Nice. :D
Adorable. :D
oh damn , i forgot these two for a while, i was like "wait i remember the small one from somewhere" , good manga.
Nice! :D
the last 3 panels seems like a good template for memes, good art actually.
Cute. ^_^
Lovely. ^_^
And that's quite the type our artist has...
Cute. :D
nothing gay going on here, moving on
i want another season ,what a good couple
i think ryoshu could get all the girls in the game...even the side characters
wait lily is canon now? damn at least im not a sick bastard anymore for wanting yuri there since i started duolingo long ago.
i keep thinking woman ranma was a better couple than male ranma
damn i dind't notice the matching accesories before.
canon small pomni
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