Forum › Island You Can't Leave Without Teetee-ing discussion

joined Apr 27, 2013

Did someone forget to downscale the images?

joined Aug 2, 2023

In re people (including myself) complaining about Windyfall recently: This one is better than Her Tactics to Get Friendly. Could have used some better TS, but as they're searching for a typesetter, that's fair.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Between here and Mangadex, I feel like poor quality translations are becoming the norm, I see them on the dayly.
And it's starting to get really annoying.

joined Jun 29, 2024

In re people (including myself) complaining about Windyfall recently: This one is better than Her Tactics to Get Friendly. Could have used some better TS, but as they're searching for a typesetter, that's fair.

I understand from the other thread that they've got hiring problems and are lacking at least a TS and probably a PR as well, and that sucks and is not an easy problem to solve, but it does kind of beg the question of 'why release this now when you could hang onto it for a bit and release something better quality'.

The text is understandable but really needed a good PR pass to make it flow better and catch some wonky word choices and gently dissuade whoever thought


would look good.

joined Oct 25, 2023

What's up with the title? I read this with apprehension because I'm not into pee play but there's none of that.
Where I'm from, "tee-tee" is an extremely childish term for pee (basically toddlers will use it).

Why was that the term chosen for the title?

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