Forum › This too is one form of happiness discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

so I can see her going down a similar path to Patchouli's, except with more mushrooms.
except with more mushrooms.
more mushrooms.

More mushroom

Sheer power + mushrooms, Marisa would love it!

joined Sep 17, 2014

I don't know if it's the original or the translation but damn that dialogue is bad. So unnatural and robotic.

There are some attempts at sounding deep and poetic by the author (when it comes to some of Alice's lines). They're hard to translated without butchering the purpose of the sentence.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I'm way too much of a RemiSaku shipper, the thing that hit me the hardest was Remilia's expression and words on page 11. She's so much sadder. Alice holding Marisa's scarf was was also bittersweet.

Everything made even more sense in retrospect; great, natural storytelling but what a hit in the guts.

"Please refer to it as 'passionate researching'." Best line.

I like that this doujin addresses the close existence of the Netherworld and other realms of the dead, the possibility of contact after death but also the inevitable restrictions which must be imposed. I'm impressed with how it successfully deals with mortality while sticking to the canon feeling and rules.

Matsune Hiku
joined Jul 4, 2020

lik dis if u cri evritim ;-;

joined Jun 24, 2021

the clues were piling up and when they revealed that she was actually already dead, damn, the title was right, this too is one form of happiness, even after death. that was really surprising.

last edited at Jul 27, 2021 9:56AM

joined Apr 18, 2023

oh man this is sweet and depressing at the same itime

joined May 25, 2020

'oh wow, a good MariAli doujin that didn't mention death'

'wait what do you mean long time no see??'

'why previous generation???'

'ah f*ck'

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