Kuroki: They want my shit shaped chocolates that bad huh
aaaa the art is so pretty! makes me feel warm
lisa b like ;3
Sad to say it'll mostly never happen knowing the fate sieres they all will marry shiro in the end
miku two electric boogaloo
Mmm... Momiji's abs...
@Zexalfan you could also ship Sothis in Golden Deer...but yeah Dorothea’s better sorry Sothis it’s awkward dating a god
I really love Fly's style.
Honestly, this is probably my favorite ship in all of anime.
Sick moves, Nico-chan.
Go for it!
^ Oh, fuck!
She's to much of a shut in to exercise
Ah, good old Lesbian Space Insurance Fraud.
I like how Edelgard looks affronted.
?? How dare you be this sexy right in front of me!
These fan arts make me think the title of this manga is completely wrong. :P
Are these two canon? I have not watched this anime but might start if they are!
Why work for her own abs when she can just fondle Momiji's?
^Emperor of Fódlan, Queen of her Heart.
HSHSHHhhshhsjwijjjshshhw wAAAAAAAA
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