Didn't know there was a movie of this
There's a movie?
There's more than one. TCOOS was filmed many times.
There's one with Boris Karloff as Nahum. This one has absolutely nothing in common with the original story, except a few characters and the meteorite from outer space, which makes things mutate and turns people into demonic bogeys. The name of this movie is "Die, Monster, Die!" (And you can deduce from this name how little the movie has to do with the original tale, lol.)
There's another one with Nicholas Cage as Nahum (renamed Nathan) which was filmed last year. I've heard it's good, but haven't watched it. The script retells the story in a modern, contemporary setting.
I'm sure there were others, but off the top of my hat I can't remember 'em.
last edited at Jan 28, 2020 6:31PM