I think she's not listening to you
Her smug aura mocks me
Wth thats so cute
Calli your hand is blushing
Thank you Noelle for preserving the innocence of the little terrorist
"A Story of a Cool Woman Who Has a One Sided Crush On a Dense and Irresponsible Woman"
Oh frabjous day! Calooh! Callay!
What an unexpected crossover
Ohhhhh I remember seeing this on twitter before. 10/10 sayotsugu
The skirts aren't yet fully off and there're already lines of hickeys on both. Can't hardly wait, eh.
I didn't expected this...
Dominator is still the coolest gun ever made though.
It meant EXACLTY what you thought it meant bro.
Does this count as a wall pund?
What, this is just an image of Death and her pussy, what is so yuri about it?
These two need more love... preferably from each other.
pussy != pussy
All of this is great. Love Ame's little tongue in the second panel the most.
One day i hope
New target
last edited at Sep 3, 2021 11:53PM
It’s good to see fanarts* of this series.
last edited at Sep 4, 2021 2:46AM
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