dont think gloria would complain tho
fucking yum
super effective
get fucked (literally?)
fucking delicious
plot twist, gloria has been wide awake
oh to be rotom
to think that we have all become team yell
god fucking bless
I gotta say, mad props to this artist for drawing this pairing. I don’t think they’ve interacted even once in the game (unless they do in the MCH job quest??) but I kinda wanna ship them now lmao
Isn't she going to Australia? Or did I somehow mishear that as Austria like a goober?
She is going home to Austria. The "Australia" thing is a joke cause of the similar name.
^I was waiting for this XD
TeruMokou <3
And this is how i can survive the exam period...
@EnjoyTheNoise @SkyDragon0 Short Answer: Yes and Yes
Ningguang is making sure to not hurt her womens~ that's so cute~
OH MY GOD! I wasn't wasn't expecting a Fu hua x Fu hua, but damn i am not complaining (still crying cause it hurts inside)
Hakanai :y
No yuri I assume in the anime?
Right behind Byleth x Edelgard and Dorothea x Everyone
Byleth x Edelgard
Dorothea x Everyone
Gotta make some time for yourself. Also, even if it's just once as a gag, I really want to see one of these images get a masturbation tag.
@GrimEater, I see the reference
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