Manga creator Namori confirmed on Saturday that production on a third season of the Yuruyuri television anime has been green-lit. The announcement was made on the stage monitor at the "Yuruyuri Nachu Yachumi! P's Live Chokuzen! Goraku-bu Live Playback" event, which was streamed on Niconico.
The Yuruyuri anime adapts Namori's manga about four fun-loving schoolgirls who take over the former room of a tea ceremony club for their own "Goraku-bu" (amusement club). The four voice actresses of the club members — Shiori Mikami (Akari Akaza), Yuka Ōtsubo (Kyōko Toshinō), Minami Tsuda (Yui Funami), and Rumi Ookubo (Chinatsu Yoshikawa) — appeared in Saturday's talk event before their P's Live 02 ~Love&P's concert on Sunday.