Aww so cute
This is the superior pairing.
B+ for Effort
I'd recognize that style of shading and faces anywhere.
^It is from the LN, the 7th one, Idk if they redrew it or just colored it tho, but the colors are really fucking pretty and they make the image shine.
last edited at Mar 21, 2020 4:01AM by
There's never enough Mako X Ryuuko in this world
Just as a new chapter comes out for it too.
So I acknowledge the ecchi up front, but I'm focusing on the heart attack inducing, lovey dovey moment in the background.
Nice. It's really felt like Nemoto has fallen to the wayside ever since Asuka showed up, and while Asuka is my favorite, it's good to see some Nemoto too.
Oh wow. This author's faces look so different in color and with hair to cover up those hard edges.
My fav artist... <3
Don't open up old scars pleeeeasee...
Max's life is strange
mother's day is asuka's favorite holiday
Mmmmm... I don't know how to feel about this image... I love the ship, but hate the author, so... mmmmmmm...
Byleth and Edelgard reached A-support
Cute. ^_^
That looks tasty.
Hugs cure jealousy.
Beautiful! ^_^
I was chosen by heaven
Better than anything I could ever do.
Life Stranged Me Because I’m Gay
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