-laugh track-
You're up
where is the BDSM tag
Guys just be honest. Or be open about the fact that you like that kind of play.
I though she was gonna say "cause I want to ride you"
its a kiss of a very special agent,, normally, normal creature wont do risky kiss like this
Lumine's harem members are increasing
So I wasn't the only one thinking that Amber was going to say a dirty joke
And this is why there are safe words, use them. Really though this is very funny lol
That damn smile..
Brilliant! :D
Very nice. ^_^
Cute. ^_^
Lovely as always. ^_^
Cool girl
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last edited at Feb 16, 2021 6:04AM
I was shocked, but I like it. It's so unnecessarily cruel, twisted, and dark.... chef's kiss
Then you’re down
^ same
Also, this was based on the news story of the woman in Canada who tried dodging the anti-virus curfew by saying she was on a walk with her pet husband who was on a leash.
last edited at Feb 6, 2021 6:50AM
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