Forum › I Don't Want A Happy Ending discussion

joined May 11, 2015

fking good shit yes

joined Jun 28, 2018

I was genuinely concerned for the ending when she left, so glad things came back around

joined Dec 4, 2019

The title got me bracing for impact but it's a curve ball so all safe!

joined Jun 10, 2019

I’m glad she got what she didn’t want! Thank goodness it was a happy ending! Cute kitty too btw

Yuri Yuri nomi
joined Mar 28, 2021

One Shot stories always hits hard in the end.

joined May 8, 2018

I'm just going to say this: My heart!

Okay, this was a satisfying one-shot. Perfectly pace.

joined Dec 13, 2018

i'm still haunted by whether the peasant are ok

joined Oct 30, 2018

Damn that's some good shit. Seriously, if anyone ever questions the validity of manga as compared to novels this is one of the ones you gotta show them. Actually, maybe one with a bit less nudity... not a bad thing, but they could get the wrong idea

And the optimist in me wants to take that as a hopeful ending

joined Oct 9, 2017

Loved it. Thats all I ask for in a story ! Happiness through struggle and nice ending with still more happiness to come.

joined Jan 12, 2021

The ending is great, though it left me wondering if she is actually married and simply decided to visit her or if she ran away and will live with Maria now.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Reminds me of downton abbey, but… gayer.

joined Dec 4, 2017

wow this story speaks volumes about really obtaining your own happiness and rejecting what is "expected" of you. as what is usually "expected" of you is rooted in basless reasoning 95% of the time. like ok if the fate of the world actually depends on you (the protagonist) fucking a man and carrying on your royal family bloodline then ok MAYBE but damn!! don't let anyone tell you how to live your one life!! i don't care how much fuckin societal pressure or tradition is involved, if you think you, a human being, somehow has unlimited power over another human being, enough to effectively change the course of their life and deprive them of happiness, I'm sorry but you are twisted and its people like you that keep us tangled up in the past like a spiders next meal. not to be totally 2013 right now, but YOLO because for all we know we DO only live once, and yeh let's waste it doing what others expect of us despite how unhappy it makes us feel :) and we take it a step further and condition people to think "this is ok" and "it's normal", "its just what ya do, ya know :/" like what? Like, we are on a giant floating rock in space!! start acting like it dammit!! its that damn simple

last edited at Jul 11, 2022 1:35AM

joined Feb 10, 2022

The ending is great, though it left me wondering if she is actually married and simply decided to visit her or if she ran away and will live with Maria now.

I wanted to know that too. Sadly that will remain unanswered. All we could do is speculate. Me personally think she escaped cause she wanted to do what she really wanted.

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