My lord xD
Like i know this picture is very adorable but at the same time my eyes keep going to the boobs...
Yeah she is
She stared that hard huh
I like where this is going...
^agreed, i would love to see all of them with either short or long or different styles at least (≧∇≦)
last edited at Jun 19, 2020 11:09PM
The focus
My otp couple! Woooo
Lock the door! Ifrit might see you and ask nonsense questions..
Don't be shy....
^ ah, the innocence of youth
Finally some Texusai..
Fan arts.. before release...hell yeah..
Saw this on twitter and now it's here
.> cute
That awkward moment when the play fighting turns into something else.
@Zexalfan Yeah, Shinobu was eaten by a demon and after the final battle Mitsuri succumbed to injury off screen
Love this ship
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