Forum › A Song by the Loom for the Autumn Storm discussion

joined Mar 4, 2018

Another sweet one today!

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

Sweet story but yeah this is one of those stories where the gender, age and physical appearance of the characters changes things. It's also the energy, mutual attraction of the characters, and how they come across to each other, under any other context this would have been so creepy lol. I suggested adding the stalking tag in the suggestion box but I suspect it's going to be rejected, as that would probably change the context of the story, though it would very much fall under that category.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Sweet story but yeah this is one of those stories where the gender, age and physical appearance of the characters changes things. It's also the energy, mutual attraction of the characters, and how they come across to each other, under any other context this would have been so creepy lol.

Well, that’s the point of context—it doesn’t mean much to say that if the story were different, it would be different. The events and actions don’t exist in isolation where they can be judged “objectively.”

There’s a whole series of jokes/memes that consist of brutally simplistic paraphrases of famous works:

  • Two teenagers disobey their parents and then kill themselves. (Romeo & Juliet)

  • A poor girl agrees to marry a rich man after he goes blind. (Jane Eyre)

  • A kid goes into outer space and finds his long-lost dad, who cuts off his arm. (Star Wars)

Well, yes to all. But there’s more to it than that . . .

last edited at Jul 9, 2024 8:49PM

joined Jan 8, 2016

Sweet story but yeah this is one of those stories where the gender, age and physical appearance of the characters changes things. It's also the energy, mutual attraction of the characters, and how they come across to each other, under any other context this would have been so creepy lol.

Well, that’s the point of context—it doesn’t mean much to say that if the story were different, it would be different. The events and actions don’t exist in isolation where they can be judged “objectively.”

There’s a whole series of jokes/memes that consist of brutally simplistic paraphrases of famous works:

  • Two teenagers disobey their parents and then kill themselves. (Romeo & Juliet)

  • A poor girl agrees to marry a rich man after he goes blind. (Jane Eyre)

  • A kid goes into outer space and finds his long-lost dad, who cuts off his arm. (Star Wars)

Well, yes to all. But there’s more to it than that . . .

Right, there are tons of little cues that play a part too. There WAS mutual interest, she wasn't weird or invasive about it, and so on.

joined Mar 13, 2018


joined Nov 6, 2021

i see it as having a crush on a "model" on the flier, thinking of them as a celebrity and they aren't sure if they will have to directly interact or live in the same roof but will try to see them since they are hooked including that farm life and having those wishes in knowing their crush. Stalkers are those having unhealthy obsessions to the point of harassment or their presence is not to the knowledge of the person that they stalk and not giving them their privacy. To mind you, FL approach her crush with respect to her space, spend time with her to know her fully and she didn't immediately pursue her that will make MC uncomfortable. Context of creepy should only be used to those with actual bad intentions or you'll just judging someone tbh when it was MC's decision to put her picture on a flyer and at advertisment at that to INVITE people at their farm.

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