In case you're wondering, Monty has stated that there will be queer characters and has hinted that some of the main cast are gay. In addition, apparently the entire cast thinks blake x yang is great. I haven't heard anything about weiss x ruby yet but I'll be sure to let you know. Also, Blake x Yang is the second favorite ship among fans, after pyrra x jaune.
As for the show itself I like but then again I generally just like Rooster Teeth.
To be as unbiased as possible I would say the show has great fights (duh, its Monty Oum) good music and that sort of cult classic appeal, plus decent, likable characters (All of Team RWBY, Sun and Penny most notably)
Be warned it does have its fair share of awkward animation, largely because its made by about ten to fifteen people. By comparison, a standard animation team has about 150 members.