Forum › A Tall Girl Meets Hasshaku-sama discussion

joined May 5, 2020

Po nyo...

joined Jan 9, 2017

why is this tagged as "ghost"? isn't Hasshaku-sama more of a cryptid?

A wraith

joined Nov 5, 2017

A neverending cycle

joined Oct 29, 2023

The only one I know that says Popopo is the one at nhen, so I was surprise to see one here, I don't read copypasta I just learned just now it came from that. The only one's I know is Jack, Eye less Jack? Something about an axe,
and such that most people know. Anyways I knew them from yt from someone drawing them and telling their story.

joined Jun 12, 2023

This is cute! LOL

joined Sep 10, 2023

po from kungfu panda mentioned

joined Sep 13, 2018

i have seen a few representations of that ghost , does she only says "po" all the time tho? seems like a pokemon to me.

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