^it's called Dilbert-itis.
Come on maki are you gonna be my best man or not?
^^^^ Imposter
Is Ana the good old ... 10th wheel?
last edited at Dec 21, 2020 12:05PM
^ I hadn't finished the manga when I wrote that comment. And embarrassed myself in the process.
last edited at Feb 8, 2021 6:39PM
One girl thought yuri was about botanical sketches of lilies
One thought it was for yuri comics
One thought it was a threesome xD
It's a complete injustice that "girls in suits" isn't a tag yet...
last edited at Dec 21, 2020 9:17PM
I thought this site could not publish NSFW furry content...
Are they dry humping?
A freaking G Gundam yuri book wow
I never watch Hololive, but I like this
Well of course kissing for the yuri and the references is a win win
Dorime (8)
Uff <3
If they put their heads, and donuts, together, they can make a club that combines their affinities. You got your chocolate in my peanut butter like...
god i love these two
Oh oh!
Kiara's face + Calli's boob, name a better pairing, I'll wait.
It feels nice seeing some more love for Lip. I honestly hated her design before I got her in FGO and gave her a chance, now she's one of my favorites.
MisaKoko fills my heart like chocolate fills Rimi’ a cornets.
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