Forum › The Series of Life ch04 discussion

joined Apr 23, 2014

This was amazing. Introspective tends to be confusing and symbolism-based, however, this doujin did a swell job laying out the idea in a interesting and understandable format.

Although being confused does force me to look deeper into myself for a answer, which I don't mind.

In any case, this was good. Real good.

joined May 30, 2013

Although Yukari keeps telling Reimu that fear is what youkai desire the most, all the evidence points to the fact that Yukari desired love instead.

It was clear that all Yukari wanted was love, but because she feared that the feeling will not be mutual. That she as a youkai will be "cast away when no longer needed" she instead tries to force fear into Reimu so that Reimu will never forget her. Yukari goes to great lengths to intimidate Reimu and convince her that she was in control. But Yukari always fell short. The truth is that Yukari is powerless in the face of her love for Reimu, and when she realized that she could not force herself upon Reimu she accepted that fact. She therefore gave Reimu the power to choose her own fate, because Yukari's love overwhelms any selfish desire she has.

It's almost painful watching Yukari wishing that Reimu would always be by her side, but each time her selfishness became too strong she catches herself and says "but that is just my selfishness..."

last edited at Feb 17, 2015 12:41AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

This artist does these introspective works so well.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Chibi Reimu is a cutie.

And despite being melancholic, it was an incredible story.

Then again, YukaReimu doujins are always welcome.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Good introspection, especially in this Touhou niche, is always incredible.

I would personally wish for more after the end...there are so many paths the story could take and stay true to its original form. But maybe that's part of the whole ordeal, that we decide what path lies ahead for Reimu and Yukari in this timeline.

joined Nov 11, 2014

Ooh, a retrospective doujin that isn't overly pretentious. Me likey.

joined Jan 17, 2014

i ... i dont get it at all ....
still like it ...

joined Jul 8, 2014

This author always seems to find the balance between 2deep4u Evangelion-tier symbolism and telling a a straightforward story about emotion. Love it.

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