Forum › Dragon Killer discussion

joined Jan 17, 2017

I really like that kind of battles with massive creatures <3

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Always good to see Meiling being badass.

joined Jul 22, 2014

Nice to see Ran out and about.
Say I don't quite get what Yukari said to Remi at the end, is it equal blackmail to keep her quiet?

joined Jun 27, 2015

Comedy, apparently.

joined Jun 30, 2015

There seems to be something odd that Yukari alludes to about Meiling's existence at the end.

joined Jul 20, 2011

That said, the source of Dracula's name was...

..."Drăculea", Romanian for "son of the dragon", so called after his father Vlad II's monicker "Dracul", (Vlad "the dragon").

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

meiling defeated a giant catfish in her sleep,this much wont be to difficult

joined May 16, 2021

Is it just me or does Yukari looks sleep deprived, as though she had to solve multiple cases of incidents that are happening simultaneously.

Great story overall : D

joined Oct 16, 2022

Meiling so badass she even got her title as a “Dragon Killer”!

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