Forum › A First Love's DNA discussion

joined Nov 24, 2016

Is anyone getting Twilight vibes? Like Jacob and Renesmee creepy I'm gonna marry this baby when they're older vibes??
Just me?? Ok...

Not really. The mitigating factor for me is the notion of the kid being the initiator rather than that creepy "imprinting" on the literal baby that is going to have accelerated growth into an adult "We're destined to be together!" thing.

These are going more with "WTF?! My crush's kid has a thing for me!"

last edited at Mar 12, 2021 9:06PM

joined Feb 17, 2020

Wow wow wow wow WOW... Wait how did her hair grew so fast in just one year and a half?

joined Feb 17, 2020

And then the teacher has a kid that falls in love with this kid and the cycle continues indefinitely.

That would be very heartbreaking...

joined Feb 17, 2020

Not an original story

I'd say.

It's literally the same

joined Jul 28, 2019

Not an original story

I'd say.

It's literally the same

Not quite. Same premise, but Kusanagi was about childhood/school friend love. No age gap there. This one has a generational age gap consistency

joined Aug 31, 2017

fucking dejavu

joined Aug 7, 2017

Calm posted:

I'm triggered by the fact that MC's nane is "Teach".

It bugs me so much that it's difficult to enjoy the story.

One, her name (Mayu) is actually used elsewhere. "Teach" is just a truncation of "Teacher", and logically has to be a translation of Japanese Sensei.

Now, if you're mad about the translation erring on the side of localization over accuracy (since sensei doesn't specifically mean "teacher", and this ambiguity is crucial in Japanese), then I sympathize with you.

joined Jun 17, 2018

HOW SHE CLENCHES HER HEART THOUGH. I love this manga, and I can't wait for more chapters from the author!

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