Forum › Yuri/GL recommendations where main characters are adults?

joined Aug 11, 2024

Hey hey~ I used to come to this site all the time many years ago, but I sort of fell out of touch with manga/anime for the last few years (with very few exceptions like spy x family and heavenly delusion).

Recently I read+watched "She loves to cook, She loves to eat", plus watched "Ayaka is in love with Hiroko" and "Chaser Game W". Now I'm watching The Fragrance You Inherit (can't seem to find the manga this is based off of anywhere, so if anyone knows where to find it that would be really appreciated too).

I realized I actually kinda of miss GL! Thing is, most of the ones I heard of are either of underage girls (which is fine but I am not really in the mood for that right now) and/or are hyper-sexual? Not in the "oh they are having sex" sense, but in the "her boobs are bigger than her head and there are plenty of panty shots" sense. So yeahhh. I became a boring old woman and am not too into that anymore >_> So if anyone could recommend me some stories here I would really appreciate it!! It can be slice-of-life or have an engaging storyline (which I actually tend to find harder to find??)~

Anyways, thank you all in advance!!

TL;DR: Can anyone recommend me some really good yuri mangas/anime/live action/series where the main characters are adults?

joined Aug 11, 2024

I'm not sure how to properly reply here but @rainbow8: yup, I did try the tag! But it's mixed with doujinshi, one-shots, etc, and I wanted something longer... Not sure if there's a way to sort so only multi-chapter mangas show up? And since I'm also open to live action / series, I thought it would be best to ask :') Also, I'm not opposed to some NSFW -- just as long as it's not the main thing, you know? And it's not hyper-sexual (which I guess also makes it harder to look up via tags haha)

Thank you for the recommendations!! I will check them out <3

joined Dec 20, 2018

Individual tag pages have separate sections for groupings and one-shots, this should help a little.

Also, for any future requests (as well as possibly finding other replies to similar ones), there's already the Yuri Manga Recommendations thread.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Outside of a couple specific examples focusing on more sexual elements, Yuri in my years of personal experience doesn't have a lot of fanservice along the lines of panty shots, or even excessively huge boobs. Though definitions of fanservice can vary, and what qualifies as Yuri. There's a lot of casual and grounded day to day life Yuri manga out there. For some years with manga we've had a solid split between adult stories and coming of age stories. Some of those coming of age romances are also genuinely excellent in my opinion, and I'd recommend some of those as well if you were ever curious, but if they're not your thing at all that's also fair.

Anyhow though with adult centered stories, on the strictly non-sexual side of things there's this story with the Aro/Ace tag, - That's by the same author as "Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend" that Rainbow8 recommended.

Moving forward, you mentioned Ayaka is in love with Hiroko and Dynasty has other works by that author, - But be warned, some of her works can be a lot more intense and messed up, "Black & White" is very violent and abusive, be sure to look at all of the tags on that work and each chapter.

Adult Life is a tag I'd recommend like Rainbow8, and repeating myself a bit make sure you look at all the tags on a work, including chapter specific tags, while the tagging isn't perfect that should help you find works you're comfortable with, and avoid ones you aren't so comfortable with. Also be sure to check the 3 different tabs when you click a tag like Adult Life, those being "chapters", "groupings", and "one shots". Groupings will show you longer series with their covers that are completed and ongoing, also anthologies of short stories, that can be an easy way to browse. "One Shots" can be good if you don't mind short stories, and browsing through them individually.

Also here's two series that "Adult Life" isn't tagged with, but centers around adults are these two: 1: - That's a Chinese comic, it has gorgeous full color art, one of the characters is 19 if I remember correctly, the other is in her 20s, in my opinion the age gap between them is handled respectfully, but if you're not comfortable with that I understand. 2: is a manga about college life, where a woman looking for love encounters different women that are attracted to her for a different reason generally based off a sense. That's more on the rom-com end.

joined Aug 11, 2024

Ahh, I didn't know about the groupings thing :0 Admittedly, it had been a while since I last used dynasty (when I was hospitalized, and before that it had been a few years... back then I usually actually went more for one-shots and fanart haha).
Also as I mentioned I don't mind some nsfw, but quite a few ones I've seen in the past were a bit over the top (then again it depends on the definition of yuri). And I'm open to some live action stuff too -- I quite liked the ones I saw this year! Happy to see Japan veering into lesbian series with actresses!!

@FluffyCow thank you for the recs, I will check them out!! <3

joined Aug 11, 2024

Oh and forgot to mention! I'm okay with some coming of age and non-adult characters (used to love Their Story but then I can't remember if it went on hiatus or if I just got busy), but I do vastly prefer when it's centered around adults :)

joined Jan 14, 2020

I'm not sure how to properly reply here but @rainbow8: yup, I did try the tag! But it's mixed with doujinshi, one-shots, etc, and I wanted something longer... Not sure if there's a way to sort so only multi-chapter mangas show up? And since I'm also open to live action / series, I thought it would be best to ask :') Also, I'm not opposed to some NSFW -- just as long as it's not the main thing, you know? And it's not hyper-sexual (which I guess also makes it harder to look up via tags haha)

Thank you for the recommendations!! I will check them out <3

I think the Series checkbox limits to only series. Then there's Status:Completed

joined Sep 27, 2017

FluffyCow thank you for the recs, I will check them out!! <3

You're welcome. There's some fun and genuinely wonderful series on here I think, so I hope you enjoy your stay and that your search is bountiful.

joined May 3, 2020

So yeahhh. I became a boring old woman


these are the things I read this past half year, which I really enjoyed:

  • Still Sick
  • Black & White
  • Seagull Villa
  • Run Away with me Girl
  • Maitsuki, Niwatsuki, Ooyatsuki
  • Ah... and Mm... Are All She Says
  • Suito-to!
  • 2DK, G-pen, Alarm clock
  • A Fruitless Betrothal
  • Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep


  • The Love Doctor
  • Chasing Lilies
  • After the Curtain Call
  • Wish you were gone
  • After Hours
  • Just Friends
  • Killing Mr Park
  • Alter Ego
  • With Her Who Likes My Sister
  • She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat
  • Dallae
  • Senpai, Oishiidesu ka?
  • I Love You So Much, I Hate You
  • Ring my Bell
  • Blooming Sequence
  • Sora & Haena! (Side Stories) (NSFW)

These are ongoing works that I'm still enjoying:

  • Long Awaited Feelings
  • Stupid Womæn 26:00
  • A Lying Bride's Case for Same-Sex Marriage
  • Hanamonogatari
  • Other Than My Friend's Sister, Something Else (NSFW)

there's probably also a bunch i read but didn't enjoy, or that i found disappointing or forgettable

last edited at Dec 23, 2024 2:15PM

joined Aug 11, 2024

So yeahhh. I became a boring old woman


Haha, what happened to us?? :')

Thank you for the list!!! Wow, I will have a lot to read now <3 <3

joined May 3, 2020

Haha, what happened to us?? :')

in my case: my daughter learned to walk and speak, then we had Covid lock downs, despite being very careful i managed to get Covid, then we moved to the countryside of a new (for me) Country, and then i turned forty.

despite that, I managed to do at least one fun thing this year: girls dance night out! after which I taxied five drunk (straight) women in my tiny car. hope i can repeat that before the end of the year!

last edited at Dec 23, 2024 3:13PM

joined Aug 11, 2024

Haha, what happened to us?? :')

in my case: my daughter learned to walk and speak, then we had Covid lock downs, despite being very careful i managed to get Covid, then we moved to the countryside of a new (for me) Country, and then i turned forty.

despite that, I managed to do at least one fun thing this year: girls dance night out! after which I taxied five drunk (straight) women in my tiny car. hope i can repeat that before the end of the year!

Wow, that's awesome!! I moved a bit around too haha. And hope you can repeat that -- it sounds fun!

joined May 3, 2020

using my list here as reference for what to put here

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