Pinky Candy Kiss is only four volumes so far, vs the ten (finished) volumes of Even Though We're Adults, but i don't see that story coming to a halt any time soon.
unrelatedly: Way too many Adult Yuri series have at least one of the characters be married, and I really don't get what the deal is with that…
Because if you're having your gay awakening well into life previously living as a supposedly normal hetero, then the odds of you being in a comphet relationship is high, and part of the heteronormative prescriptive life journey is inevitably marriage. It's common in fiction because it's sadly common in real life, although thankfully getting less so with the youngest generations as people are less likely to need until they're in their 30s to finally crack that egg, thanks to mainstream queer representation and the Internet connecting social minorities more easily than in the past.
Edit: and this is not remotely a Japan specific pattern or problem, especially for bi people, as both characters on Pinky Candy Kiss pretty explicitly are.
last edited at Feb 20, 2025 6:46PM