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joined Jul 26, 2020

what the body needs

joined Oct 1, 2020

Wonderful story. ReiMari's the most popular Touhou ship, exhaustively explored in both fanart and doujins, but it just keeps on giving. I love this particular author's take on their dynamic- rather than having our chad miko mercilessly topping a local witch, we get to see a much more vulnerable and uncertain side to Reimu, while Marisa also comes off as considerably more layered than her standard, 'dumb harem lead' type portrayals. Marisa's the one person Reimu's known since she was a kid, and though she's considerably kinder to her than she is to pretty much anyone else, there's also a sense of vulnerability underneath that kindness. Seeing her struggle to establish the line between friendship and love feels quite realistic, since a common thread running through Reimu's character is that the perfect delineation of duties and functions outlined by her official rank often crumble away when it comes to the ambiguity of personal matters and relationships. And the fact that Marisa understands this, and is willing to help Reimu come to terms with her feelings from a more grounded, supportive perspective while still being honest about her desire for a relationship is a wonderful touch. This doujin reminded about why I like ReiMari as a ship so much, and I'm glad to have read it.

joined Jul 26, 2020

@Kirin Honestly couldn't have said it better. I've been getting tired having seen so many completely one-sided doujinshi on the part of Reimu, but also dislike the kind of harem Marisa that you described. The perfect artist for me regarding any relationship (but especially more for ReiMari) would portray not only each character's strong points, but also their developments, weaknesses, and moments of embarrassment as shown here. I think I'll have to go through the entire tag again lol

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

This is good for my soul. I agree with everything Kirin and きらきら輝いた said; Reimu and Marisa being childhood friends makes them getting together in such a casual way feels...I don't know, natural? And Reimu still being flustered but still very much happy is very nice.

joined Sep 18, 2017

Eyyy, this one finally showed up here. Maybe the one where they get married will show up at some point.

Edit: Small detail I noticed, on the first panel, Aun should have dialogue, see here

last edited at Nov 6, 2020 1:35PM

joined Jul 10, 2015

this is some quality reimari content. also its nice seeing aunn and shinmy just hanging out at the shrine

joined Feb 28, 2015

This was amazing. One of my favorite doujins in a long time. It made me remember he old days I kept readin Touhou djs. I just love everything about thişs . I also liked that Aunn and Shinmyoumaru hangs out at Hakurei Shrine just like a family. Some people just forget Aunn exists. But kinda misses the Suika.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Oh my god that was adorable.

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