read it, because Zero made me interested in the conclusion of it's characters. An unsatisfying one at that. So as a standalone, the manga had nothing for it.

Contrasted to the anime which had an interesting tale to tell in an interesting place with interesting people, and to me, it makes the manga look like trash. Not universally trash, but to me trash none the less. Maybe you would put some of this down to the manga intentionally exaggerating cliche, but that doesn't make something good to me.

last edited at May 8, 2015 2:47PM

joined Mar 9, 2014

I honestly wouldn't have said anything against what you're saying if not for the overly strong statement at the end. Maybe it didn't interest you but, i don't know, it's natural to me that you don't go around calling things trash because you didn't like it.

I personally don't search for big and deep universe and characters when I read it, I see it more like a comic, silly and high paced light parody of a shounen. I like the silliness of the manga.

last edited at May 8, 2015 3:14PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I honestly wouldn't have said anything against what you're saying if not for the overly strong statement at the end. Maybe it didn't interest you but, i don't know, it's natural to me that you don't go around calling things trash because you didn't like it.

Does it seem overly strong to you? If it does I aplogise (I've done that a lot recently. Am I... am I turning into Clegg?), to me trash is just a word used subjectively to describe something which I may not find of worth, however that doesn't mean I believe that no other can find worth in it. Hence not universally trash. There's a saying for that I believe.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Well Trafi, if you don't like something you throw it in the garbage bin do you not? Literally trash! Same principle applies here, but I think the word trash in the internet has taken a more harsh meaning and that's why people flip their shit. But "trash" only means something that is broken, not interesting or useful to the person in question.

joined Mar 9, 2014

I don't know but I see it as pretty harsh. It may be different in english but use the equivalent in my language to qualify something that isn't literal trash and it means something that doesn't even merit to exist, be used and in this case to be read. Something that you should throw away immediately.

last edited at May 8, 2015 3:30PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Uh, no. I've been using English all my life, probably a lot longer than most of you, and calling something "trash" has been used as "without redeeming qualities" and as a definitely harsh condemnation of poor quality all that time. It's much heavier than "I don't like it".

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